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Educator Evaluation Pilot Thursday, May 26 Webinar 3:30 pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Educator Evaluation Pilot Thursday, May 26 Webinar 3:30 pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educator Evaluation Pilot Thursday, May 26 Webinar 3:30 pm

2 Opportunities Provided by Pilot Participation Be early adopter for the revised system Engage in professional development related to the WV Professional Standards Work as part of a collaborative team to improve educator effectiveness Provide input to policy makers for shaping the evaluation process

3 Essential Questions Who are the pilot schools? What is the conceptual framework of the revised system? What are the expectations for the pilot schools? What are the policy parameters? What is the timeline for training and what financial support is available? What are the next steps? What questions remain?

4 Who are the pilot schools? School Improvement Grant 1003(g) – 2010 SIG 1 schools – 14 schools – 2011 SIG 2 schools – 6 schools Non-SIG schools – 5 schools – high school, middle school, elementary – broaden the demographic representation of pilot schools

5 What is the conceptual framework of the revised educator evaluation system?

6 Conceptual Framework WV Professional Teaching Standards, Leadership Standards, Counselor Standards Professional evaluation Structured feedback Encouragement and acknowledgement of continuous professional growth

7 Improvements Teacher Evaluation – decreases indicators from 55 to 16 – decreases # of classroom observations required for each evaluation Principal/Counselor Evaluation – 12 indicators, performance based Teacher/Principal/Counselor – Performance level descriptions – Performance rubrics for each element


9 New Elements Evidence based – Educator performance – Student performance

10 Educator Performance Evidence Does not mean creating a portfolio Does mean being able to showcase the work of the teacher Broad categories of evidence for each professional standard


12 Student Performance Evidence – Classroom Opportunity to demonstrate student learning using: – A goal-driven process, established by the teacher or a collaborative team of teachers – Existing/created assessments – Multiple measures to identify student learning

13 Student Performance Evidence – School Opportunity to demonstrate student learning using school-wide measures of growth, based on WESTEST 2 in the areas of: Math Reading/Language Arts School level growth report will be generated by WVDE SIG schools required to include school evidence Non-SIG schools recommended, but optional

14 Putting It All Together 5% 80% 15%

15 Evaluation Progressions Initial: 1 st - 3 rd year teachers Intermediate: 4 th & 5 th year Advanced: 6 th year or greater

16 Initial Progression Initial: 1 st - 3 rd – Four observations and evidence collections – Two student learning goals – One final evaluation

17 Intermediate Progression Intermediate: 4 th & 5 th year – Two observations and evidence collections – Two student learning goals – One final evaluation

18 Advanced Progression Advanced: 6 th year or greater – One self-evaluation – Two student learning goals – One final evaluation

19 What are the expectations for the pilot schools?

20 Expectations for the Pilot Schools Embrace the Opportunities: Be early adopter Engage in professional development Work as part of a collaborative team Provide input to policy makers Participate in the research study

21 Learning from the Pilot What is your role? – Teachers, mentors, and principals will need to be active participants and provide feedback to WVDE What information will need to be collected about the evaluation process? – Process – Outcomes What about confidentiality? – All data will be aggregated to the school level – All data collection will be confidential

22 Learning from the Pilot What will be the immediate outputs of the pilot study? – Findings will be published in the form of various reports, and made available to stakeholders. – Recommendations will be made for any revisions prior to statewide rollout. What will be the long term impact of the pilot study? – A better evaluation system, one that is more rigorous, equitable, and transparent.

23 What are the policy parameters associated with participation in the pilot?

24 Policy Authority Waiver Process – State Superintendent will submit waiver to the WVBE – Pilot-wide waiver for identified schools – State Boards action will provide authority to implement the pilot as evaluation of record Improvement Plan Exceptions – Waiver will specify all exceptions

25 What is the timeline for training? What financial support is available?

26 Teacher and Principal Evaluation Training Dates July 20-21 – Stonewall Resort ALL Pilot schools leadership team members – Principals and all assistant principals of SIG 1 and SIG 2 schools and non SIG pilot schools – Title I Directors and/or Assistant Superintendents and school improvement specialists working with the SIG 1 and SIG 2 schools – Central office representative for non SIG pilot schools

27 Teacher Evaluation Training Dates August 8 – Stonewall Resort-Roanoke Participants: all teachers, administrators and SIG funded transformation specialists – Martinsburg North Middle – Doddridge Elementary – Romney Elementary – Hardy County school* – Ohio County school*

28 Teacher Evaluation Training Dates August 9 – Tamarack-Beckley Participants: all teachers, administrators and SIG funded transformation specialists – Mount View High School – Sandy River Middle School – Welch Elementary – Southside K-8

29 Teacher Evaluation Training Dates August 10 – Civic Center-Charleston Participants: all teachers, administrators and SIG funded transformation specialists – Hamlin Pre-k - 8 – West Hamlin Elementary – Guyan Valley Middle School – Marion County school* – Putnam County school*

30 Teacher Evaluation Training Dates August 11 – Civic Center-Charleston SIG 1 and SIG 2 schools Participants: all teachers, SIG funded transformation specialists and administrators – East Bank Middle – Cedar Grove Middle – Stonewall Jackson Middle – Riverside High School – Malden Elementary – Watts Elementary

31 Teacher Evaluation Training Dates August 12 – Civic Center-Charleston Participants: all teachers, administrators and SIG funded transformation specialists – Franklin Elementary – Geary K-8 – Spencer Elementary – Richwood High School – Wood County school*

32 Financial Support for Training WVDE – assumes costs for training locations and materials SIG schools – utilize SIG grant funds for costs associated with stipends and travel Non-SIG schools – receive separate grant funds for costs associated with stipends and travel

33 What are the Next Steps?

34 Renewal of SIG 1003(g) Grants Participation in the pilot teacher and principal evaluation is a requirement for renewal of the SIG 1003(g) grants.

35 Transformation Model Developing teacher and school leader effectiveness Use rigorous, transparent and equitable evaluation systems that take into account data on student growth School Improvement Grant (SIG 1 & SIG 2) Schools

36 SIG Assurance Statements Related to Developing Teacher and School Leader Effectiveness Participate in and provide input to the Educator Evaluation Task Forces regarding an evaluation model that takes into account data on student growth as part of a multiple observation-based assessment measure. Become an early adopter of a rigorous, transparent and equitable evaluation system that takes into account data on student growth as a significant part to educator performance evaluations.

37 Non SIG Schools Letter of Intent template provided by WVDE Staff Commitment demonstrated by 80% vote of faculty for school participation Signature from the superintendent, principal and faculty senate chair Letter due by June 9, 2011

38 Questions Regarding…… SIG requirements Jan Stanley Karen Davies Teacher evaluation Lori Wiggins Principal and counselor evaluation Michele Blatt Research study Nate Hixson

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