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Task Based Organizing. Description of Initiative 2: Task Based Organizing Define the tasks that make-up the work of implementing our programs. Learn how.

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Presentation on theme: "Task Based Organizing. Description of Initiative 2: Task Based Organizing Define the tasks that make-up the work of implementing our programs. Learn how."— Presentation transcript:

1 Task Based Organizing

2 Description of Initiative 2: Task Based Organizing Define the tasks that make-up the work of implementing our programs. Learn how task-based organizing can work in our teams. Development of good “project managers”. Create a library of “task assignments” and other resources for teams to draw on. Increase our ability to recruit and retain volunteers

3 Our volunteer pool is shrinking. Overwhelmingly we hear and research shows that people today fear taking on large commitments that have no “end point”. We have traditionally struggled finding ways to “engage” new volunteers. Need to create small steps for new volunteers to take. Teams are struggling to find those individual volunteer leaders willing and/or able to “do it all”. We need to develop our use of “teams” within our teams. WHY?

4 September launch meeting – Looked at the overall “volunteer journey” and how task based organizing could be used to enhance the journey for new and existing volunteers. Created mind-maps to begin breaking down the “tasks” in hosting, sending, sponsored programs and volunteer development. Discussed how task-based organizing could be implemented. Signed up teams interested in helping us pilot this idea. World Café “Task Project” group created Pilot Project Plans and Monthly Updates uploaded Monthly “reflection” meetings held Task Description Library started….94 tasks ….google doc What have we accomplished so far?

5 Greater Chicago Returnee Integration MichiganEngaging Returnees in Sending Greater IllinoisMid-Year/Pre-Return Orientation NW CaliforniaVolunteer/Returnee Engagement CapitolNSLI-Y Interviews Pre-Departure Orientation Hosting Northern IllinoisLiaison Task Project Dallas/LewisvilleHosting Kick-Off Mid-Year Orientation Kansas CityNSLI-Y Interviews & End of Stay San Francisco BayMid-Year Orientation MissTennkyNSLI-Y Interviews Pilots In-Progress and Completed

6 Getting a Task Based Project Off the Ground – Suggested Steps! 1. Select the specific activity that will be the focus of your task project. Make sure it has a beginning and an end date. 2. Assemble a small group of volunteers experienced in the activity selected. Determine specific outcomes for the project. Identify a “Team Leader” / Project Manager Do an analysis of all the tasks Create short “task descriptions” for each task identified. Create a time-line for the project showing when various tasks begin and end. 3. Recruit volunteers to join your task project team.

7 Suggested Steps Cont’d 4. Call a task project team meeting Review the project with the team Ask individuals sign up for individual tasks. Determine communication plan for the team. How will team members stay in touch? How often will team members meet? How should the project manager keep everyone updated? 5. Determine resource and training needs. 6. Talk about how the project should be evaluated in the end. 7. Talk about how the group will celebrate their success and close the project!

8 Task Assignment Description Project Name: Click here to enter text. Task Name: Click here to enter text. Expected Outcome(s): Click here to enter text. Time Commitment (include approx begin/end dates, time needed total or per week): Click here to enter text. Task Description (Outline the activities to complete this assignment): Click here to enter text. Training or other requirements: Click here to enter text. Which functional area(s) is this task applicable to: (check all that apply) ☐ Hosting ☐ Sending ☐ Volunteer Development ☐ Fund-Raising ☐ School Outreach ☐ Publicity/Community Outreach ☐ Orientations ☐ Support ☐ Other If “Other” please describe:

9 Task Assignment Description Task Name: Plan meals, snacks and food logistics Expected Outcome(s): BEFORE JANUARY 22. Plan for all meals and snacks. Time Commitment: two hours Task Description: Query students for food allergies or restrictions. Create a menu for each meal. Make a master shopping list. Training or other requirements: N/A Which functional Area(s) is this task applicable to: ☒ Hosting ☐ Sending ☐ Volunteer Development ☐ Fund-Raising ☐ School Outreach ☐ Publicity/Community Outreach ☐ Support ☐ Publicity/Community Outreach ☒ Other (If “Other” please describe):

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