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Technology Opportunity Centers Technology Innovation Challenge Grant 1996- 2001 - 21 TOC Centers opened ARC 2002 – 2003 - 10 TOC Centers opened ARC 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Opportunity Centers Technology Innovation Challenge Grant 1996- 2001 - 21 TOC Centers opened ARC 2002 – 2003 - 10 TOC Centers opened ARC 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Opportunity Centers Technology Innovation Challenge Grant 1996- 2001 - 21 TOC Centers opened ARC 2002 – 2003 - 10 TOC Centers opened ARC 2003 - 2004 - 7 TOC Centers opened ARC 2005 - 2006 - 7 TOC Centers opening

2 21 Centers Opened 10,133 Adults Trained 515,982 Total Usage Sustainability Plan in place, 12 centers continuing the project through the EdVenture Group Technology Opportunity Centers $4.2 Million (5 Year Project) 1996 United States Department of Education The Background….

3 Technology Opportunity Center $250,000-1 Year Project 2003 Appalachian Regional Commission 10 Centers 40 Community Courses Completed Over 800 Community Members Trained 50,049 Total Usage Funding for TOC Lab Upgrades

4 TOC-Level 3 $200,000-1 Year Project 2004 Appalachian Regional Commission 7 New Centers 28 Community Courses to be offered Over 560 Community Members Trained 50,599 Total Usage Lab Upgrades Funded

5 A day in the life of a TOC… The TOC is great. We actually learned to program Visual Basic. -High School Student, TOC Participant Students-use the TOCs for research, career exploration opportunities and participation in computer laboratory sessions that support their coursework. Teachers-use the TOCs for curriculum integration, professional development and sharing technology resources during faculty In-services. Community, Parents, Businesses-use the TOCs for hands-on training of various software applications and Internet tools. Many course participants are using a computer for the very first time.

6 Preferred Lab Requirements Projector Screen Printer At least 15 Computers Scanner Miscellaneous Supplies (Paper, Printer Cartridges) Internet and Microsoft Office Suite I dont know what we would do without our TOC. It has provided a wonderful opportunity for our students and staff and supported the training needs of Bridgeports business community. My classes are always full! -Pat Ramsburg, Bridgeport H.S. TOC Director

7 Class Details Intro to Basic, Basic & Intermediate Courses Microsoft Office Internet 6-9pm one night per week for 5 or 10 weeks Two five-week Introduction to Basic, Two ten-week courses (basic and/or intermediate)

8 Scheduling of Community Courses All training is FREE To register, call Gloria Patterson at 888-862-0505

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