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Browsing Data with GaudiPython Disclaimers: 1.I am an apprentice! 2.The porpoise: we think GaudiPython could be quite useful for a LHCb physicist… Browsing.

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Presentation on theme: "Browsing Data with GaudiPython Disclaimers: 1.I am an apprentice! 2.The porpoise: we think GaudiPython could be quite useful for a LHCb physicist… Browsing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Browsing Data with GaudiPython Disclaimers: 1.I am an apprentice! 2.The porpoise: we think GaudiPython could be quite useful for a LHCb physicist… Browsing data with GaudiPython H. Dijkstra, JA. Hernando, T. Ruf,

2 GaudiPython: a gate… LHCb code is in Python GaudiPython: (most) Gaudi framework accessible via Python (GaudiPython v*) + the Event Model classes (Data) “Bender”: Extra Gaudi-classes + DaVinci Tools + ‘LoKi’ for analysis Why Python?: It is a simple, intuitive, powerful OO language Ads: ie.: no pointers, dynamically typed, heterogeneous containers, dictionaries It supports interactivity and introspection It is one for all: use for scripting, for programming, for interactive data-analysis GaudiPython (we have used for… but we can do more…): XXX?Enviroment: we use PanoramixEnv Creating a simple Application Browsing Data Quick way to develop monitoring algorithms (histograms)… > source PanoramixEnv vXrY > cd ~/cmtuser/Vis/Panoramix/vXrY/cmt > source setup.csh

3 An illuminating example (T.Ruf): Import Gaudi Create a Gaudi Application Select a Data file Get the Event/Histo Svc Book histos

4 An example:, histogram monitoring algo Create your Algorithm Execution per event Get the clusters And fill the Histos Add your algorithm to the Application Run!!! Final Print out

5 An example: 1,2,3, how to run? ~>python ~>python Python 2.3.4 (#1, Jun 7 2004, 11:39:13) >> import gaudimodule >> gaudi = gaudimodule.AppMgr(outputLevel = 2, jobptions = ‘spillOverDicts.opts) 1 2 3 As an script! (console) At the prompt: (console) From the Emacs menu: # get the prompt: (menu) Python->start interpreter # Execute a region (fraction) or buffer (all): (menu) Python->execute region/buffer # define a fucntion, execute region and use it in the promt! > source PanoramixEnv vXrY > cd ~/cmtuser/Vis/Panoramix/vXrY/cmt > source setup.csh

6 The option files and the result, an Hbook file Dictionaries Algo and options Note: You can see histos and analyze ntuple from Python!! PyROOT (HIPYS)

7 GaudyPython extension in Bender: Vanya’s similar example From Bender import Gaudi Creating the ‘GaudiHisto’Algorithm Getting the data plot = (book + fill) histogram Configuring Gaudoi Creating my algorithm NOTE: Vanya’s will exports GaudiAlgorithms from Bender to GaudiPython

8 Interactivity and Introspection:  But…  What data is there?,  What methods has my data?  What are the options?  …  Exploring the data  What methods?  Module inspection  What functions?  What classes? >> evh = evt[‘Header’] >> dir(evh) >> print evh.evtNum() >> import ginspector >> help(ginspector)

9 What is in the DST & TES?  Inspecting Data:  PATH “Header”  TYPE “EventHeader”  Methods: evtNum() runNum() >>ginspector.inspectData(evt,”dst_data.txt”) NOTE: in the next version: we can have also the arguments of the methods (gracias Pere)

10 Ginspector: What properties?  Inspecting Properties  Name and Type AppMgr iAlgorithm  List of properties >> ginspector.inspectProperties(gaudi,’dst_properties.txt’)

11 A repository of scripts and catalog, and tests  Different uses of Python: (one for all..) Scripting: 1.create joboptions Hugo’s stripping 2.stage data in castor 3.send jobs Programming: 1.Physics Analysis: Vanya’s Bender Interactive Analysis: Monitoring: spillOver (T.Ruf,H.D.) With Panoramix Reconstruction: (plans) debug: event by event Histos/Ntuple Analysis: PyROOT (HIPYS) it is time to replace your “kumacs”  In the repository :  A repository of packages python modules /python directory in the packages CMT will take care of PYTHONPATH  I catalog in the web: Python script name, author, description, comment  Test before a release (Brunel, DaVinci)  Some problems (linux): i.e RTTC a simple script did not (almost solved now)!  A set of meaningful GaudiPython test scripts before a release?

12 Other uses of GaudiPython  Visualization:  Steer Panoramix from a Python script What to draw and how: T. Ruf examples  Testing/debugin: Click in a object in Panoramric and get it in the Python prompt (i.e track) Operate it in Python: i.e remove measurements and refit  Tracking  Debuging/Prototyping the reconstruction event by event In the Python prompt: tracks, extrapolator, fitter  Geometry  Debugin/testing detector geometries/aligment From Bender we can import to and update DetectorDescription classes Debug/test Volumes, DetectorElements…

13 Enlarging the community LHCb code is in Python GaudiPython + Event Model classes (Data) + “Bender” Making it more powerful (Pere, Vanya): exposing to GaudiPython more features of Gaudi: NTuples importing fron Bender common modules: GaudiAlgorithm extending to DetDescription classes We think it is useful for the Physicist: Simple, intuitive, powerful, interactive language: scripts, programming, analysis Allows easy browse of the data: create histograms, ntuples convenient for: prototyping, debugging, analysis event per event Enlarging the community: a repository with pythons scripts and a catalog on the web (TR, JAH) standard meaningful test with some GaudiPython scripts before a release? (check of data size, spill over…etc)

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