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Version 2012 Updated on 030212 Copyright © All rights reserved Dong-Sun Lee, Prof., Ph.D. Chemistry, Seoul Women’s University Chapter 5 Errors in Chemical.

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1 Version 2012 Updated on 030212 Copyright © All rights reserved Dong-Sun Lee, Prof., Ph.D. Chemistry, Seoul Women’s University Chapter 5 Errors in Chemical Analyses

2 The famous train accident at Montparnasse in Paris: a train from Granville, France on Oct. 22, 1895.


4 The central tendency of a set of results data 1) Average or mean The mean value is the sum of the measured values divided by the total number of values. The sample of n determinations can be designed by : x 1, x 2, x 3, , x n. The sample mean, can be calculated by : x =( x 1 +x 2 +x 3 +  + x n ) / n =  x i / n This sample mean is an estimate of , the actual mean of the population. The mean gives the center of the distribution.

5 2) Median The median(M) is defined the middle value of data points arranged in order of magnitude. Median is the value above and below which there are an equal number of data points. For an odd number of points, the median is the middle one. For an even number of points, the median is halfway between the two center values. The advantage of M over the mean is that a gross error in one result in a small will cause a large error in the mean, but not in M. 3) Geometric mean n G =   x i = (x 1 × x 2 × x 3 ×  × x n ) 1/n

6 4) Harmonic mean H = 1 / [(1/n)(1/x i )] x  G  H 5) Mode The mode (Mo) is defined as the value which occurs most frequently in a sample. Pearson experimental equation : x – Mo  3( x – M) 6) Range ; spread The range is the difference between the highest and lowest values. Range w = x max  x min Estimating the standard error of the mean s x = range / n Mid-range : M = (x max  x min ) / 2

7 Accuracy and precision Accuracy Accuracy refers to the closeness of such measurements to the “true” magnitude concerned. An accurate method of measurement is both precise and unbiased. Accuracy is therefore a generic term for precision and nearness to the truth. The determining factor for the overall error is the largest individual error. The random error may be decreased by a factor  n by repeating the analyses n times. Systemic error may only be eliminated by the elimination of its cause. Precision Precision (or reproducibility) refers to the agreement among repeated measurements of a given sample. Precision shows only how closely many measurements agree, while accuracy shows how closely a method measures what it is supposed to measure. Precision is specified by the standard deviation of the results. Accuracy Total error Nearness to the truthPrecision Systemic errorRandom error

8 Diagram illustrating bias, precision and accuracy. preciseimprecise biased unbiased

9 Expressing precision 1) Deviation : d = | x i  x | Note that deviations from the mean are calculated without regard to sign. 2) Standard deviation The standard deviation measures how closely the data are clustered about the mean. s =  [  (x i  x ) 2 ] /(n  1)  = population SD sum of square degree of freedom A small s is more reliable(precise) than large standard deviation.

10 3) Variance The variance is the square of the standard deviation. V = s 2 4) Coefficient of variation ; measure of precision Relative standard deviation ; R.S.D = s / x Coefficient of variation ; CV(%) = (s / x ) ×100

11 Absolute error and relative error Absolute error = the margin of uncertainty associated with a measurement Absolute error(  ) = E = x i  x t Relative error(  %) = E r = {(x i  x t ) / x t }  100 ex. Tolerance of A class transfer pipet 20 ml  0.03 ml Absolute error =  0.03 ml Relative error =  0.03 ml / 20 ml =  0.0015 Percent relative error =  0.15% Results from six replicate determinations of iron in aqueous samples of a standard solution containing 20.0 ppm iron(III). E = 19.8  20.00 =  0.2 % E r = {(19.8  20.00)/20.0} ×100% =  1%

12 Example of Absolute error in the micro-Kjedahl determination of nitrogen.

13 Signal Analyte concentration 2 (constant systematic error) 1 (ideal pure standard) 3 (proportional systematic error) Representation of systematic errors. W. Funk, V. Dammann, G. Donnevert, Quality Assurance in Analytical Chemistry, VCH, 1995. Systematic error ; determinate error ; bias The difference between the expected value (one-sidedly to higher or lower value) of a characteristic and the true value of the same characteristic. Determinate or systematic errors can be assigned to definite causes. Such errors are characterized by being unidirectional. It is possible to avoid or eliminate systematic errors if their causes are known. Their existence and magnitude characterize the accuracy of a result of measurement. Systematic errors affect the accuracy of results.The accuracy of the results decreases. Constant systematic error: The amount of a systematic error is independent of analyte, which leads to a parallel displacement of the matrix calibration line 2(with constant systemic error) in relation to the calibration line 1(prepared with pure standard solutions). The cause of this error may be the co-detection of a matrix component. Proportional systematic errors : The amount of a systematic error increases or decreases with the amount of analyte. This leads to changes in the slope of the matrix calibration line 3. Examples : method bias, laboratory bias, instrumental bias.

14 Random error ; indeterminate error The difference between the characteristic values obtained from the analysis and the expected value (the mean result obtained by continuously repeated experiments). This error is randomly distributed to higher and lower values. This error is brought about by the effects of uncontrolled variables. Random errors can not be eliminated by corrections. However, their influence on the result can be lessened by using a mean value obtained from several independent determinations. Random errors determine the reproducibility of measurements and therefore their precision. The precision of the results decreases, the scatter increases. Examples : noise of radiation and voltage source, inhomogeneities of solids. Effect of systemic and random errors upon analytical results True value Method 1 Method 2 Method 3

15 MeanTrue valueOutlier Range of random errors Systematic error Schematic representation of systematic and random errors. Helmut Gunzzler(Ed.) ; Accreditationn and Quality Assurance in Analytical Chemistry, Springer, Berlin, 1994, p.106.

16 1) Deviation ; error An error is the difference between a characteristic value and the reference value of that characteristic. Category of errors in routine analytical process 1> sample errors 2> reagent errors 3> reference material error 4> method errors 5> calibration errors 6> equipment errors 7> signal registration and recording errors 8> calculation errors 9> transmission errors 19> errors in the reporting of results 2) Total deviation ; total error The difference between the expected value and actual value. The total error is comprised of systematic and random errors combined. 3) Gross errors A gross error( or blunder) is generated by human mistakes or instrumental and mathematical error sources. 4) Outliers These random errors have to be eliminated for the reason of their large deviation, so that the mean will not be distorted. Types of errors

17 The effect of systematic errors on analytical results Constant errors are independent of the size of the sample being analyzed. Proportional errors decrease or increase in proportion to the size of the sample.

18 Detection of systematic instrument and personal errors Periodic calibration of equipment Detection of systematic methods errors Analysis of standard samples (standard reference materials: SRM) Independent analysis Blank determinations Variation in sample size

19 Summary Average ; mean median Geometric mean Harmonic mean Mode Range Deviation Standard deviation Variance True value Outlier Accuracy Precision Absolute error Relative error Systematic error Random error

20 Q & A Thanks. Dong-Sun Lee / 분석화학연구실 (CAT) / SWU.

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