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Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards SFU Graduate Awards Budget ~ $5,834,000 Administered under two Senate committees: - Senate Policy Committee on.

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Presentation on theme: "Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards SFU Graduate Awards Budget ~ $5,834,000 Administered under two Senate committees: - Senate Policy Committee on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards SFU Graduate Awards Budget ~ $5,834,000 Administered under two Senate committees: - Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries (SPCSAB) for policy decisions - Senate Graduate Awards Adjudication Committee (SGAAC) for adjudication

2 Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards TYPES OF AWARDS Graduate Fellowships President's Research Stipends C. D. Nelson Entrance Scholarships Special Graduate Entrance Scholarships Graduate International Scholarships Annual and Endowed Awards Travel and Minor Research Awards

3 Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards TYPES OF AWARDS $3,800,000 for Graduate Fellowships (commonly referred to as “the GF") Total number of GFs for 2008-09 academic year is 608 GFs are "allocated" to departments based on enrolment Available to both entering and continuing students Valued at $6,250 each for both Master’s and Doctoral students Main competition occurs in April with April 15 deadline, adjustments made in October and February (approximately 50% of GFs are allocated in April competition) Requires *minimum* gpa of 3.50 and full-time registration Adjudicated by SGAAC (Senate Graduate Awards Adjudication Committee)

4 Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards TYPES OF AWARDS $918,750 for President's PhD Research Stipend (commonly called “the PRS") Total number of Stipends will be 147 Available only to doctoral students Available when student has completed all requirements for the degree (all coursework, comprehensive or qualifying exams) with the exception of the thesis will have at least one semester of work required to complete the thesis and its defense Valued at $6,250 Application deadlines: October 30 for Spring term; February 28 for Summer term; and June 30 for Fall term

5 Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards TYPES OF AWARDS $342,000 to C.D. Nelson Memorial Entrance Scholarships Available only to ENTERING graduate students Total number of awards is currently 18 Valued at $19,000 over the first three semesters of a Master’s or Doctoral Program University -wide competition with applicants nominated by their department of intended enrolment Deadline date for application is March 15 to department of enrolment Adjudicated by SGAAC

6 Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards TYPES OF AWARDS ~$210,000 to Special Graduate Entrance Scholarships Students must be NOMINATED by their department of enrolment Only for ENTERING students who have a competing offer from another University OR will hold a major national or provincial scholarship from NSERC, SSHRC, MSFHR, etc. Value ranges from $2,000 to $7,000 Award may be held in either the first year or the second year of a student’s program or split between the first two years. No deadline date for nominations. Approved by Dean of Graduate Studies on behalf of SGAAC.

7 Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards TYPES OF AWARDS ~$252,000 to Special Graduate Entrance Scholarships as ‘Top Up’ Awards The SGES top-up awards are targeted to the 22 students who were selected as recipients of a C. D. Nelson or other major entrance scholarship for their first-year studies. Valued at $9,000 each, the SGES will ‘top up’ the Pacific Century Graduate Scholarships valued at $10,000 each, to provide a total of $19,000 for Year 2 of their program. The PCGS program was created by the Ministry of Advanced Education, Province of British Columbia to coincide with the required expansion of graduate student spaces at BC universities.

8 Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards $156,250 to Graduate International Scholarships provides support to master’s and doctoral students who must travel abroad in order to undertake research for their degree requirements 25 awards valued at $6,250 each have been allocated for the 2008/09 fiscal year. These awards can be held in summer or fall 2008 and spring 2009. Each academic program can forward up to two applications to the Dean of Graduate Studies Office in the annual competition. Applications are evaluated by the Senate Graduate Awards Adjudication Committee.

9 Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards $250,000 to Travel and Minor Research Awards These awards are intended to encourage graduate students to attend conferences to present their research OR travel to undertake their research OR incur non-travel costs associated with their direct costs of doing research or conference presentations. Each department is given an allocation and develops a method for making travel and/or minor research awards to their graduate students. Each Graduate Program Chair determines the number and value of travel and research awards available within the amount allocated.

