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September 2014 Lesson on: River Environments Keyword 1.River Key question 1.What are the key features of a river? Dwight Sutherland 2014.

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1 September 2014 Lesson on: River Environments Keyword 1.River Key question 1.What are the key features of a river? Dwight Sutherland 2014

2 TASK: Study the diagram of a river/hydrological cycle. List all the things you know about river environments. 5 mins Dwight Sutherland 2014 Source:

3 Securing learning TASK: Describe how rivers form, usually in mountains. Use the facts below to help you. 10 mins Melting snow (Caused by warming in spring and summer. Also by global warming) Relief rainfall (Rain created when clouds are forced high above the surface by mountains) Springs, underground water coming to surface Small streams merged Dwight Sutherland 2014

4 TASK: Study the meanings of different features of a river. Label the long profile of a river channel with these key features. 15 mins River features River channel – The path overland that a river flows which takes a funnel shape. River bed – The bottom of a river channel. River bank – The sides of a river channel. River source – The starting point of a river usually in hills or mountainous. River mouth – The end of a river usually in the sea/ocean. Also called an estuary. Confluence – The point where two rivers join. S-shape meander – A ‘s’ shape loop/bend in the river. Tributary – Smaller river/stream flowing into a larger one. Overland flow – Water flowing over the surface (a river). River discharge – Water carried by the river. Measured in cumecs (cubic metres). River load – Material (eg sediments, rocks etc) carried by a river. River braiding – A large river channel which has divided up into several smaller channels. Dwight Sutherland 2014

5 TASK: Study the images of the river Severn channel. Describe each of them. 10 mins Dwight Sutherland 2014 Describe the differences between these river channels. Each image represent the river at a different stage.

6 Extending your learning TASK: Describe how rivers change from upper course through to lower course. Dwight Sutherland 2014 Rivers have three courses (sections); upper course, middle course and lower course.

7 Challenge yourself TASK: How are river channels shaped? Use the ideas below to explain how river channels are shaped. 13 mins Gravity River velocity River volume River discharge River processes such as weathering, erosion, transportation and deposition Dwight Sutherland 2014

8 Lesson summary TASK: Reflect on your learning today. Write on the post stick any concept you’re not comfortable with. 2 mins Dwight Sutherland 2014

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