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CS101 Four Concepts Four Important Concepts. Concept 1: Computers are stupid! However, they are getting smarter! Cognitive Computing.

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Presentation on theme: "CS101 Four Concepts Four Important Concepts. Concept 1: Computers are stupid! However, they are getting smarter! Cognitive Computing."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS101 Four Concepts Four Important Concepts

2 Concept 1: Computers are stupid! However, they are getting smarter! Cognitive Computing

3 Concept 2: To be a computer a device must do four things. Input Information –Input Devices Process Information –Processor Output Information –Output Devices Store Information –Storage Devices

4 When was first computer invented?

5 Who is this?

6 Concept 3: Information needs to be in form of zeros and ones for a computer to process it. Information must be in the form of zeros and ones because the processor is make up of switches. –Intel and Advanced Micro Devices are the two types of processors found in most personal computers Switches in processor have two states: On and Off Off = 0 On = 1

7 Four Generation of Processors When they figure out how to make processors in a different way that makes the processors faster, cheaper, smaller, and more reliable a new generation of processors is born.

8 What are these things? A) Stuff almost as old as the teacher B) Old fashion bullets C) Vacuum tubes D) Something floating around in “Finding Nemo”

9 First Generation 1939 –1944 –Vacuum tubes

10 Second Generation 1945 –1957 –Transistors

11 Third Generation 1958 – 1970 –Integrated Circuit

12 Forth Generation = 1971 -? – Silicon Microprocessor

13 Fifth Generation? e-molecule-transistor/#continued e-molecule-transistor/#continued

14 Under 70 years from.. 18,000 switches in a room, failure every day, 120,000 watts, 3 computers in the world To Billions of switches on multicore chips, failures are rare, 10 - 25 watts, hundreds of processors in your daily life.

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