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Reducing Falls in Pioneer Lodge.  Each Resident on Admission will have a Fall Risk Assessment – SCOTT FALL TOOL  Each resident’s room will have an environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "Reducing Falls in Pioneer Lodge.  Each Resident on Admission will have a Fall Risk Assessment – SCOTT FALL TOOL  Each resident’s room will have an environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reducing Falls in Pioneer Lodge

2  Each Resident on Admission will have a Fall Risk Assessment – SCOTT FALL TOOL  Each resident’s room will have an environmental assessment on admission and yearly thereafter  Mobility assessments are done on admission and quarterly or if significant change

3 Reducing Falls in Pioneer Lodge  Care aides can reduce falls by  ensuring client has call bell accessible  Ensuring brakes are on the bed, wheelchair  Checking the environment such as moving wheelchair pedals aside  Ensuring if any alarms used are on and working

4 Reducing Falls in Pioneer Lodge  Care aides can prevent falls by  Asking before leaving do you need the bathroom  Are you in any pain  Is there any thing else you need

5 Reducing Falls in Pioneer Lodge Date: Time of Fall: Location: BP________; Pulse_______; Resp______; O2 Saturation_________ Cognitive status contributing factor/how? Alarms needed?_____ Yes/No Type_______ Are they in place now post fall_______ Present Transfer logo Fall related to transfer: Yes/No Does transfer need changing______ Yes/No Transfer changed to_________ Fall related to positioning in chair: Yes/No If yes referral to OT for positioning device Activity of client prior to fall: We they toileted prior to the fall- yes/no Are they on a toileting schedule- yes/no Medications factors: Sedatives/ psychotrophics? Do they have pain management issues- yes/no that may have contributed. Environment a factor________ Lighting________ Bed Height/ Rails___ Too much furniture________ Changes done_____ Recent Change in medical condition: Weaker? Assistive Devices in reach_____ Yes: does client know to use_______ No: Is signage or instruction needed____ Yes: has instruction been done ______ Signage up in room to call for assist_____ Changes to care plan: yes /no Yes changes documented on care plan__________ Communicated to staff on report:yes/no Nurse signature: ____________ Date:__________ Time:_______________ Days reviewed: signature_______________ Date________ Evenings reviewed : signature____________ Date_______ Nights reviewed: signature________________ Date_________ Comments:___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _____ Appendix 2 – Post-fall Problem Solving Tool Post Fall Problem Solving Completed with occurrence report of fall and signed by By witness, unit nurse, care staff By care and nursing staff next consecutive three shifts. After a fall we need to problem solve to prevent this is an important part of prevention of future falls

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