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The structure of the Royal Government Page 42. Royal Government Began in 1663 King Louis the of France In 1663 King Louis XIV of France took direct control.

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Presentation on theme: "The structure of the Royal Government Page 42. Royal Government Began in 1663 King Louis the of France In 1663 King Louis XIV of France took direct control."— Presentation transcript:

1 The structure of the Royal Government Page 42

2 Royal Government Began in 1663 King Louis the of France In 1663 King Louis XIV of France took direct control of the government of New France

3 Royal government The king named the two top officials the governor and the intendant. The third key administered in the colony was the bishop.

4 The Governor The governor was the king’s representative.

5 The Intendant the Intendant was the chief administrator. He had the greatest influence he controlled how the money was spent.

6 The Bishop The bishop administered the work of the parish priests and the religious orders. He supervised the work done by the nuns in the hospitals and school.

7 These three top officials formed the sovereign council King IntentantBishop Governor Minister of Marine

8 Governor Kings representative Highest rank in the colony Commanded the soldiers Defense of the colony Indian Affairs Relations with the English colonies

9 Intendant responsibilities Chief administrator Controlled the money Tax collections Justice Granted the seigneuries Arranged for roads to be built Organized trade and industries

10 Bishop Responsibilities Administered the parish priests and religious orders Schools hospitals nuns

11 Captain of the militia Organized the people in times of crisis

12 The fur trade companies Never lived up to their obligation to bring people to New France.

13 Immigrants Only about 10,000 came to New France in 150 years.

14 Immigrants Long sea Voyage Cold winters Indian attacks Very few supplies

15 Males and females In 1663 9 females 1,293 males Something had to be done

16 Engages Hired workers Agreed to come to New France for three years Most returned to France.

17 Soldiers Soldiers sent to New France were offered land at the end of their terms. (21 years)

18 Filles du Roi Young orphan girls 770 in total

19 Minor Criminals Some came to New France to avoid going to prison

20 Captured Children 400 Children captured by the Indians from the new England colonies and sold to the French

21 Natives Many of the French married Native women.

22 Questions When did the king of France take over the administration of the colony? Who was the King of France at the time. What were the three top positions in New France?

23 Questions Explain the main role of each. Who organized the habitants into protecting the colony? What inhibited immigration to New France?

24 Questions Who were the engages? Why did soldiers agree to stay after their term? Who were the Filles du Roi?

25 Questions How else did the population grow? /10


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