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The NSF MARGINS Concept Interdisciplinary Initiatives developed from community workshops 1988-2000 –All “cross the shoreline” –Active processes –Focus.

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Presentation on theme: "The NSF MARGINS Concept Interdisciplinary Initiatives developed from community workshops 1988-2000 –All “cross the shoreline” –Active processes –Focus."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NSF MARGINS Concept Interdisciplinary Initiatives developed from community workshops 1988-2000 –All “cross the shoreline” –Active processes –Focus Sites concentrate resources The Machinery: Independent NSF Panel funds all science proposals: reviewed, competitive Steering Committee (MSC) represents Community –Logistics and coordination: MARGINS Office Broad focus: evolution of continental margins

2 A Global Program All Focus Sites are outside the U.S. Many have major International Partners Diverse sets of data –Onshore and Marine –Geophysical, Geological, Geochemical, … –Archival and Real-time The program only succeeds through international engagement

3 94 projects, 182 grants, ~120 PI’s Many data types, onland, marine, … Funding Summary (through FY08)

4 Initiatives SubFac: The Subduction Factory SEIZE: Seismogenic Zone Experiment S2S: Sediment Source to Sink RCL: Rupturing Continental Lithosphere SubFac, SEIZE RCLSEIZE SubFac S2S Focus Sites

5 Four Initiatives How do continents grow? –composition: The Subduction Factory –mechanics: Seismogenic Zone Experiment How do continental margins change? –material transport: Sediment Source to Sink –mechanics: Rupturing Continental Lithosphere

6 Initiatives & Focus Sites Production, transport & storage of sediments & solutes from source to sink Sediment Source-to-SInk S2S Gulf of Papua Waipaoa, N.Z. Nature and genesis of large subduction- zone thrust earthquakes and the faults that make them Seismogenic Zone SEIZE Nankai Central America

7 Initiatives & Focus Sites The cycling of material, fluids, and energy from trench to arc and deep earth; growth of continents Subduction Factory SubFac Central America Izu-Bonin-Mariana Allied: Cascadia, Aleutians Driving forces for rift initiation, propagation and evolution, from continent to ocean basin Rupturing Continental Lithosphere RCL Gulf of California/Salton Trough Allied: Red Sea

8 Themes and Initiatives How do continents grow? –composition: The Subduction Factory –mechanics: Seismogenic Zone Experiment How do continental margins change? –material transport: Sediment Source to Sink –mechanics: Rupturing Continental Lithosphere Central AmericaIzu-Bonin-Marianas Central AmericaNankai Fly/Papua (New Guinea)Waipaoa (New Zealand) Gulf of California / Salton Trough

9 Initiatives: SubFac Subduction Factory SubFac Central America Izu-Bonin-Mariana Allied: Cascadia, Aleutians 79 NSF-MARGINS Awards Major workshops: 1998, 2000, 2009 Six Site and Topical workshops (site wkshps in 2007) 3 Monographs or Special Issues Energy, mass & chemical balances; effect on continental growth and evolution Subduction parameters as forcing functions: production of magma and fluid Volatile cycles and chemical, physical & biological processes - trench to deep mantle

10 SubFac: IBM 27 NSF-MARGINS Awards Multiple field projects 8 Major Workshops Anatahan Rapid Response

11 Initiatives: SEIZE Seismogenic Zone SEIZE Controls on seismic energy release during Earthquakes Temporal relationships among stress, strain, pore fluid pressure thru seismic cycle Controls on locked, unlocked regions on subduction interface Propagation, slip rates and distribution of fast, slow, tsunamigenic earthquakes Central America Nankai 40 NSF-MARGINS Awards Major workshops in 1997, 2003, 2008 NanTroSeize drilling started Sept 2007 2007 Seismogenic Zone Volume

12 SEIZE: Nankai 11 NSF- MARGINS Awards 6 Major SEIZE Workshops

13 NanTroSEIZE 2006: 3D site survey 2007-8: Chikyu Phase 1 * Integrated thermal modeling; tremor & slip inversions 3D imaging: Splay faults & tsunamis G. Moore et al., in press

14 SubFac/SEIZE: Central America 41 NSF- MARGINS Awards Multiple Field Projects Several integrated workshops

15 Initiatives: S2S Source-to-Sink Fly-Gulf of Papua Waipaoa 1st awards 2003 – 29 NSF-MARGINS Awards to date Major Workshops: 2006, 2009 synthesis Recent Special Issues Complementary CSDMS modeling facility What controls production, transport & storage of sediments & solutes from source to sink? (tectonics-climate-humans) What processes initiate erosion & sediment transfer, and what are critical feedbacks? How do sedimentary processes interact with tectonics, climate & human effects to build a stratigraphic record?

