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1 God’s Design of Society LIFE (protected)LIFE (jeopardized) MARRIAGE & FAMILY (strong & functioning) MARRIAGE & FAMILY (weak & disfunctional) LABOR &

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Presentation on theme: "1 God’s Design of Society LIFE (protected)LIFE (jeopardized) MARRIAGE & FAMILY (strong & functioning) MARRIAGE & FAMILY (weak & disfunctional) LABOR &"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 God’s Design of Society LIFE (protected)LIFE (jeopardized) MARRIAGE & FAMILY (strong & functioning) MARRIAGE & FAMILY (weak & disfunctional) LABOR & PROPERTY (respected & productive) LABOR & PROPERTY (demeaned & wasted) INTEGRITY of COMMUNICATION (consistently states truth ) INTEGRITY of COMMUNICATION (deceitfully professes truth for agendas) HEART ALLEGIANCE (to God) HEART ALLEGIANCE (to self)

2 GOVERNANCE is a Zero-Sum Game 2

3 Alteration of Identity 3 Hebrew namesPagan names Dan-i-el dan=judge; el=GodBel-teshazzar Bel=Marduk; teshazzar=protect Hanan=iah hanan=grace; iah=Jehovah Shadrach ? garbled version of sha=like (m)rdach = Marduk? Mis-sha-el Mis=who; sha=like; el=God Me-sha-ch Me=who; sha=like aku=moon god?? Azr-iah Azr=helper; iah=Jehovah Abed-nego abed=slave; nego=nebo

4 BFM Template "If anyone says to you, 'This was offered to idols,’ do not eat it for the sake of the one who told you, and for conscience' sake... Conscience,’ I say, not your own but that of the other" 1 Cor 10:28-29 4

5 3 Wisdom Principles Principle #1: Pick your battle, but pick one! 5 Principle #2: Seek to separate as peaceably as possible; submission to authority whenever possible Principle #3: sell your proposal on a pragmatic basis

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