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CAC2 Values  Put the children and their families first in everything we do  Support the members and the childhood cancer community while being mindful.

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Presentation on theme: "CAC2 Values  Put the children and their families first in everything we do  Support the members and the childhood cancer community while being mindful."— Presentation transcript:


2 CAC2 Values  Put the children and their families first in everything we do  Support the members and the childhood cancer community while being mindful not to compete with members or to duplicate projects/programs/services that they provide  Be accountable and take ownership of one’s commitments within the collaborative  Be cost effective with resources  Be inclusive and collaborative  Help give voice to the community, and amplify it in a coordinated fashion  Stay action-oriented and flexible 10/8/20152

3 September Study Group Team Members: Stephen Crowley & Cynthia Van Lenten (independent advocates) John Bartosz (Gold in September) Donna Carmical (Journey 4 a Cure) Donna Criner (NICK Foundation) Jennifer Gowan (Luck2Tuck Foundation) Dena Sherwood (The Truth 365) Tony Stoddard (A Day of Yellow and Gold to Fight Childhood Cancer) and Vickie Buenger (CAC2 board; ex officio) Thanks to all!

4 Charge from the CAC2 Board Describe what is currently going on in the community during September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Analyze what is taking place Recommend 1-3 concrete ideas for projects that might be implemented before Sept. 2014

5 Process Compiled list of 278 childhood cancer organizations Sent each organization a survey via e-mail Compiled and analyzed the survey results Discussed possible ideas for CAC2 projects

6 Data Set Out of 281 organization contacted, 82 responded, for close to a 30% response rate 30 CAC2 members; 47 non-members Asked 5 questions

7 Size of organization based on annual revenue

8 Does your organization conduct any events in September in particular? Yes No 75% said Yes

9 Do you mention September as Children’s Cancer Awareness Month in your appeals or publicity?

10 Do you notice any increase in donations or other activity in September? 56% 44%

11 Do you believe that the general public is aware of September as Children’s Cancer Awareness Month? 89% Say “Unaware”

12 Would your organization likely support a national collaborative effort to bring greater attention to September as Children’s Cancer Awareness Month? 96% Support

13 Analysis 75% of organizations are conducting specific events in September 88% mention Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in their publicity 96% of organizations would support a national collaborative effort to bring greater awareness to September

14 Recommendations for possible CAC2 projects After considering a number of possibilities, 2 stood out These are ideas that we propose that CAC2 members consider supporting If enough support, then a project team would be formed to develop each

15 CureFest Washington, DC, Sept. 21, 2014 Open to the entire childhood cancer community Any organization or group can participate, walk/run, raise their own funds Only in its second year, but growing in numbers Possibility of White House support, media attention

16 Unified Logo A “unified mark,” brand, logo and/or slogan for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month An identity that any and all organizations could adopt This logo would not be tied to any one organization Some prototypes exist, such as the G-9 logo, but the project team would suggest the best one for various groups can get behind and adopt

17 Project Incubator Goals Projects will be focused on helping the kids, be inclusive, have near-term outcomes, and support one or more of the four pillars The CAC2 membership will ultimately select new projects Projects are self managed with support from CAC2, including preparation coaching and project coaching, if desired CAC2 members are expected to participate and promote projects/deliverables

18 If You Have an Idea... 1.Consult with one or more members of the project oversight team about your project idea. 2.Share your ideas with members you know to get feedback and begin building support for your idea. 3.Complete the project idea forms.

19 What Happens Next? 1.Members review the project ideas (currently through surveymonkey) and vote to endorse and support them.* 2.Team Leader assembles project team with member volunteers. 3.Project begins. 4.Project team leader reports regular progress to the board and members. 5.Team completes project. 6.Members support project.* 7.Celebration! *Crucial to success!

20 Thanks! Questions?

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