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Sexualisation of children through Advertising. Sexualisation  A person’s value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or behaviour.  Sexuality is.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexualisation of children through Advertising. Sexualisation  A person’s value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or behaviour.  Sexuality is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexualisation of children through Advertising

2 Sexualisation  A person’s value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or behaviour.  Sexuality is inappropriately imposed.  A person is sexually objectified.

3 Significant sources of Premature sexualisation of children  Girls magazines and advertising material o Barbie Magazine (5 to 12 years) o Total Girl (8 to 11 years) o Disney Girl (6 to 13 years)  Television programs e.g. music video programs and teen soap operas o The OC o Big Brother

4 ‘Corporate paedophilia’ is a metaphor to describe advertising and marketing that sexualises children in these ways.

5 Adult Pose Make up Adult handbag Mobile Phone Clothing Total Girl Magazine (targets girls ages 8-11 yrs old)

6 Figure 11 ‘Are you his friend or his crush?’ quiz, Barbie Magazine (targets readers aged 5 to 12 years)


8 Risks associated with the sexualisation of children through advertising  Eating disorders in females and males still relevant but have been usurped by the sexualisation of teens  Children become sexually active at an early age  Devastating effects on mental and physical health  Warped view /perception of what beauty is, therefore, what sexuality is  Difficulty for children to have a healthy body image and self esteem  Peer pressure to accept and be what is sexual or risk social isolation by peers

9  Contributes to creating a climate which can lead to child abuse  Vulnerability to exploitation  Contributes to paedophilia  Adolescents are hesitant to stand for their values  Dr Michael Carr-Gregg suggests that the teenage mind is unable to understand the consequences of their actions

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