16 S2S: New Zealand 10 NSF- MARGINS Awards 7 S2S Workshops Multiple Field Projects

17 S2S: Papua New Guinea 18 NSF- MARGINS Awards Multiple Field Projects 7 S2S Workshops

18 Initiatives: RCL Rupturing Continental Lithosphere Gulf of California/Salton Trough Allied: Red Sea; Focus Site pre-2006 30 NSF-MARGINS Awards 6 Major workshops: 2000-2009 2 thematic Monographs What forces drive rift initiation, propagation and evolution? How does deformation vary in time & space, and why? How does crust evolve, physically & chemically, as rifting proceeds to spreading? What is role of magmatism and fluids in continental extension?

19 RCL: Gulf of California 22 NSF- MARGINS Awards Multiple Field Projects 6 Major Workshops 2000- 2009

20 RCL: Red Sea Ancillary site 5 NSF- MARGINS Awards before 2006

21 Special Volumes and Books Izu-Bonin-Mariana Subduction System (Kodaira, Pozgay & Ryan, eds.) Special Theme G-Cubed, accepting contributions 2008-2010 Central American Subduction System (Alvarado, Hoernle & Silver, eds.) Special Theme G-Cubed, accepting contributions 2007-2009 Papuan Continuum: S2S (Nittrouer, Slingerland, & Dickens, eds.) Spec. Issue JGR-Earth Surface, March 2008 Waipaoa S2S (Kuehl & Carter, eds.) Spec. Issue Marine Geology, Expected Publication early 2009 Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica, Special Issue (Gill, Reagan, Tepley & Malavassi, eds.) J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 2006 2003 Anatahan Eruption Special Issue (Hilton, Pallister & Pua, eds.) J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 2005 The Seismogenic Zone of Subduction Thrust Faults (Dixon & Moore, eds.), Columbia Univ. Press Sept. 2007. Imaging …. Continental Lithosphere Extension and Breakup (Karner, Manatschal & Pinheiro, eds.), Geol. Soc. SP 282, 2007. Rheology and Deformation of Lithosphere at Continental Margins (Karner, Taylor, Driscoll & Kohlstedt, eds.), Columbia U. Press, 2004. Inside the Subduction Factory (Eiler, ed.), AGU Monogr. 138, 2004.

22 Nature/Science papers: International Partnerships & MARGINS-funded work Nature, in press, Dec. 2007 Geochemical and Geophysical Evidence for Arc-Parallel Flow in the Mantle Wedge Beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua K. Hoernle 1,2, D. L. Abt 3, K. M. Fischer 3, H. Nichols 1, F. Hauff 2, G. A. Abers 4, P. van den Bogaard 1,2, K. Heydolph 1, G. Alvarado 5, J. M. Protti 6, W. Strauch 7 RCL PESCADOR Mexico U.K. SEIZE NanTroSEIZE Japan SubFac TUCAN Germany Costa Rica Nicaragua

23 MARGINS Mini-Lessons Ready-to-use undergraduate learning modules > 30 Mini-Lessons spanning MARGINS science and high- impact results

24 Events in 2009 Major Workshops –April, New Zealand: S2S Synthesis –April-May, Charleston SC: RCL Synthesis –September: Mt. Hood, OR: TEI on Volatiles in the Subduction Factory Education Highlights –Mini-Lesson Testing & Assessment (help needed) –Distinguished Lecture Program Year 5 Decadal Review –Committee met Feb. 2009

25 2009 Decadal Review 102 one-page Research Nuggets from PIs MSC, others wrote Review Documentation –Reviews of 4 Initiatives; management; broader impacts Future Program: –Build a successor program –Is a focused program needed, why not rely upon core funding? –How should program be structured?

26 MARGINS Successor Planning Community-wide workshop Feb 2010 Open to all Draft Science Plan goes to NSF summer 2010.

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