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1 Concept Formation Mr. payad CSU San Marcos. 2 Review What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall? What does the term “superpower” mean? What is the Cold.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Concept Formation Mr. payad CSU San Marcos. 2 Review What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall? What does the term “superpower” mean? What is the Cold."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Concept Formation Mr. payad CSU San Marcos

2 2 Review What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall? What does the term “superpower” mean? What is the Cold War? What is MAD? How does this concept affect the Cold War? How does the idea of competing economies affect the Cold War?

3 3 Question Given the climate of the Cold War what kind of policy did the U.S. take toward the Soviet Union?

4 4 Document A Please take a moment to read the document. Discuss the document with your neighbor. What is document proposing? Answer the questions in column A.

5 5 Document B Please take a moment to read the document. Discuss the document with your neighbor. What is document proposing? Answer the questions in column B.

6 6 Cold War Alliances

7 7 SEATO Formed in 1954 Member Nations Australia France New Zealand Pakistan Philippines Thailand United Kingdom United States

8 8 Document C

9 9 Cold War Alliances What is the goal of creating these military alliances? What do the alliances and previous documents have in common? How does this map support the previous documents?

10 10 Containment Containment is the American strategy for “containing” communism, or keeping it from spreading to other parts of the world. This strategy included political, economic and military approaches.

11 11 Example West Germany West Berlin West Berlin was located in the center of Soviet backed East Berlin. How do these images compare to what you just investigated?

12 12 Example Berlin Airlift From June 1948 – May 1949, West Berlin was blockaded by communist East Germany. As a result the U.S. and its allies begin airlifting supplies to West Berlin to provide economic support to its population of free peoples. How does this event compare to documents we have studied? Which document best relates to this action?

13 13 Example Kennedy visits West Berlin Kennedy Visits West Berlin On June 26, 1963 President Kennedy visits West Berlin to give a speech to protest the erection of the Berlin Wall. How does this event compare to documents we have studied? Which document best relates to this action?

14 14 Closure What is the goal of the 3 articles of evidence? How are their approaches similar? How are their approaches different? What would you name this strategy? Do you think this is an effective strategy to fight communism? Explain.

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