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How to Create a Tech-savvy Staff Computers in Libraries Conference 2006 Chippewa River District Library Training for Staff & Patrons in Public Libraries.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Create a Tech-savvy Staff Computers in Libraries Conference 2006 Chippewa River District Library Training for Staff & Patrons in Public Libraries."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Create a Tech-savvy Staff Computers in Libraries Conference 2006 Chippewa River District Library Training for Staff & Patrons in Public Libraries Travis J. Bussler Network Administrator Chippewa River District Library

2 How to Create a Tech-savvy Staff Patrons expect more technology from libraries than ever before and with that, the library staff members need to support it. This includes the IT department (if there is a formal one), Reference Staff, Circulation Staff, and everybody else that the library employs.

3 CRDL Background A Small Class 6 Library Veterans Memorial Library 5 Branch Libraries 3 Affiliate Libraries 50+ Employees Technology 120+ Computers 12+ Servers Fiber, Frame Relay, Wireless and VPN Technology Staff Technology Coordinator Network Administrator Network Assistant 3 Part-time Computer Tech Pages

4 Why Does the IT Staff Need a Tech- savvy Staff? To make everybody’s job easier To be able to communicate effectively To offer the best support we can to our patrons

5 Problems in the beginning. Reported Problem: The network is down Actual Problem: The Neopets website is down Reported Problem: The copier is broken Actual Problem: The copier is out of paper

6 What is needed? Assessments, Assessments, Assessments! Training, Training, Training! Documentation, Documentation, Documentation!

7 Assessments All staff members need to assess where they are when it comes to technology, and where they need to be. Types of Assessments Written Verbal Hands-on Self

8 Assessment Example

9 Assessments – What to Assess? Basic O.S. Functions Basic Office Productivity Software Functions Automation Software Operation and Policies Library Website Features and Navigation Applicable Hardware (Printers, Scanners, USB Drive, etc.) Other Technology Assessments Based on Each Individual's Job Function.

10 Training Types of Training In-house Workshops CD-ROM Online Community College & University Books (IT Staff use these things constantly) What to train on Everything that is relevant!

11 Training Tips Make Training Mandatory Short Training Sessions Organize the Staff into Groups of Similar Skill Levels Stay Focused Make the Training as Interactive as Possible Go Slowly and Give Plenty of Practice Time Repetition

12 Training Tip (continued) Offer CEU’s Offer the Training to Other Libraries or Organizations Let Staff Share Experiences With Each other Use a Variety of Trainers and Techniques. Let Staff Members Bring Drinks (non- alcoholic) into the Computer or Training Lab.

13 Documentation Items to Document Everything Instructions FAQ’s Cheat Sheets Etc. Tips Keep it simple Use lots of Pictures Have print and electronic copies available.

14 Documentation Example

15 Conclusion Assessments + Training + Documentation = Tech-savvy Staff

16 Special Thanks Monica Fox CRDL Technology Coordinator Bill Wohlgamuth CRDL Network Assistant Lise Mitchell CRDL Director

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