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Published byJackson O'Neill Modified over 11 years ago
June 1, 2010 – Applications and County Budgets due County budget populates plan after submission July 1, 2009 – Begin issuing grant awards
Funds may not be obligated prior to July 1 or the date a substantially approvable application is submitted, whichever is last. 50% of grant award amount is available July 1 for obligation; 50% available in October (comes as one grant award). All funds must be obligated by September 30, 2012 Spend IDEA FY 10 carry over, including IDEA ARRA, first
All IDEA $$ are for costs over and above what every student should get through the Public School Support Program the costs of special education and related services for students with disabilities the excess costs of educating students with disabilities supplement, do not supplant, state, local funds and other federal funds
May use IDEA funds for special education, related services and supplementary aids and services for students with disabilities in the general education classroom or other settings; incidental benefit to other students who are not students with disabilities is allowed May use up to 15% of total IDEA (school age and preschool) funds for Coordinated Early Intervening Services for students not identified with disabilities K - 12
High cost consortia To purchase technology for data/IEP case management For schoolwide Title I/IDEA program: limited to per pupil allocation x number of students with disabilities in the program Must spend calculated proportionate amount of IDEA funds on students parentally placed in private schools within the district.
Obtain assistive technology devices and provide training in their use to enhance access to the general curriculum for students with disabilities Provide intensive district-wide professional development for special education and general education teachers that focuses on scaling-up, through replication, proven and innovative evidence-based school-wide strategies in reading, math, writing and science, and positive behavioral supports to improve outcomes for students disabilities. Develop or expand the capacity to collect and use data to improve teaching and learning
Expand the availability and range of inclusive placement options for preschoolers with disabilities by developing the capacity of public and private preschool programs to serve these children Hire transition coordinators to work with employers in the community to develop job placements for youths with disabilities Employment of special education personnel.
Five Year Plan Committee – Special Ed Director is member Data Analysis Achievement on previous WESTEST2 and APTA Dropout, graduation Implementation status of Response to Intervention and Literacy Framework CSADA findings and needs Other monitoring report corrective actions Goals/Objectives/Actions
Ensure schools and county are progressing to establish allowable components of Literacy Framework for reading, math and writing. Ensure Response to Intervention (RTI) is well established at the elementary level and will be implemented at the middle school level for 2010-2011
Goals/Objectives/Activities Enter a special education goal or attach Action Step to an existing goal Include measurable objectives Separate special education goal clearly communicates the special education section of the plan, however - Overall goal applicable to all students reflects collaborative planning; activities using special education funds must have a clear special education purpose
Professional Development Plan activities are goal- specific Use the table provided to enter all PD activities for the goal Provide all information: Date (month/year at minimum) Topic Target audience (special educators; general educators learning to work with special ed students or implement special ed policy) Mode of delivery Funding source (include use of funds here or in subtasks; e.g. stipends, substitutes, trainers)
WRITE or SELECT an ACTION STEP FOR GOAL Subtasks clarify specific activities within the Action Step Check boxes indicate the applicable plan components for the Action Step. Step may serve more than one purpose (e.g. IDEA, Title I), but must clearly describe how funds will be used to benefit students with disabilities (or gifted)
Specify the activity being funded and source of funds (IDEA B, IDEA Preschool, State aid); specify it is for students with disabilities, if it isnt obvious Personnel – FTE and type of position (e.g. multicategorical sp. ed teacher, speech language pathologist, teacher of autism, instructional aide) WVEIS budget includes FTE and program/function code for the specific type
Services – Describe the contracted services to be provided (e.g. physical therapy/occupational therapy; speech) Includes tuition for students placed out of state by DHHR/Courts (state aid) Budget program/function codes specific to the type of service will identify it in the WVEIS budget
Materials/supplies/equipment Be specific; describe what will be purchased and for whom Break down large amounts into specific types, Examples: Supplemental materials – Wilson Reading Technology hardware- computers for SWD General supplies – for special ed classrooms Itemize Equipment $5,000 or over in Compliances – Equipment section Budget codes, including object codes, specify supplemental materials, software, hardware, general supplies
Coordinated Early Intervening Services – include Action Step/Subtask, then describe in full in the Early Intervening Section under Compliances Budget program function codes will begin with 1xxxx to indicate this is a general education expenditure
Services to Students Parentally Placed in Private Schools – Required for Proportionate Share Subtasks specify the services provided to implement service plans May include expenditures for professional development for teachers to work with private school students with disabilities May include materials/supplies/equipment to implement service plans All items remain in control of the public schools and are returned to public schools when no longer needed to provide services to SWD Budget program/function code 5xxxx allows tracking of required expenditures
Facilities If funds are spent on facilities/construction, must include detailed plan under the Compliances section Other Expenditures not included in other steps (e.g., indirect, travel, CSADA teams) Budget code 7xxxx
Compliances – LEA - Special Education Guidance Allocations Private Schools Excess costs Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Early Intervening (CEIS) Equipment Construction
Allocations – Must update Private Schools – Calculation of proportionate amount for students parentally placed in private schools – must check NO box if district has no students or enter number Excess Costs MOE – Maintenance of effort – currently compares 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 when calculating state and local effort Coordinated Early Intervening Services plan has been added Equipment (over $5000 requires permission) Construction (requires permission)
Press the SELECT button to select all the FY11 allocations. If Coordinated Early Intervening Services will be budgeted, enter amount in the box provided and UPDATE.
