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WORD STUDY Mrs. Poole’s Class Buddy Study Procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "WORD STUDY Mrs. Poole’s Class Buddy Study Procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORD STUDY Mrs. Poole’s Class Buddy Study Procedures

2 Day 1: Choose, Build, Mix, Fix Create your spelling lists. ◦ Choose 10 words from the list we make. ◦ Choose 5 words from your high frequency word list.  Pick words that are not highlighted! Mark the words you choose. Have your lists checked. ◦ Get your spelling buddy to check both lists. ◦ Get Mrs. Poole to check both lists and your word study folder.

3 Day 2: Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check 1. Record your spelling list on the left side of your chart. (put your list away!!!) 2. LOOK at your 1 st word. 3. SAY it softly to yourself. 4. COVER the 1 st flap. 5. WRITE the word in the middle row. 6. CHECK to see if you spelled the word correctly. If you spell it right… GO to the next word, repeat steps 2-6 If you spell it wrong… REPEAT steps 2-6 using the last row of your folder.

4 Day 3: Buddy Check 1. Quickly get with your buddy. 2. Take turns calling out each other’s spelling list. 1.(Both buddies will take their practice test) 3. Check each other’s list 1.(by marking the ones that are wrong and listing how many they missed) 4. Turn spelling tests in. 5. You may practice your spelling words with the magnetic letters quietly.

5 Day 4: Making Connections Choose a word to make connections with. Think of at least 4 words that have the same BEGINNING letters. Think of at least 4 words that have the same ENDING letters. Think of at least 4 words that have the same letters in the middle of the word you choose. Do this 3 more times (you will make connections with 4 words in all)

6 Day 5: Buddy Test 1. Quickly get with your buddy. 2. Take turns calling out each other’s spelling list. 1.(Both buddies will take their test) 3. Both turn your things in: 1.(Spelling test, spelling list, and word study folder.) 4. Go back to your seat to read or study quietly 1.(Work on make-up work if you have any)


8 Day 1: Choose, Build, Mix, Fix Create your spelling lists. ◦ Choose 15 words from the list we made. Have your lists checked. ◦ Get your spelling buddy to check both lists. ◦ Get Mrs. Poole to check both lists and your word study folder. Use magnetic letters to practice spelling your words. ◦ You may have to share with others!

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