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MicroTEC Südwest – Cluster of Smart Solutions Anregungen für Ihre Folien als Botschafter.

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Presentation on theme: "MicroTEC Südwest – Cluster of Smart Solutions Anregungen für Ihre Folien als Botschafter."— Presentation transcript:

1 MicroTEC Südwest – Cluster of Smart Solutions Anregungen für Ihre Folien als Botschafter

2 Cluster MicroTEC Südwest2

3 Cluster MicroTEC Südwest3 Einrichtung/Unternehmen is a value member of the German Cluster

4 Cluster MicroTEC Südwest4 unites more than 350 companies, institutions, universities, and research facilities with more than 1,200 scientists and is one of the largest technology networks in Europe. With global players such as Bosch, Roche Diagnostics, Festo, Daimler, Zeiss, Endress+Hauser, Sick, and Testo, many innovative medium-sized companies, and leading research and development facilities, MicroTEC Südwest forms a cross-sectoral foundation for future pioneering innovations. You can profit as an investor or expert from the unique and innovative business and research location in Southwest Germany.

5 MicroTEC Region - the highest concentration of competences in Europe in smart solutions / microsystems technology 18 research universities 12 higher education institutions 1,200 scientific employees R&D from >300 companies

6 Cluster MicroTEC Südwest6 11 The Cluster Organically grown cluster including 350 actors working interdisciplinarily Highest concentration of competences in Europe along the innovation and value chain > Excellence universities > Research organisations > Small and medium-sized entreprises (SME) are technologically strong > World market leaders Strong technology plattform = Basis for break-through innovations

7 Core Competencies – Complete Value Chain for Smart Solutions Smart Systems Integration Data Management Energy und Data Transfer SiC-Tech for Robust Efficient Sensors in harsh Environment Energy Harvesting Invitro Diagnostic (mobile Labs; fast Blood analysis, Smart Dosing) Gateway for zero and small series production (R2R; Test Card System for Wafer) Ultrathin Chip Tracking System (Sens RFID) Integrated fuel cell Life sciences (Textile Vital)

8 Cluster MicroTEC Südwest8 11 MicroTEC Südwest: Facts and Figures Number of registered actors: more than 350 Number of universities*: 6 universities including 2 so called „Elite-Universitäten“ and 12 universities of applied sciences Number of research organisations*: 18 Fraunhofer and institutes of Baden-Württemberg‘s Innovation Alliance 40 projects including 130 project partners Clustermanagement: 9 employees + partners from closely related projects Management organisation: Fachverband MST BW including over 100 members *Europe‘s highest number of scientists in microtechnologies: > 40 chairs, > 1,200 scientists

9 Cluster MicroTEC Südwest9 « What do we want from you as potential MST cluster partner and what we can offer you …», e.g. MicroTEC Südwest is aiming to work together with leading MST clusters… to raise the overall potential of microsystem technology applications becoming useful solvers of the global challenges of the 21st century and especially to strengthen the position of the European MST actors in the global competition.

10 Cluster MicroTEC Südwest10 We are open to visit you and discuss further steps of cooperation any time…

11 Cluster MicroTEC Südwest11 11 Contact Dr. Christine Neuy Cluster Management MicroTEC Südwest MST BW - Mikrosystemtechnik Baden-Württemberg e.V. Emmy-Noether-Str. 2 D-79110 Freiburg Fon: +49 761 386909-12 Fax: -10 E-Mail: Web:

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