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Homework Pathways Year 7s By Mr S Dhesi HomeworkStart Date:Finish Date: E-safety Extreme Sports Murder Most Horrid Kodu Programming.

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1 Homework Pathways Year 7s By Mr S Dhesi HomeworkStart Date:Finish Date: E-safety Extreme Sports Murder Most Horrid Kodu Programming

2 Pathway 1 E-safety & Security Risks ICT Homework Pathway 1: Basic (E-safety & Security Risks) Security RisksInternet Dangers Pop-ups Viruses Spyware Identity theft Spam Phishing Hackers Cookies Extension Task: What is encryption? What is Authentication? Year 7s E-safety Unit

3 Pathway 2 E-safety & Viruses ICT Homework Pathway 2: Intermediate (E-safety & Viruses) In ICT terms what is meant by the term ‘Computer Virus’?: What effects can a computer virus have on a ICT system? What are the most common ways to be infected by a computer virus? What is the purpose of anti virus software? “Warning over Royal Mail email scam that downloads virus on to victim’s computers” ?qid=20121015060111AAcWQsf Year 7s E-safety Unit

4 Advanced Computer Misuse Pathway 3: Advanced (E-safety & Computer Misuse) Year 7s E-safety Unit

5 Pathway 1 Extreme Sports - Spreadsheets ICT Homework Pathway 1: Basic (Extreme Sports - Spreadsheets) Extension Task: What do these words mean? Use the blocks to highlight the words you find! Year 7s Extreme Sports Unit

6 Pathway 2 Extreme Sports - Spreadsheets ICT Homework Pathway 2: Intermediate (Extreme Sports - Spreadsheets) Complete the paragraph below using the key words from the table below: A Spreadsheet is a_____________ which makes it easy for you to work with numbers! It consists of a page made up of ______________ and rows which are arranged into a ______________. You can identify every single cells on a spreadsheet by its unique cell ______________, made up from the _______________ number and column letter, for example A6, E12, M55. Numbers, text or ______________can be entered into each cell. Formulas allow you to perform _____________ on the numbers in your spreadsheet. You can add, subtract, multiply and _____________ numbers by using formulas. Using formulas is a good idea, because it means once your spreadsheet is set up, any changes you make are automatically ____________ throughout the _______________. Reference Recalculated Formulas DivideColumns Calculations Grid Program SpreadsheetRow Year 7s Extreme Sports Unit

7 Pathway 3 Extreme Sports - Spreadsheets ICT Homework Pathway 3: Advanced (Extreme Sports - Spreadsheets) Insert a text box to help you answer these questions in the table provided Year 7s Extreme Sports Unit

8 Pathway 1 Murder Most Horrid- Database ICT Homework Pathway 1: Basic (Murder Most Horrid- Database) Year 7s Murder Most Horrid Unit What is a database? What is a field? What is a record? Example of Databases Paper BasedComputer Based It will take time to go through it! Very quick to locate a file You can specify the criteria You csn analyse the data You can put a password on it! Can hold a lot of data Difficult to sort data Difficult to specify search criteria Limited storage soace Records can be lost Difficult to sort data!

9 Pathway 2 Murder Most Horrid- Database ICT Homework Pathway 2: Intermediate (Murder Most Horrid- Database) Data Types NameExample FieldsExample Data TextFirst NameMr S Dhesi Number Memo Auto Number Date/Time Currency Yes/No A Database is________________ of ________________ which is stored in a logical and _______________ way. Databases can be anything as simple as your _______________ or your telephone book to a very complex one that police may use to trace _________________ Criminals DataOrdered Collection Address Complex Function CriminalsFieldRecord Column Literacy Activity: Year 7s Murder Most Horrid Unit

10 Pathway 3 Murder Most Horrid- Database ICT Homework Pathway 3: Advanced (Murder Most Horrid- Database) Create a new database structure for Cine worlds new user registration form! Field Name:Data type:Description: ForenameTextA field that collects the first name of the customer Design a data capture form to collect all of the information Cineworld Cinemas needs. Think very carefully about their choices and the information you need to collect from them! Forename Year 7s Murder Most Horrid Unit

11 Pathway 1 Kodu – Introduction to Programming ICT Homework Pathway 1: Basic (Kodu – Introduction to Programming) Home Path Tool Ground Brush Delete Tool Roughen Brush PlayObject Flatten Brush Change World Water Brush Up / Down Brush Move

12 Pathway 2 Kodu – Introduction to Programming) ICT Homework Pathway 2: Intermediate (Kodu – Introduction to Programming) If you were a game character what would you be? Name three things that would make you character special? Name five games you enjoy playing ? What name would you give your character and what special powers would they have? Thinking about your game use the pyramid opposite and nine key factors you think make a good game!

13 Pathway 3 Kodu – Planning your game!) ICT Homework Pathway 3: Advanced (Kodu – Planning your game!) Strengths: What are the objectives of the game? Explain the main strengths? List and describe the key objects/characters in the game Weaknesses: Explain the main weaknesses of the game? Opportunities: What is the name of the game? How could you make the game even better? How does the player finish/win the game? Threats: What do you think will be your main challenges?

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