Districts must annually update the plan for spending a proportionate share of IDEA funds on students parentally placed in private schools through consultation with representatives of private schools to address use of ARRA funds. IDEA funds must be expended Can provide services and equipment/materials for implementing students service plans Cant give funds or property to private schools
District maintains the count of eligible students (not just those receiving services) District enters count into the boxes in the Compliances - LEA-Private Schools screen and Updates to calculate the FY11 required amount These amounts (school age and preschool) show in the budget under program/function code 5xxxx.
Send documentation of adoption of Policy 2419 procedures by the local board (agenda/minutes) either by pdf and e-mail or by mail to Sandra McQuain, OSP Update consultation with representatives of private schools and representatives of parents of students parentally placed in private schools Maintain documentation of consultation (no need to submit to OSP for FY11).
Excess costs are those costs for the education of an elementary school or secondary school student with a disability that are in excess of the average annual per student expenditure in an LEA during the preceding school year for an elementary or secondary school student. CFO reviews information in Excess Cost screen pulled from WVEIS for accuracy in calculating the districts excess cost
If the LEA maintains (or exceeds) its level of local, or state and local, expenditures for special education and related services from year to year, either in total or per capita, then the Part B funds are supplementing those local, or state and local, expenditures and the LEA has met its MOE and supplement/not supplant requirements.
Many districts are failing to maintain effort The plan will not be approved if the district did not maintain level of effort in the most recent year for which data are available, or in the projected budget for FY 11, unless MOE was reduced for a reason acceptable under IDEA Medicaid funds spent for students with disabilities are not counted as local funds for MOE (CFO reports to WVDE and codes in WVEIS for FY11) Box will appear for explanation to be posted within the plan This must be monitored by CFO and special education director each year to ensure the level is maintained.
An LEA may be able to reduce the level of state and local expenditures otherwise required by the IDEA LEA maintenance of effort (MOE) requirements. In any fiscal year that an LEAs IDEA allocation exceeds the amount the LEA received in the previous year, under certain circumstances, the LEA may reduce the level of state and local expenditures by up to 50 percent of the amount of the increase, as long as the LEA uses those freed- up local funds for activities that could be supported under the ESEA.
LEAs will be expected to submit a budget and report information on the use of the freed-up funds. Use new program function code to track freed-up funds was added Check with your Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to ensure reduction for FY 10 was properly coded Amount is reported to OSEP in a new Section 618 report Expenditures will be pulled from WVEIS financial management system
1. The voluntary departure, by retirement or otherwise, or departure for just cause, of special education or related services personnel (paid with state funds and replaced with less costly personnel) 2. A decrease in the enrollment of children with disabilities (for the years in question) 3. The termination of the obligation of the agency, consistent with Part B, to provide a program of special education to a particular child with a disability that is an exceptionally costly program
4. The termination of costly expenditures for long- term purchases, such as the acquisition of equipment or the construction of school facilities 5. The assumption of cost by the high cost fund operated by the SEA under 34 CFR §300.704(c).
If an LEA takes advantage of this provision, the required MOE for future years is reduced consistent with the reduction it took, unless the LEA increases the amount of its state and local expenditures on its own. Amount is calculated on the increase in Section 611 (school age) funds only LEAs that do not meet requirements in annual determinations may not take this reduction
Services for students in K-12 who are not identified as students with disabilities and who need additional academic and behavior supports to remain in the general education environment Must define and identify which students are the recipients of CEIS and track them for two years to document non-eligible or eligible status. WVDE will provide tracking protocol.
1. professional development in research- based academic and behavioral interventions including literacy instruction and adaptive/instructional software 2. evaluation, services and supports including literacy instruction – the WVDE defines literacy as reading, math and writing
CEIS amount is calculated on IDEA, Part B (School Age and Preschool) allocation Funds expended may come from IDEA, Part B only or Preschool Amount and number of students served and identified is reported to OSEP in a new Section 618 report
2006-20072007-20082008-20092009-2010 Number of students without disabilities who received coordinated EIS Number of students without disabilities reported above who were Initially referred and found eligible as students with disabilities (within two years).
Need for program Entrance criteria – definition of student needing additional academic and/or behavior support Describe program, interventions, professional development, curriculum/materials, targeted subject, schools, grades Progress monitoring and exit criteria How funds will be spent
Excel spreadsheet updated for FY11 – e- mail to Sandra McQuain to assist in review of WVEIS budget, or send alternative if available WVEIS budget FTEs, program/function and object codes must be specific and match activities described in the subtasks
Submitted budget from WVEIS will populate the Budgets – LEA Special Education tab in the plan Get it right the first time - work closely with the CFO to match to subtasks Use specific codes from Chart of Accounts Revisions needed must be made after July 1 through the budget revision process Grant awards will not be forwarded until the needed changes are approved by OSP.
2xxxx- Special Education Services (Public) 1xxxx - Coordinated Early Intervening Services 5xxxx - Services for Students with Disabilities Parentally Placed in Private Schools Project Code (43) will identify IDEA funds 00Y87 – MOE reduction funds
When you are finished, go to Printing/Submission – Special Education Click the pdf, review it. Submit Plan sends e-mail to Sandra McQuain When plan is evaluated, a checklist is posted in the plan and an e-mail to you is generated. Go to this screen to see the required revisions. Plan maintains copies of the pdfs.
Sandra McQuain Office of Special Programs (304) 558-2696 Janice Hay Office of Internal Operations (304) 957-9833, ext. 53423
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