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Implementing the NEW School Counselor Evaluation
Barb Brady. Ph.D., School Counseling Coordinator Office of Secondary Programs
Objectives Review Purpose of Evaluation System
Review Components of System Review Process and Timelines Complete Program Audit Understand & Practice Using Rubrics Review and practice developing Standard Element & Student Impact Goals using S.M.A.R.T principles Practice using goal setting forms Answer questions/troubleshoot Understand Support & Corrective action plans
VISION: West Virginia will have a comprehensive and equitable evaluation system that clearly articulates, measures, rewards, and develops educator effectiveness The Task Force established this VISION for the new system. Take a moment to reflect on the words. Pick out 1 or 2 words that really resonate with you. Turn to your neighbor and tell them your 2 words and why you chose them.
Key Facts All educators, principals, and counselors are evaluated annually The evaluation system is a growth model The counselor takes the lead role in assessing his/her practices and program and establishing growth goals. The counselor evaluation is guided by five standards, aligned with the WV School Counseling Model.
Key Facts A set of well defined rubrics guide counselors’ self reflection to identify strengths and weaknesses Self Reflection is evidenced based School Counselor evaluation processes and timelines are closely aligned with the principal and teacher evaluations.
Historical Perspective
2010 Standards Adopted Evaluation Task Forces System Piloted & Revised Statewide Demonstration Schools In 2009: The new WV Professional Teaching Standards were adopted by the WV Board of Education. You will find that Standards 1-5 of the Educator Evaluation system are the state-wide teaching standards. In 2010: The US Dept of Education awarded grants to states from the Stimulus and ARRA funds that required a revised educator evaluation system Beginning in 2010 and continuing through2012: A task force for the new educator evaluation system assembled, and they began work on the new educator evaluation system. The taskforce comprised teachers, counselors, principals, superintendents, teacher organizations, and other key stakeholders. The work of the task force continues. In the School year: The Educator Evaluation system was piloted in twenty-five schools. Passed during the 2012 West Virginia Legislative session , House Bill 4236, sponsored by Governor Tomblin, enacted a system for expanding the new system statewide. school year: There will be 136 Demonstration schools, consisting of the 25 pilot schools, and 111 demonstration schools. Those attending this meeting are representing the demonstration schools. Federal Policy
WV School Counseling Model
Adapted from ASCA’S National Model® WVDE Policy 2315 West Virginia School Counselor Performance Standards PROVIDE Research-based framework for school counselors to enhance success for ALL students Each of us may have challenges to overcome in our individual settings; however, this policy gives each of us the foundation for developing our ideal counseling program. This may be or not a long process because we are changing the way school counselors work and the way school counselors have been treated in the past. Change is usually not welcomed by others. Therefore, we must be diligent in promoting what school counselors do and are required to do by state and county policy. The state policy requires we spend no more than 25% of our time in planning and managing our programs. This includes administrative and clerical functions necessary to carry out our school counseling program, planning programs, keeping calendars, analyzing data to determine student need, program auditing, etc. The policy requires that 75% of the counselors time be spent delivering direct services to students.
Standard Elements align with the WV School Counseling Model and Policy 2315
SO this leads up to the ASCA National Model As you view the graphic, you will notice there are four areas FOUNDATION DELIVERY SYSTEM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ACCOUNTABILITY The visual show that the foundation, a program’s core beliefs, philosophy and mission, dictates both how the program is management and how it is delivered. These two components go hand in hand: Delivery system is the ways in which counselors deliver services. The management system ensures that the delivery system is planned, organized, directed and controlled in a systematic fashion for every student. Both the delivery and management lead to the Accountability component. And accountability leads back to the foundation because results of our program lead to program improvement, which begins once again with the foundation.
A Picture of the WV Professional School Counselor Standards
Standard 1: Program Planning, Design and Management Standard 2: Program Delivery Standard 3: Data Driven Accountability and Program Evaluation Standard 4: Leadership and Advocacy Standard 5: Professional Growth and Responsibilities Begin in July with the 100+ page document. Wordle’s – were to begin to ensure that the standards were a picture of what we would want a school counselor to know and be able to do.
