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08/10/20151 How to use Blackboard & Osiris SKIC 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "08/10/20151 How to use Blackboard & Osiris SKIC 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 08/10/20151 How to use Blackboard & Osiris SKIC 2013

2 08/10/2015 2 What is Blackboard?  Blackboard will be used for communication between students and teachers.  You can find Powerpoint presentations of a lecture, video presentations, and lots of other useful stuff  Sometimes marks will be put on Blackboard too.

3 08/10/2015 3 Step 1: Log in to Blackboard  Go to  Do not use www.

4 08/10/2015 4 Step 1: Log in to blackboard  Enter your student number (looks like s1234567)  Enter your password  You have received this information in a letter from the UT.

5 08/10/2015 5 Step 2: add a course  Click on ‘Courses’

6 08/10/2015 6 Step 2: add a course  In the blank box; enter ‘Electrical Engineering’

7 08/10/2015 7 Step 2: add a course  From the drop-down list, select “1. Faculteiten / Faculties”  Then tap on ‘Go’

8 08/10/2015 8 Step 2: add a course  From the next drop-down list, select “EWI: Elektro- techniek, Wiskunde…”  Then tap on ‘Go’

9 08/10/2015 9 Step 2: add a course  From the next drop-down list, select “Bachelor Electrical Engineering”  Then tap on ‘Go’

10 08/10/2015 10 Step 2: add a course  From the list of courses that appears, select the course you want to enroll in.

11 08/10/2015 11 Step 2: add a course  Let’s say we want to enroll in the course “Communicatieve vaardigheden voor EL (2012-2B).

12 08/10/2015 12 Step 2: add a course  We tap on the down-pointing arrows. (Pay attention: you can only enroll in courses which have these down-pointing arrows. For example, you can’t enroll anymore for the courses Meettechniek and Project Mechatronica)

13 08/10/2015 13 Step 2: add a course  A small blue box appears; tap on ‘Enrol’

14 08/10/2015 14 Step 2: add a course  A new screen appears, with a little more information. Tap on ‘Submit’ on the right if you want to enroll in this course

15 08/10/2015 15 Step 2: add a course  A confirmation appears. Tap on ‘Ok’ to continue.

16 08/10/2015 16 Step 3: browsing trough the course  After tapping ‘Ok’, you will be forwarded to the course homepage.  From here you can go to the page you want.  For example, to view the latest announce- ments, tap on “Announcements”.

17 08/10/2015 17 Step 3: browsing trough the course  At “Course information”, you can see how many credits this course will give you, and some- times you can find grades or timetables, schedules, etcetera.

18 08/10/2015 18 Step 3: browsing trough the course  At “Contacts”, you can see all the teachers and find information on how to contact them.

19 08/10/2015 19 Step 3: browsing trough the course  At “Course Materials” you can find thins like Powerpoint sheets, or exams to practice with. Sometimes lab manuals are found here too.

20 08/10/2015 20 Step 3: browsing trough the course  The “Assignments” tab can be used to view assignments.

21 08/10/2015 21 Step 3: browsing trough the course  At “Email”, you can send an email to the persons you select. You can send an email for example to all students, or to all teachers, or to a specific teacher.

22 08/10/2015 22 Step 3: browsing trough the course  If you want to unenroll the course for some reason, you can do this by tapping “Unenroll”.

23 08/10/2015 23 What is Osiris?  Osiris is the information system. It contains information about you (your name, address, phone number etcetera) but more important, your grades.  In Osiris you can also enroll in a course, so the university knows which courses you will follow.  You must also enroll in exams here, if you don’t do that, you will not be admitted to the exam!

24 08/10/2015 24 Step 1: Log in to Osiris  Go to  Do not use www.

25 08/10/2015 25 Step 1: Log in to Osiris  Tap on “Inloggen OSIRIS Student” (yes it’s only in Dutch)

26 08/10/2015 26 Step 1: Log in to Osiris  At the next screen, you can change your language by tapping the English or Dutch flag.  We will continue in English.  Continue by clicking “Log in”

27 08/10/2015 27 Step 1: Log in to Osiris  Enter your student number (looks like s1234567)  Enter your password  You have received this information in a letter from the UT.  Continue by clicking “Login”  You can change your language again

28 08/10/2015 28 Step 2: viewing your information  At the first page you will see some of your personal information.

29 08/10/2015 29 Step 2: viewing your information  Click on “Tutors” to overview your tutors and your Extra- curricular activities

30 08/10/2015 30 Step 2: viewing your information  When clicking on “Register” you can register for exams, courses or a minor.

31 08/10/2015 31 Step 2: viewing your information  Click on “Test” to subscribe for an exam. Just select the correct year and the right exam, and don’t forget to click ‘Register’ at the bottom of the screen!

32 08/10/2015 32 Step 2: viewing your information  Click on “Deregister” to de-register your- self from a test. Don’t forget to do this 24 hours before the exam starts, other- wise it will count as an attempt.

33 08/10/2015 33 Step 2: viewing your information  Click on “Results” to overview your results and all your credits.

34 08/10/2015 34 Step 2: viewing your information  Click on “Progress” to overview the credits you’ve earned so far.

35 Read this presentation again   Go to Fun → SKIC  Ga naar Gezelligheid → SKIC 08/10/2015Footer text: to modify choose 'View' (Office 2003 or earlier) or 'Insert' (Office 2007 or later) then 'Header & Footer' 35

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