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Basics of automata theory

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1 Basics of automata theory
Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA) Nondeterministic Finite Automata on infinite words (NFW)

2 Nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA)
Transitions: (S0,A,S0), (S0,B,S0), (S0,A,S1),(S1,A,S1). What is the language of this automaton? All words that have a path to an accepting state. All words ending with A (A | B)*A A,B A S0 S1 9

3 Equivalent deterministic automaton
Every NFA can be transformed to DFA. How ? The price may be exponential. A,B A S0 S1 B A S0 S0,S1 10

4 Determinization Let M = (S, Σ, , I, F) be an NFA.
Define a DFA Md = (Sd, Σd, d, Id, Fd), where Sd = P(S) // power-set of S Σd = Σ Id = I d(q, a) = { (r,a) | r 2 q} for all q2 Sd, a 2 Σ Fd = {q | q 2 Sd ∧ q ∩ F ≠ ;}

5 Example S0 S1 A A,B Sd = {}{S0}{S1}{S0,S1} d =  = {A,B}
Id = I = {S0} d = ... FD = {S1}{S0,S1} B A,B A S0 S1 B B A S0,S1 A

6 Example 2 A 1 A 2 A,B B A B Complete it yourself  1 2 01 02 12 012

7 Example 2 A 1 A 2 A,B B A,B A B B 1 01 02 A B 2 A B 12 B A 012 A

8 Few important questions (1)
Given two automata A1, A2... How do we build an automaton A3 such that L(A3) = L(A1) Å L(A2) A method to build A3: compute the product A1 £ A2 We already saw how to compute a product...

9 Product of two NFA-s (finite words)
Reminder A1=h , S1, , I1, F1 i and A2= h , S2, 2, I2, F2 i A1 £ A2 = Each state is a pair (s,t): s 2 S1 and t 2 S2. Initial states: pairs (s,t) such that s 2 I1 and t 2 I2. Accepting states: pairs (s,t) such that s 2 F1 and t 2 F2 ((s,t) a (s’,t’)) is a transition if (s,a,s’) 2 1, and (t,a,t’) 2 2. 25

10 Example – product of two automata
b a s0 s1 L(A1) = (a+b)*a +  (words ending with ‘a’ + empty word) A1: a b t0 t1 L(A2) = (ba)* + (ba)*b A2: The \epsilon in A_2 is not needed because it is included in (ba)*. Put it for clarity of the product automaton What should be the language of A1 £ A2 ? 26

11 Example – product of two automata
b a s0 s1 A1: a b t0 t1 A2: States: (s0,t0), (s0,t1), (s1,t0), (s1,t1). Initial state: (s0,t0). Accepting states: (s0,t0), (s0,t1). A1 £ A2: 26

12 Example – product of two automata
b a s0 s1 A1: a b t0 t1 A2: s0,t0 a s1,t0 A1 £ A2: s0,t1 b a b s1,t1 L(A1 £ A2) = (ba)* 27

13 Example 2 – product of two automata
s0 L(A1) = (ab)* + (ab)*a (words that alternate between a and b ) s1 A1: b a b t0 t1 A2: L(A2) = (ba)* + (ba)*b (words that alternate between b and a) What should be the language of A1 Å A2 ? 26

14 Example 2 – product of two automata
b s0 s1 t0 t1 States: (s0,t0), (s0,t1), (s1,t0), (s1,t1). Initial state: (s1,t0). Accepting states: (s0,t0), (s0,t1), (s1,t0), (s1,t1). A1 Å A2: 26

15 Example 2 – product of two automata
b s0 s1 t0 t1 s0,t0 s1,t0 A1 Å A2: s0,t1 b a s1,t1 L(A1 Å A2) = e 27

16 Few important questions (2)
Given a DFA A: How do we construct A’ such that L(A’) = * - L(A) In other words, how do we build an automaton that accepts exactly those words that are rejected by A ? Answer: compute the complement automaton. How ? Let F’ = S – F. (i.e., substitute accepting and non-accepting states.)