Standard Elements align with WV’s Multi-tiered Prevention-based System
Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Community/School Partnerships Secondary Prevention: Specialized Groups Systems for Students with At Risk Behavior Primary Prevention: School/Classroom-Wide for Students, Staff and Families [advisor-advisee and developmental guidance]
School Counseling Has Changed
Changing from… Moving toward…. Random Acts of Guidance Counselor centered Everything to everyone Spending 80% of time … with 20% of students Lack of planning and documentation Gatekeepers Working in silos A Planned Program Supporting all students being Career/College ready Classroom lessons/ developmental guidance/individual student planning for all students Program documentation/Use of calendars Closing the gap in achievement / use of data/ partners in achievement Collaboration/ systemic change agent
Architecture of West Virginia Professional Counselor Standards
Standards (5) – Broad statements/ constructs Functions(19) – Describes the important functional or procedural parts of the standard Indicators (50) – Further delineate the functions into observable measures and are described by rubrics
Evaluation Standard Elements
Standard 1: Program Planning, Design and Management CSE 1.1 – The school counselor assumes a leadership role in planning, designing, and advocating for a balanced, school counseling program aligned with the state model. CSE 1.2 – The school counselor manages and documents the school counseling program according to the WV School Counseling Standards. Standard 2: Program Delivery CSE 2.1 – The school counselor facilitates the implementation of an integrated comprehensive guidance curriculum . CSE 2.2 – The school counselor manages and documents the school counseling program according to the WV School Counseling Standards. CSE 2.3 – The school counselor facilitates the delivery of a continuum of intervention and responsive services. CSE 2.4 – The school counselor coordinates a seamless, systematic approach to academic, career and personal/social student supports . CSE 2.5 – The school counselor facilitates a coordinated approach to the individual student academic and career planning. Standard 3: Data Driven Accountability and Program Evaluation CSE 3.1 – The school counselor facilitates the implementation of an integrated comprehensive guidance curriculum .
Evaluation Standard Elements
Standard 4: Leadership and Advocacy CSE 4.1 – The school counselor advocates for the success of all students by promoting equity and access. CSE 4.2 – The school counselor collaborates with various stakeholders. Standard 5: Professional Growth and Responsibilities CSE 5.1 – The school counselor seeks ongoing, relevant professional development. CSE 5.2 – The school counselor demonstrates professional and ethical practices. CSE 5.3 – The school counselor contributes to the growth of the profession.
Job Description Alignment
Are county/school job descriptions aligned with the WV School Counseling Model and WV Performance Descriptors? Model Job descriptions have been created to align with new standards. Appendix A in Model booklet Overarching job descriptions Programmatic level – recommendations Institutional Ed./ Vocational Technical Schools Job descriptions must support counselors being able to be ‘accomplished’.
The Evaluation Process & Timelines
Includes completing Program Audit and using performance rubrics to guide goal setting Includes sharing Program Audit results performance rubric ratings nd draft goals Goal focused Includes updating Program Audit Goals Self Reflection …using performance rubrics
Scavenger Hunt & BREAK
Step 1: Self Reflection Review Program Audit to examine program completeness and establish at least one annual program growth goal. Complete self-reflection using the 13 standard element rubrics Determine performance level on each element based on evidence you could present.
Self Reflection includes assessing program completeness
to guide setting annual program growth goals.
Architecture of West Virginia Professional Counselor Standards
Element Rubrics – Performance descriptions of the standard element Levels of Performance Distinguished Accomplished Emerging Unsatisfactory Descriptions of how practice “COULD” look. The actual implementation of the standards and functions is done based on school needs and in a way that is designed by the counselor. The indicators/rubrics are not a cookie-cutter prescription but are some guidelines of what effective practice might look like.
Description of Performance Levels
Page 9
Self Reflection is guided by examining one’s own performance level in each of the 13 standard elements. Page 17
West Virginia’s Got Talent!
Now we are going to do a quick Activity to test our understanding of the 4 Performance levels This is called the “West Virginia’s Got Talent” Activity Take 2 minutes and self reflect on your performance level on these various talents. Take 1 minute and tell your neighbor how you did. What was your highest rated area and lowest rated area? Anyone her distinguished at everything?
