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Hinduism. c. 2000 BCE, Aryans began moving, looking for new areas to settle. Their languages spread… –f–forms basis of Indo-European languages. They conquered.

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Presentation on theme: "Hinduism. c. 2000 BCE, Aryans began moving, looking for new areas to settle. Their languages spread… –f–forms basis of Indo-European languages. They conquered."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hinduism

2 c. 2000 BCE, Aryans began moving, looking for new areas to settle. Their languages spread… –f–forms basis of Indo-European languages. They conquered most of India and formed a society with strict class divisions. These classes are called castes. The Aryan Migration

3 There were four varnas (social classes). Within each varna there were hundreds of different castes. Each caste was ranked—one above the other. You were born into your caste. You couldn’t change. Castes determined: –W–Who you could marry. –W–What jobs you could have. –H–How you would be treated by others. The Caste System







10 Hinduism in 21 st century Approximately one billion followers worldwide. About 90% of them live in India. About 80% of Indians believe in Hinduism.

11 Multiple Gods Hindus believe there are literally thousands of gods and goddesses!

12 Brahma: the Creator –F–Four heads—each head continually recites one of the four Vedas. –O–Often depicted with a white beard, because of the near eternal nature of his existence. –H–Holds no weapons in his four arms, unlike most other Hindu Gods. –B–Brahma’s “consort” is Saraswati, the goddess of learning. The Trinity

13 Vishnu: the Preserver –Maintains order and often appears in order to restore peace in troubled times. –Each time he returns to restore order using a different “avatar” or earthly incarnation Rama and Krishna are two of the most well-known. –Lakshmi, goddess of luck, is his consort. The Trinity

14 Shiva: the Destroyer –Also seen as providing creative possibility for reconstruction—his name can mean “purifier” as well. –Often seen (as here) dancing upon the demon of ignorance, and often wears snakes. –The Ganges River flows from his hair. –His consort is Parvati, mountain goddess.

15 Other Hindu Gods Saraswati –Brahma’s consort –Goddess of the Saraswati River (which ran near the Indus River) Thus she is a goddess of purification and nourishment. –Goddess of intelligence, consciousness, cosmic knowledge, creativity, education, enlightenment, music, the arts, and power Mother of the four Vedas

16 Other Hindu Gods Durga –A fiercer form of Parvati, Shiva’s consort. –The Mother Goddess. –Depicted as having 10 arms, riding a lion or a tiger, carrying weapons, maintaining a meditative smile, and practicing mudras, or symbolic hand gestures. –Mother of Ganesha.

17 Other Hindu Gods Kali –The dark goddess –A fearful and ferocious form of the mother goddess Durga. –Her tongue protrudes from her mouth, her eyes are red, and her face and body are covered with blood. –She stands with one foot on the thigh, and another on the chest of her husband, Shiva.

18 Other Hindu Gods Ganesha –One of the most popular gods. –He is the lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles. –Also worshipped as the god of knowledge, wisdom and wealth.

19 Other Hindu Gods Lakshmi –Means "Good Luck" to Hindus. –Goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. –She is the household goddess of most Hindu families, and a favorite of women. –Usually standing on a full- bloomed lotus and holding a lotus bud, which stands for beauty, purity and fertility.

20 Other Hindu Gods Rama –The most perfect avatar of the Supreme Protector Vishnu. –Embodies truth, morality, the ideal son, the ideal husband, and, the ideal king. –He is widely believed to be an actual historical figure. –His story forms the great Hindu epic of Ramayana.

21 Other Hindu Gods Hanuman –Very popular god –Believed to be an avatar of Lord Shiva –Symbolizes physical strength, perseverance and devotion. –Helped Lord Rama in his expedition against evil forces.

22 Other Hindu Gods Krishna –An avatar of Vishnu. –Another popular god. –Played the flute. –Had as many as 16,000 wives. –In the Mahabharta he gives a speech known as the Bhagavad Gita (a short book in and of itself) preaching that you must do your duty (dharma) even if it is difficult or painful.

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