10 Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards ENDOWED Graduate Awards ~$12,500,000 in endowed funds Interest income on endowments provides ~ $800,000 for disbursement through a variety of “Private Awards” The Dean of Graduate Studies Office administers ~ 200 awards in this category Values range from $300 to $20,000 from 1 to 3 academic terms Donors can "target" awards through specifications in the terms of reference of each award Application deadline dates to the department of enrolment are typically September 30, January 30, May 30

11 Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards ENDOWED Graduate Awards Bert Henry Memorial Graduate Scholarship PhD entrance award Valued at $19,000 Only 1 available (subject to funding) Simons Foundation Doctoral Entrance Fellowship PhD entrance award for women only Valued at $19,000 Only 1 available Scott Paper Limited Bicultural Entrance Fellowship Entrance award for student from previous university in Quebec Valued at $19,000 Only 1 available

12 Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards More ENDOWED Graduate Awards William and Ada Isabella Steel Memorial Graduate Scholarship For a currently enrolled student in either a Master’s or Doctoral Program Valued at $15,000 Scholarship plus $2,000 for research expenses outside the lower mainland of B.C. Only 1 award available per academic year SFU Alumni Assn. Graduate Entrance Fellowship Valued at $19,000 Only 1 award available per academic year for a student entering a graduate program (Master’s or Doctoral)

13 Private Awards WHO IS ELIGIBLE? These are all merit-based awards. Applicants will need an average of 3.50 or better in the last two years of undergraduate studies or a minimum of two consecutive terms in their SFU graduate program. WHERE TO APPLY: Our web site, lists awards by funding source. All of the merit-based awards described in this presentation are provided in the “Awards Funded by SFU” section of the DGS (a) To view the terms of reference for each ‘private award’ by application deadline (September 30, January 30, or May 30), refer to the DGS website. (b)A link to the application form for each SFU-funded award is available in the terms of reference for that award. The forms are fill-able on line but must be printed out, signed and submitted to your academic supervisor and/or graduate program chair by the stated deadline with all required supporting documents. (c) Refer to the “Financial Aid for Graduate Students” section of the SFU Calendar, also available for viewing on the DGS website.

14 OR: Contact the Graduate Secretary in your home department who can advise you on internal application deadlines for applying. WHEN TO APPLY? Applicants submit completed applications and all required documentation to their current or intended department of enrolment. Award competition deadlines to department of enrolment are: September 30for awards tenable in 1091 (Spring semester) January 30for awards tenable in 1094 (Summer semester) May 30for awards tenable in 1097 (Fall semester)

15 Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards TIPS FOR EFFECTIVE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS Find out when the deadline is and give yourself plenty of time to complete the application. Read the application guidelines and take them seriously – follow the rules pertaining to font size, line spacing, margins, page limits, etc. Spend time on the application Did you read the terms of award thoroughly? Do you meet the eligibility criteria? Did you proof-read it? Signed by all parties? Submitted by the deadline? Package the application material well so that it is easy to read. Use headings whenever possible Be succinct. More is not necessarily better Attach all required documents: Transcripts of current and post secondary institutions, all letters of reference, etc. If at first you don’t succeed, keep trying!!

16 CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING FACTORS WHEN APPROACHING FACULTY MEMBERS TO WRITE LETTERS OF REFERENCE: Has this faculty member taught and advised many students? Does the faculty member know you and your area of research? Is he/she able to respond fairly, enthusiastically, and with knowledge of you and of your research? Use someone who is not stingy with their praise of you and your potential. A good referee has known you for at least two years. Exception: One of your referees should be your current supervisor. Check in with your referees at least one week before the deadline to ensure that your reference letter has not been forgotten.

17 Graduate Awards FOR INQUIRIES ABOUT GRADUATE AWARDS e-mail: FOR SFU GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORMS gradstudies/current/funding/InternalAwards.html

18 Simon Fraser University Graduate Awards APPLICATION FOR A GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP Location: gradstudies/current/documents/graduatefellowshp.pdf gradstudies/current/documents/graduatefellowshp.pdf APPLICATION FOR A PRIVATE GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP Location: fillable.pdf fillable.pdf

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