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How business and IT interoperate using SOA

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Presentation on theme: "How business and IT interoperate using SOA"— Presentation transcript:

1 How business and IT interoperate using SOA

2 Speakers Mark Pettit. Head of Integration and Product Services Steve Jones. CTO Application Development Transformation

3 Contents The interoperability challenge The three tenets of interoperability Method Delivery Organisation Summary Q&A

4 How business and IT interoperate using SOA The interoperability challenge

5 Is Business and IT divided or united by SOA? Do we have a shared understanding of business problems? Do we have a shared understanding of business opportunities? Do we collaborate to find solutions and act in unison to deliver?

6 The interoperability chasm Business Fear Entrenched IT Cost Value Organisation Projects Products Standards “S” and “A”

7 Who is the Babelfish? Too often Business and IT speak different languages Both sides continually argue that the other is “wrong” and they are “right” IT estates rarely look like the business Business rarely looks to the long term impacts of IT

8 Central IT (mainly infrastructure) Program Office Traditional Organisation – Business Aligned IT (AD) BU

9 IT Project IT Project IT Project IT Project Traditional Organisation – Capability Central IT Program Office BU

10 How business and IT interoperate using SOA The three tenets of interoperability

11 Organisation Delivery The three tenets of interoperability Method

12 How business and IT interoperate using SOA Method

13 Our take on the SOA hype HOW  SOA is not WS  SOA is not about BPEL  SOA is not about ESB  SOA is not about Technology  Not driven by the “How” Service-oriented Architecture works because it represents a real-world “what we do”.

14 Use the SOA Reference Model Visibility Service Description Execution Context Real World Effect Contract & Policy Interaction A service is a mechanism to enable access to a set of one or more capabilities provided by one entity – the service provider – for use by others. Not vendor driven Applies to business as well as IT Defines what “good” looks like Doesn't tell you “how” to do it

15 Engage the business to determine the what, who and why What: Defining the scope of services, this is about determining what the services actually are. Who: Who are the external actors that drive the services or with which the services interact. Why: Identifying why one service talks to another, and why external actors interact with the services How: The detail about the processes that co-ordinate the services and also the detail on how a service itself will be implemented.

16 Structure matters Millions of “Services” Disjoint from how the company works Lack of clear ownership Duplication Missed opportunities Unclear strategy Driven by techies using Web Services Clearly defined structure Defined areas of shared ownership Driven by how the company works “Do it once, well” Aligned to the business goals Driven by how the business wants to react Think about Process second NOT THE SAME AS ORG CHARTS

17 Rules for establishing an Enterprise SOA Work with the business to understand the key business services and their drivers Create the Enterprise SOA first then aim to deliver it tactically Ensure that tactical projects leave the company better off Deliver the Business Services Refine the Enterprise SOA Penalise the projects that make it worse

18 How business and IT interoperate using SOA Delivery

19 A business-driven SOA drives the delivery approach Sourcing Strategy Delivery Model Business Transformation Delivery Transformation

20 Delivering SOA BusinessIT Business SOA Architectural Governance Programme Sign Off Update Context Programme SOA Service Project Service Project Service Project Service Project Service Project Service Project Service Project Service Project

21 Drive down from the top Projects and enterprises should define their Service Architecture FIRST Requirements and process need to be in the context of that architecture Architecture needs to be defined so all stakeholders understand Needs to be an collaborative exercise Once you have the service, THEN think about process

22 How business and IT interoperate using SOA Organisation

23 IT Can Enterprise Architecture build the bridge? Common Language Interface Context Strategy Business Tools Techniques Governance Enterprise Architecture

24 Governance of a new IT Asset Business services are a new IT asset that require a new governance model: Not predicated on ownership Some form of centralisation Funding and resource planning Change management Standards - e.g. for business semantics and processes

25 Central IT (AD, Governance, SOI) Organisation for SOA IT (AD) EA Funding and Governance BU IT (AD) BU

26 How business and IT interoperate using SOA Summary

27 To deliver the true value of SOA and become a service-oriented enterprise, we must recognise the importance of interoperability by: Investing in an enterprise SOA developed by both the Business and IT Ensuring delivery processes accommodate SOA approach Structuring the organisation to ensure successful delivery and ongoing management of assets

28 How business and IT interoperate using SOA Questions?

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