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PAC Usability at NVDPL Michael DeKoven Mgr, Systems & Technology North Vancouver District Public Library Pacific NW CODI Users Group.

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Presentation on theme: "PAC Usability at NVDPL Michael DeKoven Mgr, Systems & Technology North Vancouver District Public Library Pacific NW CODI Users Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 PAC Usability at NVDPL Michael DeKoven Mgr, Systems & Technology North Vancouver District Public Library Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005

2 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 Credit Where it is Due Thanks to a very hard-working team of staff who did the actual work and to NVDPL’s Internet Librarian Lisa McShan who led the project.

3 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 PAC Usability at NVDPL About NVDPL/Background Motivation for Survey/Testing Surveys Testing What we found What we are doing about our findings What we will do differently next time

4 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 About NVDPL (demographics) Bedroom community of City of Vancouver Population (projected 2004)86,000 2/3rds live in a single family home 4/5ths own their own home 2/3rds have a college or university degree 3/4ths have English as the first language 1/5th are members of visible minorities From 2001 Canada Census

5 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 A Bit of Background Switched from character-based catalogue to web-based system in 2002. Character-based catalogue had been heavily customized. Rapid deployment with some ad hoc decisions and known problems. Promised staff a comprehensive re- evaluation one year after switch.

6 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 A Bit of Background Switched from character-based catalogue to web-based system in 2002. Character-based catalogue had been heavily customize. Rapid transition with some ad hoc decisions and known problems. Promised staff a comprehensive re- evaluation one year after switch.

7 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 A Bit of Background Switched from character-based catalogue to web-based system in 2002. Character-based catalogue had been heavily customize. Rapid transition with some ad hoc decisions and known problems. Promised staff a comprehensive re- evaluation one year after switch.

8 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 A Bit of Background Switched from character-based catalogue to web-based system in 2002. Character-based catalogue had been heavily customize. Rapid transition with some ad hoc decisions and known problems. Promised staff a comprehensive re- evaluation one year after switch.

9 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 Motivation for Survey/Testing Some decisions (like Title Keyword as the default search) controversial with some staff. Many known problems (e.g. inconsistent limits), but unsure if we should drop the feature or devote time to fixing. Wanted to find out actual user needs, not what we think they need.

10 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 Surveys Three separate surveys. In-Library Public Survey on two days. Web-based survey for those using the catalogue outside the library. Staff survey to provide their feedback on catalogue deficiencies.

11 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 The Plan -- Surveys The Goal of the Surveys: Create a demographic, technological, and web-use profile of catalogue users Narrow down the areas for usability testing Identify areas where catalogue most needed improvement Recruit participants for usability testing

12 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 Testing Fifteen 1 hour sessions Participants answered pre-test questionnaire on their computer background and post-test questionnaire on their experience during the test. Participants performed 12 typical library tasks Participants talked about what they were doing and thinking about while going through the test tasks.

13 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 Test Environment Booked off our Public Meeting Room (quiet space away from distractions). Facilitator led participant through the test suite (without helping) on a computer set up for the testing. 2 observers watched on a separate monitor and made notes on what they saw and what the participant said. Observers behind screen to reduce “performance pressure” on participant.

14 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 The Plan -- Testing The Goal of Testing: Confirm issues raised in the surveys Discover “hidden” issues/problems Solicit ideas for fixing problems and issues

15 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 Testing We attempted to find a cross-section in terms of survey source (library branch and online), age, and familiarity with the catalogue. In practice the testers were all a bit skewed towards more sophisticated computer users who were quite familiar with the catalogue.

16 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we found The majority of our users found our catalogue “Easy to Use.” The majority did simple title or author searches. Users tended to choose a search strategy (e.g. “Title begins with…”) and stick with it even if wasn’t working very well. Everyone had problems with Suspending Requests. Few Patrons will ask for help.

17 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we found – General 53% of library visitors use the catalogue (in the library) more than once a month, but 10% of library visitors never use the catalogue at all.

18 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we found – General 64% of library visitors surveyed also use the catalogue via the Internet (outside the library).

19 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we found – General Among test participants, 27% only used NVDPL’s catalogue. Among the other library catalogues used regularly the most popular were North Van City Library and Vancouver Public Libraries

20 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we found – Ease of Use Between 70% and 80% of the respondents found the catalogue easy to use.

21 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we found – Ease of Use Around 28% (average) reported having had problems at some time finding information.

22 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What We Found – Ease of Use

23 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we found – Searching Most respondents had no preference with regard to screen style (e.g. drop-down list, multiple boxes, etc.).

24 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we found – Searching The most popular search method was by known title or author.

25 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we found – Searching The ability to search by category (e.g. DVD, New Material, Best-sellers) scored as important to almost 80% of in- library users and to over 95% of online users.

26 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we found – Searching Comments indicated that people were confused (and annoyed) by too many results in Title Keyword searches. Our testing participants favoured using the “post-search” limiting and sorting drop down menus, particularly with browsing by format. Less than 40% of respondents ever tried using the “power” or advanced search feature, and it wasn’t used regularly by anyone.

27 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we found – Features Being able to place holds is a very popular feature. All online respondents, and 2/3 of in-library respondents placed holds.

28 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we found – Features Only a small minority use “My List,” although 39% of users thought it was a useful feature to have when it was explained.

29 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we found – Features Few respondents reported problems with placing requests, but in testing we saw some confusion around the “Add to My List” button and the “Place a Request” button.

30 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we found – Jargon Almost every test participant stumbled over a bit of Library jargon that they didn’t understand. This is in spite of our attempting to avoid the use of such terms in our initial design.

31 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we are doing about our findings Combine Keyword and Browse Searches to encourage users to try different strategies.

32 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we are doing about our findings

33 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we are doing about our findings Encouraging Dynix to improve process for suspending requests (e.g. Show “Suspended until” date).

34 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we are doing about our findings Patrons scroll right past this Patrons think this is the date request will be re-activated

35 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What we are doing about our findings Address known problems that can’t be fixed in public training.

36 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 What it Cost Video Splitter/Cable$ 70 ½ of 30 Movie Tickets$150 Refreshments$ 35 Staff Time (survey/data entry) 90 hours (testing)150 hours

37 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 Next Time What we will do differently: Try to make the surveying more iterative – survey; compile results; modify survey and survey again.

38 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 Next Time What we will do differently: Do iterative testing – test, make changes, test again.

39 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 Next Time What we will do differently: Try to find methods to recruit less computer savvy test participants.

40 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 Next Time What we will do differently: Do some user testing with alternative terminology.

41 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 Final Analysis The survey and testing were incredibly valuable in providing direction for tools that will help our users help themselves and enrich their library experience. We need to find a way to streamline this process and make it less staff-time intensive so we can more easily integrate it into other Library IT projects.

42 PAC Usability at NVDPL Pacific NW CODI Users Group Meeting August 5, 2005 Contact Information Michael DeKoven Lisa McShane

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