Identifying Evidence
Evidence Evidence is provided to support performance level determination. To be distinguished, evidence must be noted in the system. Evidence is particularly critical when there is a disagreement between the assessed performance level between the counselor and the evaluator. Evidence is provided to support performance level determination To be distinguished, evidence must be noted in the system Evaluators record data using the Observation form **NOTE – this is different from the current system because the observation is one piece of evidence. It is no longer “the evaluation” per se
Sample Evidence The use of electronic calendars as counselors plan their activities can easily be downloaded and shared as evidence. Sample evidence are identified within the evaluation system. Remembering to save and organize documentation is key. It should not be extra work.
Review of WVDE Counseling Log
Use of Time Review of WVDE Counseling Log
Annual Calendar Month Programs and Activities July August September
October November December January February March April May June
Sample Calendar
Daily Schedule Time Activity 7:30 Anger Management Group 8:30
Office – Responsive Services 9:30 Program Planning and Management (my office) 10:15 Classroom Guidance Lesson – Conflict resolution skills – Hughes 302 11:30 LUNCH 12:00 Study Skills Group 1:00 Classroom Guidance Lesson – Conflict resolution skills – Smith 117 2:00 Classroom Guidance Lesson – Conflict resolution skills – Acorn 202 3:00 Consultation – Parent and Mrs. Jones (my office) 3:30 SAT meeting – Jimmy Weathers – B Building Conference Room 4:15 Counseling Log
Observations Are optional for counselors
May be requested by the principal or counselors Counselors may also request that a teacher or other stakeholder observe to document major events. Observer only completes the part related to the critical element(s) being observed. Principal must prearrange observation and ensure activity being observed is not of a confidential nature Can be used as performance level evidence. In the old evaluation system some people often confused the Observation to actually be the Evaluation. Observation is not the evaluation Observation should last One class period or minimum of 30 minutes It should be supported by evidence and conversation
How much evidence is enough?
One of the lessons that we learned from the Pilots was that some schools questioned how much evidence was necessary? If not enough evidence is provided, the system may appear subjective or biased If too much evidence is required, the trust-factor is diminished and educators may spend too much time documenting something that is already clear.
Self Reflection Self-reflection provides educators the opportunity to consider personalized plans for continued professional growth and to aspire to the highest levels of achievement. Educators on all progressions complete a self-reflection to assess actual professional practice related to the five professional teaching standards. Which performance level are you most like in each Standard Element? What evidence could you produce to substantiate that rating?
Step 2: Goal Setting Develop 2 preliminary goals:
Standard Element S.M.A.R.T Goal Student Impact Goal Participate in Goal Setting Meeting with Principal by Nov. 1 Finalize goals and discuss action steps/strategies for goal attainment.
SMART Goals S - Specific M - Measurable R – Results-oriented
The outcome is clear. S - Specific You can count it or see it. M - Measurable You have what you need to be able to do it. A - Achievable It is aligned with school/district goals. R – Results-oriented A specific date has been set. T - Timed
Action Plans: Evaluation Website
Once goals are set, counselors will develop action steps to guide goal attainment, identifying resources needed to achieve goal.
Student Impact Goal One goal requires the counselor to work to improve an evidence-based area that impacts student achievement. Goal must relate to academic, career, and personal/social student standards and may includes such areas as: Improving attendance Decreasing discipline referrals Decreasing retentions Increasing the number of documented academic/career plans Increasing parental engagement Improving graduation rates Decreasing dropout rates ….and so forth
Goal Alignment Moving away from working in isolation
Align school counseling goals with: State goals/initiatives District goals/initiatives/data outcomes School goals/initiatives/data outcomes/mission statement
Context Who and what will you Impact?
