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Orientation to Nursing II Mental Health Rotation Professor Fickley- A Steeler Fan!!

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1 Orientation to Nursing II Mental Health Rotation Professor Fickley- A Steeler Fan!!

2 On the Web CT site ……. Mrs. Fickley’s FRONT DOOR!!!! COURSE MATERIALS!!!!! More than one page!!!! dex?page=instructor&id=001176fbc20ff49d 98f40001580 dex?page=instructor&id=001176fbc20ff49d 98f40001580

3 MH Triple PLAY!!!!! 1. Theory 2. Community Experience 3. Clinical Experience

4 1.Theory Theory : Townsend & Lilley Topics: Power Points Outline Mood Disorders Anxiety and Related Disorders Substance Abuse Crisis Intervention/Suicide (Chapters are posted on the Front Door)

5 To be Successful: You MUST read your textbook Neurobiology and its association with Behavior (review) Mood Disorders Substance Disorders Anxiety and Related Disorders Crisis Intervention/Suicide Use your disc in the back of the text Resource list on page Learning Questions Study Mate activities

6 Psychopharmacology Use both the Townsend text and Lilley text for medication readings

7 2.Community Experience AA GUIDELINES/ ASSIGNMENT with Rubric AA MEETING SCHEDULE (scroll to printable schedule) DUE Date: to Mrs Fickley via email BEFORE March 23th, 2007

8 Goal: Observe Group Process and Value of AA Groups Regular Clothes Only O meetings Not CLOSED meetings Big Book Meetings 3-4 Students MAX Various Responses Assignment on FRONT DOOR Write paper; due FRIDAY the week of your attendance to Ms Fickley Reason for being there is….(You are a student!)

9 Introduce yourself at the AA meeting… You are a student nurse, learning about substance abuse this semester. By attending a meeting, you will be able to share with future patients, who have alcohol problems, the good work that is done by AA. Do NOT make up a story.

10 3.MH Facility Experience Will Rotate out to Lakeside Alternatives on a Monday!!! See schedule!!! Info is on MS FICKLEYS FRONT DOOR Schedule: Come on exact date!!!!! Welcome to Lakeside Guidelines IPR Guidelines and Blank IPR Rubric and Student Evaluation

11 GOALS??? To Communicate with a patient who has a mental health disorder To assess symptoms in patients experiencing mental health disorders To observe group process To participate in an activity, psycho - educational or art group

12 Basics are on Ms Fickley Front Door!! Wear your community uniform: Closed toe shoes, no jewelry except wedding band, leave valuables at home Bring lunch or lunch money SEE MS FICKLEYS FRONT DOOR for details!!! Assignments: Due Friday of the week of your experience to Ms Fickley OR MS Richards IPR ( see FRONT DOOR for Guidelines and blank) Rubric for starting an interaction Via Email to Professors!!!

13 Schedule/Readings/Assignments Community Group Clinical 8Hour Day Theory Mood Disorder Anxiety Disorder Crisis Intervention Substance Abuse AA Paper IPR Start an Interaction/ evaluation Readings from Townsend: 10,15 10,16,17 9 +suicide from 15 10,13 +Lilley

14 Quickie Quiz!!! Where is MH info? (hint !! 2 places!!) Where is info on AA? Where is info on Lakeside? We will have a great Lakeside Day!!!

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