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Which paper air plane will fly farther depending on the type of paper it is made from..

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2 Which paper air plane will fly farther depending on the type of paper it is made from..

3 I think that paper air plane A. will fly the farthest because it is the lightest

4 How far the plane fly’s depends no the (weight) of the plane and it’s (glider). In order to make the planes fly at the same speed you must make a (launcher). The planes must be launched in a wide open spaces so they can fly to there best abilities All paper air planes are arrow dynamic. Photo paper is the best paper to make a paper air plane.

5 How fast I through them. The weight of the plane. How big the paper was. Materials Plane A. printing paper Plane B. construction paper Plane C. matt photo paper Plane D. glossy photo paper Rubber band Plane E. cardboard Launcher

6 First: You need to make more then one paper air plane but the paper air planes most be made from different types of paper. Second: You most make a launcher so that the planes fly at the same speed. Third: You need to launch the planes. Whichever plane fly’s the farthest will be the answer to your question. science




10 O BSERVATIONS The planes did fly differently because they didn’t weigh the same. All observations are on the data. Pictures of the experiment are posted above.

11 D ATA Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5 Plane A FourthThirdFifthFourth Plane B ThirdFifthFourthFifth Plane C Second Plane D First Plane E FifthFourthThird Data:

12 Did the experiment test my hypothesis? Yes it did test it. How do I know? I found my hypothesis to be wrong by doing the experiment

13 No, my hypothesis was not correct. I would have liked to do it outside with no walls blocking the flight of the planes. One of the new questions I have is what would be the answer to my question if I did it outside? - Would it change or would it be the same?

14 I got the idea from my friends learning lab I would like to thank my mom and dad for helping me finish the project. I also want to thank Miss Crane for letting me change my project. There are a few other set people would like to thank is the learning lab for giving me a easier one than the first one. Thank you !

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