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Easthampton High School Building Project Easthampton City Council Meeting February 3, 2010 CAOLO & BIENIEK ASSOCIATES, INC. Architecture Planning Interior.

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Presentation on theme: "Easthampton High School Building Project Easthampton City Council Meeting February 3, 2010 CAOLO & BIENIEK ASSOCIATES, INC. Architecture Planning Interior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easthampton High School Building Project Easthampton City Council Meeting February 3, 2010 CAOLO & BIENIEK ASSOCIATES, INC. Architecture Planning Interior Design

2 Presentation Agenda Introduction – Michael Buehrle, Chair EHS Building Committee Project Overview – Superintendent Carter Design Solution – Curtis Edgin, CBA Next Steps – Mel Overmoyer, SBS Owner’s Project Manager Questions & Answers Easthampton High School

3 Why the High School Project? After more than 10 years of planning, the needs of the Easthampton school facilities are significant In 2005 Easthampton voters approved $1.2 million to study Elementary & High Schools EHS has been identified by MSBA as one of the top 50 schools in Massachusetts in need of funding High School project satisfies more eligibility criteria for State funding EHS Accreditation status in jeopardy EHS was chosen by Building Committee because only one building project could receive funding Does not require acquisition of additional land Easthampton High School

4 Most Pressing Academic Needs On “Warning” status with NEASC accreditation Overcrowded program spaces Undersized classrooms per State standards Inadequate facilities for modern special programs Lacks infrastructure for current technology No auditorium for active music & drama programs Importance of “perception” of quality of schools Easthampton High School

5 Most Pressing Building Deficiencies 1961 building does not meet modern building codes –Does not comply with ADA requirements for handicap accessibility –Building lacks sprinkler system –Building does not meet current structural code Building condition deficiencies –Poorly organized, inflexible building and space configurations –Outdated & inefficient windows –Structural cracking –Worn finishes Antiquated building operating systems –Inefficient and poorly controlled heating and ventilation systems –Inadequate electrical and data infrastructure Easthampton High School

6 New EHS Building on Current Site Avoids costs & lack of land available for new site Existing site maintains land use efficiency & provides cost savings through use of adjacent Daley Field Total project costs of renovation/addition solutions are higher than a new building Renovations require high costs for temporary facilities which are not reimbursed by MSBA New building reduces time of construction inconvenience and disruption of phased renovation New building results in a better facility than renovated Easthampton High School

7 Feasibility Study Concept Options Concept A Full Relocation - No Construction Phasing Concept B Phased Relocation & Construction Concept C New Facility - No Relocation or Phasing Project Cost $50,200,000Project Cost $52,700,000Project Cost $48,000,000 PROS Reuse 87.5% Good contractor staging area Entire facility available for construction CONS Less efficient MSBA guidelines (new only) Portables + temp facilities Seismic retrofit PROS Reuse 76.8% Good contractor staging area PROS 100% Design Flexibility 100% MSBA guidelines No Portables Improved site & building circulation Least Costly CONS Limited on site staging area CONS Construction in Occupied facility Phased construction Longest duration MSBA guidelines (new only) Portables + temp facilities Seismic retrofit Temporary parking Easthampton High School APPROVED by MSBA 11/18/09

8 Springfield Republican November 19, 2009 Katherine P. Craven, Massachusetts School Building Authority Executive Director, said that Easthampton High School posed the clearest need for construction of an entirely new facility. She called the potential for renovation “very limited.” Easthampton High School

9 Site Plan - New Facility Bryan Ave. Geryk Court Williston Ave. Easthampton High School Zoning District: R-10 357,192 sq. ft. 80 ft. 72 ft. 232 ft. 65 ft. 37.5 ft. 3 10.2% 357,192 sq. ft. 80 ft. 87 ft. 51 ft. 63 ft. 40 ft. 3 17.5% 10,000 sq. ft. 120 ft. 20 ft. 10 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft. 3 25% Min. Lot Area Min. Frontage Min. Front Yard Setback Min. Side Yard Setback Min. Rear Yard Setback Max. Building Height Max. Height, Stories Max. Bldg. Coverage ExistingProposedReq’d/Allowed

10 Easthampton High School

11 Aerial View Bryan Ave. Geryk Court Daley Field E x i s t i n g B u i l d i n g Existing Parking Easthampton High School Garfield Ave. Existing Driveway Williston Ave. Taft Ave.

12 Aerial View Easthampton High School

13 Southwest Elevation Easthampton High School

14 Front Drive / Bus Drop Off Easthampton High School

15 Ground Floor Easthampton High School

16 Community Use Easthampton High School

17 Main Entrance / Commons Area Easthampton High School

18 Second Floor Easthampton High School

19 2 nd Floor Community Use Easthampton High School

20 Third Floor Easthampton High School

21 Main Entrance Easthampton High School

22 Main Entrance viewed from Cafe / Commons Area Easthampton High School

23 Auditorium Easthampton High School

24 Easthampton High School Budget being proposed to MSBA Total Project Budget$44,950,000 Ineligible Costs ($750,000) (includes photovoltaics) Subtotal (Basis of Grant)$44,200,000 Reimbursement Rate61.84% (includes 2 points for green design) State Grant $27,300,000 Easthampton Costs$17,650,000

25 Easthampton High School Project Schedule MSBA Board vote March 2010Easthampton City Council 02/03/10

26 Next Steps Prepare & submit Schematic Design and costs to MSBA MSBA Board approves EHS Project Funding Agreement Easthampton holds debt exclusion vote (must be within 365 days of MSBA - “FSA” / Feasibility Study Agreement) Complete final design & bid EHS project Complete Construction of new EHS building Demolish existing EHS building School opens in new facility Easthampton High School March ’11 August ’13 Summer ‘13 Fall ‘13 February ‘10 March ‘10 May ‘10

27 The Future of our Schools Easthampton has serious school facility issues and it is time to look forward to the future for our children and community. Construction & Borrowing costs are both currently at historical lows. It is clear from MSBA, if Easthampton does not move forward with the Easthampton High School project, it will be many years before the city will be considered for any further funding assistance toward the school facilities. Easthampton High School

28 The Future of our Community Easthampton High School State Treasurer Tim Cahill, who oversees the School Building Authority, said projects being built now will enjoy a savings in building costs thanks to the slow construction market. "This is the time to build. Even though it is a tough time to be asking people for money, everyone seems to see the value of building now."

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