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The Christian & AcceptableTo the Lord? Social Drinking ConductUnbecoming A Christian? or.

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1 The Christian & AcceptableTo the Lord? Social Drinking ConductUnbecoming A Christian? or

2 Does it condone or condemn social drinking of today’s strong drink? 1 Cor 6:12 1 Cor 6:12 “All things are lawful, but don’t be brought under the power of it” “All things are lawful, but don’t be brought under the power of it” “in everything moderation” “in everything moderation” If interpretation is correct, then you cannot exclude from ALL THINGS: If interpretation is correct, then you cannot exclude from ALL THINGS: Marijuana, crack, cocaine, methamphetamines, ecstasy Marijuana, crack, cocaine, methamphetamines, ecstasy REALLY? 1 Cor 3:16-18 REALLY? 1 Cor 3:16-18 What is Alcohol? Alcohol is the name to given a variety of related compounds the drinkable form is ethanol, or ethyl alcohol. It is a powerful, addictive, central nervous system depressant American Council for Drug Education (ethyl alcohol is primary ingredient in antifreeze) How Does it Affect You? When a person consumes alcohol, the drug acts on nerve cells deep in the brain. Alcohol initially serves as a stimulant, then induces feelings of relaxation and reduced anxiety. Consumption of two or three drinks in an hour can impair judgment, lower inhibitions, and induce mild euphoria American Council for Drug Education

3 John 2:1-11 “water into wine” authority for consuming modern day alcoholic beverages? Observations on bible “wine”: 1. In OT many hebrew words for “wine” Tirosh “new wine” ranging from “still in the cluster Isa 65:8” to “fresh squeezed juice” to “naturally fermenting wine” Tirosh “new wine” ranging from “still in the cluster Isa 65:8” to “fresh squeezed juice” to “naturally fermenting wine” Yayin “aged wine, to max 5% alcohol” Yayin “aged wine, to max 5% alcohol” Hemer “foaming” Hemer “foaming” Asis “Sweet” Asis “Sweet” Mesehk “Spiced or Mingled” Mesehk “Spiced or Mingled” Shekhar “Strong Drink” Shekhar “Strong Drink”

4 John 2:1-11 “water into wine” authority for consuming modern day alcoholic beverages? Observations on bible “wine”: 2. In NT only 3 greek words replaces all the hebrew words, with Oinos being the one chiefly used, which primarily covers from “Tirosh” to “yayin”, a range from fresh squeezed juice naturally fermenting to an aged state (max 5%) 3. One english word “wine” was used to translate all greek

5 John 2:1-11 “water into wine” authority for consuming modern day alcoholic beverages? Observations on bible “wine”: 4. Concerning aged wine (max 5% by natural ferm.), historical records show two methods of preservation to slow down the fermentation process to keep as fresh as possible sealing in jars put in wells or back of caves to keep cool sealing in jars put in wells or back of caves to keep cool Boil the grape juice into a thick syrup And later reconstitute it with water

6 John 2:1-11 “water into wine” authority for consuming modern day alcoholic beverages? Observations on bible “wine”: 5. A common practice in new testament church era was to dilute the aged wine with 10 to 20 parts equal water. An 8 oz portion would yield 2.5 gallons of beverage, and the 5% would be spread out that where consumed with a meal would have no intoxicating effect 6. Modern wine making with fortified wines of high alcoholic content by adding ethyl alcohol was not invented until the middle ages The simple wines of antiquity were incomparably less deadly than the stupefying and ardent beverages of our western nations. The wines of antiquity were more like sirups; many of them were not intoxicant; many more intoxicant in a small degree; and all of them, as a rule, taken only when largely diluted with water. They contained, even undiluted, but 4 or 5 percent of alcohol. -- Cannon Farrar Smith’s Bible Dictionary

7 John 2:1-11 “water into wine” authority for consuming modern day alcoholic beverages? Fresh/Non-Intoxicating Vs 11 had drank deeply - yet still had wits to discern quality of taste Which “wine” is being consumed ? Strong/Intoxicating Vs 11 would have been loaded already & not have noticed taste A recipe for disaster Prov 20:1 Do you think Jesus would even be there? Would He not speak against it? Would He increase the folly? A recipe for disaster Prov 20:1 Do you think Jesus would even be there? Would He not speak against it? Would He increase the folly?

