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Author: Luke Recipients: Theophilus Date: 61-62 A.D. Theme: The origin, establishment and spread of New Testament Christianity Key Words: “church,” “beginning,”

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2 Author: Luke Recipients: Theophilus Date: 61-62 A.D. Theme: The origin, establishment and spread of New Testament Christianity Key Words: “church,” “beginning,” “Christian,” “Spirit,” “believe,” “baptized” Key Verses: 1:8; 2:36-47; 4:12; 10:34-35; 11:26; 20:28 Key Phrase: “What must I do to be saved?” (2:37; 9:6; 16:30; 22:10)

3 Characteristics & Features of the Book: 1. Close correlation to the gospel of Luke 2. The “we” sections in the book 3. The Hub of the Bible 4. Bridge from the old to the new 5. The Holy Spirit 6. Detailed Accuracy 7. Christianity is a spiritual movement, not a political one.

4 Main Emphasis of the Book: The primary theme of the book of Acts is the historical record (the Divine record) of the origin, establishment and spread of New Testament Christianity in the first-century world during its first three decades of existence (approx. 33-62 A.D.).

5 I. Luke Records the Growth and Spread of Christianity Geographically. A. Acts 1:8 B. Jerusalem  Judea, Samaria  Uttermost parts of the earth C. Three main cities (Jerusalem, Antioch, Rome) D. From the Jews to the Gentiles E. Two central personalities (Peter and Paul) F. Luke portrays the diligent execution of the Great Commission in only thirty years.

6 II. Luke Records the Growth and Spread of Christianity Numerically. A. 120 disciples (1:5) B. Added 3,000 (2:41) C. Continued growth and spread of God’s Word D. Estimated over 500,000 Christians at end of first century

7 III. Luke’s Main Purpose Was to Detail Accounts of Conversions to Christ. A. Luke’s theme (what he wrote) is developed to emphasize his main purpose (reason he wrote). B. The primary purpose/reason the Holy Spirit inspired Luke to write the book of Acts was to give readers multiple cases of conversion. C. The book of Acts was strategically placed in the New Testament D. “God’s vivid illustrations of men being saved” is a great summary of the book of Acts. E. The book of Acts portrays the compliance of Jesus’ disciples in carrying out His Commission. F. The book of Acts records multiple examples of conversion. G. The conversion accounts show “how” and “who” can be saved.

8 IV. Luke Records God’s Revelation of Spiritual Beginnings. A. It was a time of “new beginnings” = numerous spiritual beginnings B. It was the beginning of the “last days” C. …of the new covenant D. …of the work of the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus E. …of gospel preaching in its fullness F. …of true, complete remission of sins G. …of the church H. …of the unshakeable kingdom I. …of the reign of Christ as King over His kingdom, the church J. …of God’s people wearing the name “Christian” K. …of the unity of all nations under one gospel L. …of the persecution of Christians M. …of local and worldwide mission work

9 V. Luke Records, With Great Interest and Emphasis, the Conversion and Labors of the Apostle Paul. A. The reader learns about the apostle Paul’s early life and training. B. The reader learns about the apostle Paul’s religious zeal. C. The reader learns about the apostle Paul’s conversion to Christ and early labors. D. The reader learns about the apostle Paul’s missionary journeys. E. The reader learns about the Apostle Paul’s arrest, imprisonments and trials. F. The reader learns some historical background to the epistles of the apostle Paul.

10 Period of Writing BooksDescriptionDateTheme Second Missionary Journey 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians The First Epistles 51-52 A.D.Eschatology: Last Things Third Missionary Journey Galatians 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Romans The Impregnable Quartet 53-57 A.D.Soteriology: Salvation First Roman Imprisonment Colossians Philemon Ephesians Philippians The Prison Epistles 60-62 A.D.Christology: Christ Release & Second Roman Imprisonment 1 Timothy Titus 2 Timothy The Evangelist Epistles 62-68 A.D.Ecclesiology: The Church

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