Academic, Career, Personal/Social All Students Grade Level Multiple Grades At-risk High Risk Who we teach is equally important to what we teach. The new evaluation system honors the hard work that teachers do every day in classrooms all across West Virginia so that students learn and enjoy success. So often we are asked what we teach. Perhaps another important questions is who we teach. We as teachers know that classes vary year to year, period to period. Remember to describe the context of the student you actually teach when designing a goal. What may have worked with a particular group of students may not do so with another. Take a moment to share with those at your table what you teach as well as who you taught this year. Pay special attention to the exceptionalities: The special challenges our students face whether an IEP or 504 Plan. In doing so, we remind ourselves of the importance of personalized learning, a key focus of our work. We want to recognize the good work that teachers do to reach and challenge all learners in their classrooms.
Two Data Points Clear Beginning and End Results by May 1
Quarter Semester Academic Year Results by May 1 Attendance records Discipline records Career portfolios Post-secondary/ scholarship logs Parent involvement sign-in sheets Needs assessment data Bullying incidence reports … and so forth Two data points are used to demonstrate progress within the Student Learning Goal Goals may span a quarter, semester, or academic year. Assessments used to measure student progress may be standardized assessments, or they may be teacher-created. Results are due by May 1.
Measures of Progress WESTEST II data cannot be used as a measure of the student impact goal.
Online evaluation system (form in evaluation guide) will aid
counselors in the development of the student impact goal.
Step 3: Mid-Year Progress Check
OPTIONAL Principal or counselor may request a face-to-face progress meeting (between Nov. 1 & January 1) Action Plans may be adjusted to meet goal Additional resources may be requested. Principal may ask for evidence toward goal attainment.
Student Impact Goal A Student Impact Goal is set in collaboration with principal/school leadership team and should align with an overarching school goal and school’s strategic plan.
Web Resources: Help with Documentation
School Counseling Website – Documentation Handbook Student Needs Assessments Protocols
Web Resources: Help with Documentation
LINKS Program LINKS NetWorth NetsSmart – aligned with school counseling standards Group Guidance Lessons Guidance Curriculum
Step 4: Year-End Meeting
Face-to-Face Meeting between Counselor and Principal (between May 1 – June 1) Counselor presents updated: performance levels based on end-of year self reflection. Program audit to demonstrate program growth Any evidence to validate performance levels (documents online) Principal completes summative assessment
Standard 6 rubrics provides guidance assist
Counselors in and a self assessing and meeting goal.
Focused Support Plans Rationale
Comprehensive system of support Culture based on trust, support and professional growth Active role for educators Time and resources The educator evaluation system offers educators plans to address areas of concern as part of a comprehensive system of support. A school culture based on trust, support and professional growth is foundational for successful implementation. The plans invite educators to participate actively in improving professional practice while acknowledging that significant support is necessary for optimal results. Both the focused support plan and the corrective action plan recognize that time, resources and collaboration with other educators are essential to success.
Focused Support Plan Essential Components:
Identified area of concern with reference to the standard(s) to be addressed Expectations for change 9 week timeline for implementation Resources for support, including referral to other educators The focused support plan must include these essential components: Identified area of concern with reference to the standard(s) to be addressed What are the Expectations for change Develop a 9 week timeline for implementation Outline the Resources for support, including referral to other educators
Focused Support Plan Proactive, preventative
Area(s) of concern in one or more performance standards Support meets individual needs The focused support plan is a proactive, preventative measure that supports individual improvement and professional growth. The focused support plan may commence only after a purposeful conversation and when there is documented evidence indicating an AREA OF CONCERN based on one or more of the five performance standards. After that area is identified, the type of support needed would also be identified. Different types of support may be considered to meet individual needs such as: Professional development, Coaching/Instructional support, Mentoring, Peer observation etc.
Focused Support Plan Nine Weeks Decision
Standard met-removed from plan Adequate progress – another Focused Support Plan 3. Inadequate progress – Corrective Action Plan At the conclusion of the nine-week focused support plan, if evidence demonstrates that the standard has been met, then the plan is successfully completed. If evidence demonstrates that adequate progress has been made, the focused support plan will continue for a second nine-week period. If there is inadequate progress on the standard related to the area of concern, an evaluation will be completed and a corrective action plan will be initiated.