8 John 2:1-11 “water into wine” authority for consuming modern day alcoholic beverages? Fresh/Non-Intoxicating Which “wine” did Jesus Make ? Strong/Intoxicating Vs 6 Why so much? “read between the lines” “answer justifier” 30 g 30 g 30 g DID THE SINLESS SON OF GOD REALLY MAKE 180 GALLONS OF STRONG DRINK FOR A CROWD ALREADY NOTED AS HAVING CONSUMED MUCH?

9 John 2:1-11 “water into wine” authority for consuming modern day alcoholic beverages? To Do So Would Have Made Jesus Sin To Do So Would Make God a Tempter, Jas 1:13 To Do So Would Make Jesus Unjust Hab 2:15 15"Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbor, pressing him to your bottle, even to make him drunk, that you may look on his nakedness! (NKJ) It is unbelievable to think that the first miracle of Christ would be a violation of God’s word!

10 1 Tim 5:23 “a little for stomach troubles” vs 23 sticks out like an extra thumb from vs 19-25. Why? Perhaps Paul in his letter is answering a question Timothy had. If so, it speaks of caution on Timothy’s part to ask before taking even a “little bit” and caution on Paul’s behalf to respond, “just a little bit”. Does this really give authority to say, “well I can have me a beer or two on the weekend then!” ? The last time you got a bottle of medicine from the Dr did you chug-a-lug the whole bottle? What happens?

11 Were people tempted to drink undiluted strong wine? YES! To that God says in the OT Prov 23:31 “Do Not Look At It”, condemning the process of drunkenness. YES! To that God says in the OT Prov 23:31 “Do Not Look At It”, condemning the process of drunkenness. Where is the authority for 1 or 2 drinks of today’s strongly fortified liquor? What part of “DO NOT LOOK AT IT” do we not understand?

12 New Testament Condemns the Drinking Process Too Eph 5:18 says “be not drunk with wine”, but the greek derivative says “do not become drunk”, indicating a command against the whole process which begins with one Eph 5:18 says “be not drunk with wine”, but the greek derivative says “do not become drunk”, indicating a command against the whole process which begins with one Lu 21:34 not only drunkenness is condemned but also carousing or “surfeiting”, which is the “headache or dizziness of drinking” or “getting a buzz” Lu 21:34 not only drunkenness is condemned but also carousing or “surfeiting”, which is the “headache or dizziness of drinking” or “getting a buzz”

13 New Testament Condemns the Drinking Process Too One beer, one shot, one glass can leave an inexperienced drinker with the buzz of “surfeiting” One beer, one shot, one glass can leave an inexperienced drinker with the buzz of “surfeiting” Some may argue and proudly boast, “I can handle my booze”, “It takes a lot more than that for me to get a buzz”, Some may argue and proudly boast, “I can handle my booze”, “It takes a lot more than that for me to get a buzz”, Isa 5:22, “woe to those who are mighty or valiant at drinking wine” Isa 5:22, “woe to those who are mighty or valiant at drinking wine” Gov’ts recognize it takes very little to inebriate the senses Gov’ts recognize it takes very little to inebriate the senses

14 OT Priesthood Commanded to Totally Abstain before entering Tabernacle Lev 10:8-10 “God did not want the priest’s senses to be dulled even a little” Lev 10:8-10 “God did not want the priest’s senses to be dulled even a little” NT Christians are a royal priesthood (each one) 1 Pet 2:9 NT Christians are a royal priesthood (each one) 1 Pet 2:9 WHEN ARE WE NOT AT SERVICE IN THE TEMPLE OF THE NEW COVENANT? WHEN ARE WE NOT AT SERVICE IN THE TEMPLE OF THE NEW COVENANT? 1 Cor 6:19 1 Cor 6:19

15 Conclusion Sums up well in 1 Pet 4:1-7 Sums up well in 1 Pet 4:1-7

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