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Topographic Maps What is the terrain?. Palmyra Profiles –From west –From north.

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Presentation on theme: "Topographic Maps What is the terrain?. Palmyra Profiles –From west –From north."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topographic Maps What is the terrain?

2 Palmyra Profiles –From west –From north

3 Laramie Basin or plateau?

4 Bright Angel Supai Fm. (PPs) vs. Bright Angel Fm. (Cba) Which is steeper?

5 Bright Angel Shinumo and Tapeats Downhill: Tapeats - Shinunmo - Tapeats

6 Bob Lakes Valley of Bob Creek What is its shape?

7 Wiggins Peak Drainage divide Ridge line with peaks and saddles

8 Bonner Springs Flat and steep

9 Donaldsonville Uphill to the river!

10 Mount Whitney Mt. Whitney to Mt. Hitchcock

11 Mount Whitney Paternoster lakes

12 Ickesburg Stream drainage Sherman Ridge Buffalo Creek Panther Creek Raccoon

13 Landforms and Drainage Appalachians Ouachitas

14 Landforms and Drainage Basin and Range, Salt Lake Desert

15 Landforms and Drainage Columbia Plateau, Snake River Plain

16 Landforms and Drainage East coast Gulf coast

17 Landforms and Drainage Jemez Mountains

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