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Mapping and Tracking Agriculture Investments in Africa Agriculture Policy Exchange and Learning Event, Dakar, Senegal 13-16 May 2013 Stella Massawe, Joseph.

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping and Tracking Agriculture Investments in Africa Agriculture Policy Exchange and Learning Event, Dakar, Senegal 13-16 May 2013 Stella Massawe, Joseph."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping and Tracking Agriculture Investments in Africa Agriculture Policy Exchange and Learning Event, Dakar, Senegal 13-16 May 2013 Stella Massawe, Joseph Karugia and Paul Guthiga

2 AgInvest portal: adding value to existing initiatives 1. Project data - multiple sources 2. Collate & organize; one database; common key variables 3. Spatial variables mapping PORTALPORTAL 4. GIS tools, other data sets spatial analysis Generate decision support information Address policy questions 4. GIS tools, other data sets spatial analysis Generate decision support information Address policy questions

3 Information available in AgInvest Variables documented: Intervention (project/programme) name Objectives Time frame Project cost Funding agency Implementing agency Source of information/reference

4 Interactive map of Agriculture Interventions

5 Project list

6 Informing policy interventions………..

7 Project numbers and Length of Growing Period (LGP) More interventions in high potential areas Not necessarily food insecure areas Efforts to enhance distribution of food from surplus to deficit areas

8 Accessibility to market centers 40% of projects are in areas with low market access Full potential cannot be realized

9 Project numbers and Poverty High poverty, fewer Agdev. Interventions range management, livestock trade, water harvesting, irrigation, ? Targeting Good development outcomes (poverty reduction and food security)?

10 Some of the questions that can be addressed by GIS tools What/where are the investment gaps? Who can we partner with? Right projects in right areas? – market access, dairy, perishable, livestock etc Others? What mutual accountability related data would your country want to see represented using GIS tools?

11 Acknowledgements USAID Colleagues in IFRPI and ILRI Government ministries Agricultural Cooperative Development International/Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance (ACDI/VOCA) African Development Bank (AfDB) Agricultural Market Development Trust (AGMARK) Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) European Union (EU) Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) The Department for International Development (DFID), International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) The Development Gateway, The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Kilimo Trust NEPAD The World Bank ……………………………

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