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Senior Stretch: Senior Project Proposal “…by stretching yourself beyond your perceived level of confidence you accelerate your development of competence.”—Michael.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Stretch: Senior Project Proposal “…by stretching yourself beyond your perceived level of confidence you accelerate your development of competence.”—Michael."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Stretch: Senior Project Proposal “…by stretching yourself beyond your perceived level of confidence you accelerate your development of competence.”—Michael J. Gelb

2 Now It Is Time to Finish Strong Today You Will… Receive the Senior Culminating Project Brochure Be able to ask clarifying questions. Be prepared to get ideas for the Senior Showcase. samples on display in back Copies of the following will also be available… Senior Project Proposal Form Senior Project Handouts that will be used to document your project and be graded by your 12 th grade social science teacher.

3 What Do I Have To Do? Students in the class of 2011 will be required to participate in a new activity of their choosing. Each student must create his/her own project; one which stretches the student's boundaries of Learning, Service and/or Discovery. Students will chronicle their growth in this area through a video, photo and/or written journal. Some general ideas for this project include: Become a Big Brother/Sister Explore a new hobby, sport or craft…learn how to swim, snowboard, make a kite. Undertake a volunteer project Participate in an internship Research a social issue and develop a means for addressing it Initiate a new club or organization on campus Learn CPR Run A Marathon

4 This Sounds Difficult? It’s as easy as…Origami! What are you interested in? What have you always wanted to try? What do you want to do/be in the future?

5 How Do I Prove What I Have Done? Keep A Journal Written + Video or Photographic Have A Final Product To Show Off At Our Senior Showcase At The End of The Year A Quilt or Painting Play A Song Show Video/Photographs Certificate Create A Calendar

6 How Will I Receive Credit For Project? All Senior Government/Economics Teachers Will Be Monitoring Your Progress Periodically & Will Assign You A Grade On Your Project. Your Project Will Count Towards Your Final Semester Grade In Your Social Science Class. General Rubric For Senior Project Full Credit – A Student has completed the project on time and completely. This includes evidence of the project’s completion (a product or visual proof) along with a written piece (1 page or more) explaining what the student accomplished and how they have grown because of it. Incomplete Credit – C Student turned project in, but it was not on time, or was not well thought out or executed. Though the student has completed some proof of the project, it may be sketchy or not of a high quality. Student may fail to discuss what he/she learned from the project. Partial or No Credit – F Student may have started the project but not completed it, or in some cases, never even began the project, in which case the student will earn an F. Students will be asked to create a display to share with either their interview panel at the exit interview or with the entire school, in showcase fashion. Does That Mean My Government/Economics Teacher Will Be My Mentor? Not Necessarily. Although This May Be Possible, Your Teacher Will Simply Be Checking Your Progress To Ensure Timely Completion In An Effort To Ensure You Receive The Maximum Points On This Project. What If I Don’t Do It? You Will Receive A Zero For The Project Which Will Be Part of Your Last Semester Grade.

7 OMG…Who Can Help Me? Your Mentor This Can Be Anyone Who Has Experience Or Knowledge About Your Project OR Simply Someone You Enjoy Working With That You Trust To Guide You Through This Process. Yes, It Can Be A Teacher On Campus BUT… Complete The Bottom Portion Of The Form & We Will Do The Leg Work For You. We Don’t want to Overwhelm, Your Already Hardworking & Dedicated Teachers, So We Will Try To Make Some Matches On Your Behalf Based On Who You Advise You Would Like To Work With.

8 Why You Will Be Glad You Did This This Type Of Growing Experience Will Set You Apart From Other Students. You Will Learn More About Yourself. AND…Hopefully You Will Have Fun & Create Wonderful Memories. “There’s a big world out there. Bigger than prom, bigger than high school, and it won’t matter if you were the prom queen or the quarter back of the football team or the biggest nerd. Find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it.”—Anonymous

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