17 Example: complementation
The complementation of A is denoted by b a s0 s1

18 Few important questions (3)
Given an automaton A: Universality: is L(A) = * ? Emptiness: is L(A) = ; ? Emptiness: is an accepting state reachable? Universality: check whether

19 ... Automata on infinite words
And now.... ... Automata on infinite words These are called !-automata

20 Automata over infinite words (DFW / NFW)
Similar definition. Runs on infinite words over . Accepts when an accepting state occurs infinitely often in the computation. This is called a Buchi automaton a b S0 S1 12

21 Automata over infinite words (DFW)
Formally, let F be the set of accepting states. Let inf() µ S be the set of states appearing infinite number of times in a computation .  is accepted by the automaton if inf() Å F  ;. a b S0 S1 12

22 Automata over infinite words (DFW)
Consider the word a b a b a b a b… The computation is S0 S0 S1 S0 S1 S0 S1 … This computation is accepting, since S0 appears infinitely many times. a b S0 S1 13

23 Other computations For the word b b b b b… the computation is S0 S1 S1 S1 S1… and is not accepting. For the word a a a b b b b b …, the computation is S0 S0 S0 S0 S1 S1 S1 S1 …and ... (?) What is the computation for a b a b b a b b b …? Is it accepting ? a b S0 S1 14

24 The language of a Buchi automaton
The language of a Buchi automaton is the set of infinite strings that are accepted by it. Such languages are called ! – languages. Buchi automaton defines ! – regular languages. L(B) = (ab*)! a b S0 S1 B =

25 NonDeterministic Buchi automata (NFW)
As before, a string is accepted if there exists an accepting run. L(B) = aa*b! Surprise: there is no determinization procedure We will focus on DFW a b S0 S1 B =

26 Why do we need Buchi automata ?
The compilation theorem: every LTL formula  can be translated to a Buchi automaton B that accepts the same language as . -a a Fa a Ga -a a GFa

27 What about the other direction ?
Can every Buchi automata be translated to an LTL formula ? No LTL formula can express this property. a “a holds on every even step”

28 About the alphabet... So far a 2 ∑ meant that a is some atom (a,b...) from a given set AP. We will also use a 2 2AP This is useful for representing states (cont’d on next slide) b a a,b a,:b :a,:b :a,b a,b a b (same thing, only write positive literals)

29 About the alphabet... ... or even a 2 22AP
This can give us a more compact representaiton a Æ b a Ç b :a Æ :b :aÆb Ç aÆ:b a,:b :a, b :a, :b a,b :a Æ b aÇ:b

30 About the alphabet... A Buchi automaton can also be represented with labels on states. There is 1-1 translation to a Buchi automaton with labels on transitions: Move labels to outgoing edges.

31 About the alphabet... From labels on states to labels on transitions: Example. Let ∑ µ 2AP Recall that this is {p,q} p,q p,q p p p

32 Again, important questions...
For Buchi automata B1, B2: How to compute L(B1) Å L(B2) ? How to complement ? Find B’ s.t. How to check for emptiness ? Is L(B) = ; ?

33 Intersecting two Buchi automata (infinite words)
Previous method doesn’t work: a b s0 s1 Infinite a’s b a t0 t1 Infinite b’s s0, t0 s1, t1 Empty language ! b a a a b s0, t1 s1, t0 b

34 Intersecting two Buchi automata (infinite words)
The reason: a path should be accepted if it fulfills two separate acceptance conditions: passes infinitely many times through s0 passes infinitely many times through t0 An automaton has such multiple acceptance conditions is called a generalized Buchi automata. We will learn about this later on. For now, we will see a reduction of this condition to a standard Buchi automaton. s0, t0 s1, t1 Empty language ! b a a a b s0, t1 s1, t0 b

35 Intersecting two Buchi automata (infinite words)
Strategy: “Multiply” the product automaton by 3 (S = S1 £ S2 £ {0,1,2} ) Start from the ‘0’ copy. Transition to the ‘1’ copy when entering a state from F1 Transition to the ‘2’ copy if in a ‘1’ state and entering a state from F2, and in the next state back to a ‘0’ state. Make the ‘2’ copy an accepting set.

36 s0, t0 s1, t1 b a a a b s0, t1 s1, t0 b s0, t0 s1, t1 b a 1 a a b s0, t1 s1, t0 b s0, t0 s1, t1 b a 2 a a b s0, t1 s1, t0 b

37 s0, t0 b a a a a b s0, t1 s1, t0 b a s0, t0 b a 1 a a b s0, t1 s1, t0 b b b s0, t0 b a 2 a a b s0, t1 s1, t0 b simplify by removing unreachable states

38 s0, t0 b a a b s0, t1 s1, t0 b a b a b 1 a a s0, t1 s1, t0 a a b b 2 a a b s0, t1 s1, t0 b simplify by removing unreachable states

39 Intersecting two Buchi automata (infinite words)
There are total of 12 states in the product automaton. The reachable part of A1 Å A2 is: h s0,t0,0 i a b a b s0 s1 h s0,t1,1 i h s1,t0,0 i a b a b a b b b a t0 t1 a a h s1,t0,2 i h s0,t1,0 i

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