Corrective Action Plan
Essential components: Identified area of unsatisfactory performance with reference to the standard(s) to be addressed Expectations for change Timeline for implementation Resources for support, including referral to other educators Here are the Essential components of a Corrective Action Plan: Identified area of unsatisfactory performance with reference to the standard(s) to be addressed Expectations for change Timeline for implementation Resources for support, including referral to other educators
Corrective Action Plan
18 weeks Unsatisfactory performance shown in a completed evaluation Inadequate progress on focused support plan Certain instances may require immediate action Determinative The corrective action plan is typically initiated when a focused support plan shows there was inadequate progress and when an evaluation is completed that shows unsatisfactory performance based on one or more of the five performance standards. However, certain instances of misconduct as specified in W.Va. Code §18A-2-8 may require immediate action and/or a corrective action plan. The corrective action plan spans 18 weeks and may commence at any time during the school year. The corrective action plan is determinative and may not be repeated. Evidence of adequate progress must be demonstrated by the conclusion of the 18-week corrective action plan. If evidence does not demonstrate that adequate progress has been made at the conclusion of the 18-week period, termination for unsatisfactory performance shall ensue.
Professional Conduct Standard is not calculated into summative evaluation because educators don’t need “extra credit” for meeting basic job requirements Areas of concern may be addressed through a plan These are the things that we do every day as professionals “Meets Standard” is the expectation for everyone
Online Evaluation System
During the school year all school counselors in WV will convert to the new school counseling evaluation system which consist of following components: Self-reflection (using evaluation rubrics and Program Audit) Initial Goal Setting Meeting Notes Mid-year Meeting Notes (if applicable) Standard Element Goal Setting Form Student Impact Goal Setting Form Evidence Observations (if applicable) Year-End Evaluation and Summative Rating
The next few slides provide a step-by-step walk through of the process of completing the school counselor evaluation on the online system.
In order for counselors and principals to access the counselor information on the online evaluation system in each school, each counselor must have and use a WVEIS WOW ID. #. It is important for counselors/principals to work with your RESA WVEIS Contact to ensure that you locate or acquire your WVEIS WOW ID number, if you have not already done so. PLEASE NOTE: There is a clear difference between the employee id and user id. The user id is assigned for employee access to WVEIS WOW. The employee id is used for all other work and payroll identification. This is not the WVEIS WOW ID. Counselors use a different ID for logging into WVEIS WOW. When counselors sign-in to WOW if prompted to do enter an ID, they have not yet been assigned a WOW ID. If counselors are not prompted for the employee id when accessing WVEIS WOW it is because they have already provided previously. If counselors do not know their ID or do not have one, contact your County WVEIS Contact to locate or create your ID.
Go to screen http://WVEIS. k12. wv. us
Go to screen . Click on “sign-on to WVEIS on the Web”.
Enter Employee ID. It you don’t know your employee ID, check your paystub or contact your WVEIS County contact.
After logging in you will land here
After logging in you will land here. Click on Menus in the upper left corner to proceed.
Click on Educator Evaluation.
To complete self-reflection, counselor will click on Add self reflection. To add goals, counselor will click on Add a Goal. To add evidence, counselor will click on add evidence. Counselor Jump Screen
To complete the self-reflection, counselor will click on each standard element, review the performance criteria to the rite and then click on the level as self assessed. Distinguished Accomplished Emerging Unsatisfactory Self Reflection
When principal is ready to complete evaluation, principal will click on Evaluation 2014 under Evaluations Counselors. Principal will then click on ‘Add an Evaluation”.
Principals will land on this screen and will evaluate the counselor on each standard element and the two goals using a process similar to the teacher evaluation. The principal and counselor will refer to the standard element rubrics, any evidence, and the Program Audit during the end of the year meeting when the summative rating is recorded. The process can be completed in one setting or during multiple settings. If the principal leaves this screen before the evaluation the evaluation is complete, hit save in order to commit the data to the database. Once the evaluation is complete and ready for the counselor review, the principal must finalize the evaluation by clicking on the check box.
This screen allows the counselor to review the evaluation, provide an addendum and to accept the evaluation. Once the counselor accepts the evaluation he/she can print the evaluation. However, the final summative rating score will not be available until school growth scores are tabulated.
Additional Resources WVDE Evaluation Support Page
Goal and Work Plan Samples Pilot Wiki
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