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Transit Agency Status FY 2011-12 Current Financial Position Current Operations Service Statistics/Trends Funding Statistics/Trends Other Information/Assumptions.

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Presentation on theme: "Transit Agency Status FY 2011-12 Current Financial Position Current Operations Service Statistics/Trends Funding Statistics/Trends Other Information/Assumptions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transit Agency Status FY 2011-12 Current Financial Position Current Operations Service Statistics/Trends Funding Statistics/Trends Other Information/Assumptions Capital Status Review 1

2 Current Financial Position: Reserves SourceBalance PTAF0 ASG0 BSG0 Section 1513406,062 Local196,880 Other257,399 2

3 Current Financial Position: Level of Short-Term Debt/Loans—Identify each line of credit (excludes long-term bond financing) Name of Financial Institution Amount of Available Credit Interest Rate Current Credit in Use N/A 3

4 Current Financial Position: Accounts Payable – Past due 90 days and over Accounts Receivable – Past due 90 days and over VendorAmount Past DueEstimated Pay Date N/A Program/AgencyAmount Past Due Date Requisitioned Estimated Pay Date Butler Eagle$297.505/2/201112/15/2011 Catholic Charities$200.006/16/201112/15/2011 4

5 Current Operations: Staffing Level Contract Provisions Healthcare Pension Fuel Fares Other major factors producing cost increases above inflation Cost Savings Initiatives 5

6 Staffing Level/Org Chart Provide a current organization chart with vacant and new positions. Include a justification for new planned positions. 6

7 Contract Provisions Term of current union contract __N/A______ to __________ DriversCurrent2012-13 Starting wage13.6914.10 Top wage Average wage Contract wage increase 3% Job ClassificationNumber- Full TimeNumber-Part Time Drivers****74 Mechanics****Three (3) Dispatchers Clerical Other Positions (Identify) ****These positions are with a subcontractor ****Currently no union** 7

8 Important Contract Provisions Use of part-time employees Number/percent of “split shift” drivers Overtime Outsourcing Other 8

9 Healthcare Describe any proposed changes and the estimated financial impacts. UnionNon-Union Basic Coverage Current392/784 FY 2012-13???/??? Employee Contributions Current1000/2500 FY 2012-131000/2500 Co-Payment Current FY 2012-13 9

10 Pension UnionNon-Union Employee Contributions Current401(3b) FY 2012-13Allowable by law Minimum Age to Qualify for Retirement CurrentN/A FY 2012-13 Minimum Number of Years to Qualify for Retirement CurrentN/A FY 2012-13 Minimum Number of Years to be Vested CurrentDay One/Dollar One FY 2012-13 10

11 Pension: Describe any proposed changes and the estimated financial impacts. Provide a status of the degree to which the pension funding is funded. If not fully funded please provide your strategy to fully fund pension. 11

12 Fuel: Current Cost per Gallon Contract rate or market rate? $.04 plus daily Rack price Terms of contract (if applicable) 5 years, ends June 30, 2012 Projected Cost per Gallon and Basis for Projection Contract rate or market rate? See above Terms of contract (if applicable) See Above 12

13 Fixed Route Fares: Provide average fare: Current Amount $.824 Future Amount $1.03 Describe fare policy: $1 base fare with free transfers for 40 minutes, half fare children 6-12, no fare children 6 and under. Fare Type Date of Last Increase Current Amount Date of Planned Increase Amount After Planned Increase Base Fare 20021.002012-20131.25 Transfers N/A02012-2013.25 Zone Fares N/A Other multi-ride tickets/passes (Add as appropriate) 2010 2002 2.00 a day $10 -12 Trip $40 Unlimited 2012-2013 2.50 12.50 12 Trip $45 Unlimited 13

14 Shared Ride Fares: Date of Last Fare Increase N/A Current Average fare Sponsorship arrangements Planned Changes Date of planned increase Estimated average fare Sponsorship arrangements Describe Fare Policy 14

15 Other Major Factors Producing Cost Increases Beyond Inflation: FactorsCurrent Amount Projected Future Amount Explanation Example: Subcontracts Example: Employee Retention (Add others or change as appropriate) Fuel Costsunpredictable Maintenance Costs130,000Plus 15-20% annually Aging fleet 15

16 Cost Savings Initiatives: InitiativeCurrent Cost Planned Action and Implementation Date Projected Savings Example: Travel Limitations Example: Compensation Changes (Add others or change as appropriate) Fuel Costs (CNG)205,0002013-14185,000 Fuel Costs (CNG)205,0002018-19125,000 16

17 Fixed Route Funding FY 2010- 11 FY 2011- 12 FY 2012- 13 FY 2013- 14 FY 2014- 15 Total Operating Expenses13790451558700160498616500051709305 Total Operating Revenue158554160000164741187327190875 Total Operating Deficit1220491139870014402451466781518430 Subsidies: Federal610296699350720108731339759215 State574718662099681023690269716091 Local3547737251391144107043124 Total Funding12204911398700144024514626781518430 17

18 Fixed Route Service Statistics/Trends: Describe Any Proposed Changes Fixed RouteFY 2010-11FY 2011-12FY 2012-13FY 2013-14FY 2014-15 Rev. Veh. Miles199824192682 Rev. Veh. Hours16906.2516510 Passenger Trips218981213994215677209207211589 ACT 44 PERF. MEASURES Pass. Trips/Hour12.9512.9613.0612.6712.82 Op. Cost/Hour81.5794.4197.2199.94103.53 Op. Rev./Hour9.389.699.9811.3511.56 Op. Cost/Trip6.307.287.447.898.08 18

19 Shared Ride Funding FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 Operating Expense Passenger Revenue Lottery MATP Other Balance 19

20 Shared Ride Statistics/Trends 20 Shared-RideFY 2010-11FY 2011-12FY 2012-13FY 2013-14FY 2014-15 Total Veh. Miles Cost per Mile Total Veh. Hours Cost per Hour Total Pass. Trips Cost per Trip Rev. per Trip Trips per Hour

21 Other Information/Assumptions: Fixed-Route Fuel prices level off Replacement Vehicles put in service on schedule reducing maintenance costs. Transition to Compressed Natural Gas is successful. Shared Ride 21

22 Capital Status Review Fixed-Route See attached file on capital Shared Ride 22

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