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Software Engineering Project: Research Expert Prabhavathi Kumarasamy Joshua Thompson Paul Varcholik University of Central Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Engineering Project: Research Expert Prabhavathi Kumarasamy Joshua Thompson Paul Varcholik University of Central Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Engineering Project: Research Expert Prabhavathi Kumarasamy Joshua Thompson Paul Varcholik University of Central Florida

2 Presentation Outline J. Thompson……………Concept of Operations P. Varcholik……Software Requirements Specification J. Thompson……………Test Plan P. Kumarasamy …………Project Management Plan

3 Concept of Operations Proposed System Needs ◦ Web-Based system for organizing academic papers ◦ Search and browsing ◦ Meta-data  Keywords, author, publication source, abstract (full-text), date of publication ◦ User-provided reviews ◦ Annotated references to related documents ◦ Multi-user collaboration ◦ Multiple repositories

4 Concept of Operations Proposed System Users and Modes of Operation ◦ Read-Only User  Can view, but not modify items in a repository ◦ Read-Write User  Can add, modify and delete items in a repository ◦ Admin User  Can manage repository membership and permissions ◦ Repository Owner  The user who initially established the repository, though ownership may be transferred to another user by the site administrator  Can assign admin privileges to other users of the repository ◦ Site Administrator  Controls the operations of the entire web application  Resolves technical issues, deletes users and repositories, and transfers repository ownership

5 Software Requirements Specification Overview Software to be Produced: ◦ Web-based user interface (ASP.NET/C#, HTML and CSS) ◦ Database API (C#) ◦ Database (SQL) Assumptions ◦ Client Side  Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) ◦ Server Side  Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008  Microsoft Internet Information Server 7 (IIS7) w/ ASP.NET configuration  Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (any edition, including SQL 2005 Express) .NET 2.0 Framework

6 Software Requirements Specification Overview Stakeholders ◦ Chris Centelle – Customer/User ◦ Academic Research Community – Users 55 Requirements ◦ 42 Functional ◦ 3 Interface ◦ 3 Physical Environment ◦ 1 Users and Human Factors ◦ 2 Documentation ◦ 3 Resource ◦ 1 Security

7 Software Requirements Specification Use Cases

8 Test Plan Overview Verify that the system satisfies all requirements Testing will be done on standard PCs with IE7 Testing Phases ◦ Test Sessions  Run after coding milestones ◦ Beta Period  Begins after system is ‘feature complete’ ◦ Acceptance Testing  Begins after all show-stopper and normal bugs are addressed

9 Test Plan Stopping Criteria Testing Session ◦ All tests have been run (passed or failed) ◦ Fatal error occurs preventing further testing Beta Period ◦ Only known-shippable bugs remain, and code coverage > 70% Acceptance Testing ◦ Customer approves of the system ◦ Budgeted time exhausted

10 Project Management Plan: Software Lifecycle Process Outline Description Specification Development Validation Initial Version Intermediate Version Final Version Concurrent activities Evolutionary Development

11 Project Management Plan: Applicable Standards Coding Standards Microsoft.NET Design Guidelines for Class Library Developers Artifact Size Metrics C#/ASP.NET ◦ Lines of Code (code, comments, blank lines) ◦ Number of classes, files, and assemblies Database ◦ Number of tables, views, and stored procedures Testing ◦ Number of unit tests

12 Project Management Plan: Technical Progress Metrics Requirements Phase ◦ Total number of requirements, the number of requirements by priority divided into high, normal and low, total number of tests created. Design Phase ◦ Number of design documents produced, total number of tasks generated. Implementation Phase ◦ Estimated time vs. actual time (measured in 1 hour increments). ◦ Number of on-time tasks and over-estimated tasks. ◦ Running list of tasks (number of tasks): Not started, In-Progress, Completed, Cancelled. Testing Phase ◦ Number of tests runs, passed and failed. Deployment Phase ◦ Number of submissions sent to the customer.

13 Project Management Plan: PERT Chart M3 Coding Testing Specification Design Plan Test Plan M1 M2Start 09/17/08 Requirement Analysis 10/01/08 11/05/08 Finish 12/05/08 14 days 30 days Beta (Testing & BugFixing) 26 days Final Documentation Deployment 9 days 11/6/08 – 12/1/08 M1, M2,M3 – Milestones - Critical path

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