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Update Barbara Ashcraft, MA, LPC WVDE School Counseling Coordinator 2008 Fall School Counselor Workshops School Counseling.

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Presentation on theme: "Update Barbara Ashcraft, MA, LPC WVDE School Counseling Coordinator 2008 Fall School Counselor Workshops School Counseling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update Barbara Ashcraft, MA, LPC WVDE School Counseling Coordinator 2008 Fall School Counselor Workshops School Counseling

2 School Counselors Have Changed ?? Old… Random Acts of Guidance Saw one twice in 12 years (students report) Various extra duties Coordinating and giving tests Predominately Responsive Services Little accountability

3 School Counselors Have Changed New… A Planned Program Closing the gap in achievement Career/college ready Classroom lessons for all students Support Individual Student Needs ASCA National Model (Policy 2315)

4 ASCA National Model – Policy 2315 4

5 Delivery System 5 Elementary Middle High School Guidance Curriculum 35-45% 25-35% 15-25% Individual Planning 5-10% 15-25% 25-35% Responsive Services 30-40% 30-40% 25-35% System Support 10-15% 10-15% 15-20%

6 How are counselors really spending their time? 6 25% 75%


8 Group Critical AreaExpected Results Program QualityRole of School Counselors in Student Success and School Reform The Framework for School Counseling is developed and clearly delineates the comprehensive school counseling program. The Five Year Plans are implemented for all middle and high school students. The Counseling role in Advisories is developed and implemented. The Counseling curriculum scope and sequence is standardized, where possible. Scaffolding rubrics for use with counseling activities are developed and implemented. A K-12 career development strand is implemented. A k-12 scope and sequence for delivery of academic, career and personal social development standards for all West Virginia students is developed. Opportunities for collaborative efforts among counselors and teachers are expanded. Repositories of counseling curriculum are posted on the school/county/state websites. Professional DevelopmentProfessional development calendar is published annually. Professional development modules that target counselor-defined training needs are developed and delivered. Professional development opportunities for school counselors at the state and national level are made more assessable to counselors. Areas Critical to Support for School Counseling

9 Program Quality TechnologyUse of technology by counselors and students in exploring and selecting post-secondary opportunities is expanded. Student use of technology for gathering information on post-secondary options (e.g., colleges, careers) is expanded. Technology is integrated in all aspects of the school counseling program. Technology Tools are made more readily available to school counselors. Organizational Effectiveness PlanningStrategic and annual planning process is continued. Annual implementation plans for upcoming school years are developed. Strategic plan is reviewed and updated annually. Organizational Support A WVDE Administrative School Counseling Handbook is developed and kept accurate and up-to- date. An Advisory Board for School Counseling is established. The capacity for leadership is more fully developed at the local level. School Counselors will participate on WVDE committees and task forces, and other appropriate groups that impact the success of school counseling in WVDE collaborates with higher education preparation programs to assure that school counselors are trained to fulfill roles required by ASCA national Model and Policy 2315. ResourcesResources are developed and updated (e.g., Resource Guide, program tools, website, LINKS Student Advisement Program and website and Content Standards and Objectives Policy written). Areas Critical to Support for School Counseling

10 Organizational Effectiveness Information Systems/Data The impact of implementing a comprehensive school counseling program is evaluated. A district-wide School Counseling Data Management System is developed and implemented. The district produces an annual School Counseling Report Card. Meaningful data on the impact of school counseling on the districts personalization efforts are gathered and reported. Human Resources School counseling positions are filled full-time certified school counselors. Counselor Coordinators are filled by certified school counselors. School Counseling ratios are more closely aligned with the national recommended ratio of 1/250. State, county and school job descriptions are written to align with Policy 2315. OEPA staff is trained to evaluate school counseling programs with Policy 2315 requirements. Facilities Facilities provide an environment that is conducive to effective counseling.

11 Areas Critical to Support for School Counseling Support for School Counseling School CultureThe quality of the school culture is expanded through a focus on personalized learning environments for students. Communications / Public Relations Electronic communication is continually updated and utilized by counselors. WVDE website provides a communication link to students, counselors, parents, administrators and other stakeholders. Parent Involvement Parents are further involved in their childs education through the Five Year Plan. Collaboration exists between the school counselors and other school staff to assure each parent and student meets with school staff annually to update ISTP plans. PartnershipsStrategic partnerships are developed and expanded to enhance the school counseling programs.

12 AreaExpected Results PlanningA strategic and annual planning process for school counseling is implemented at the state/county/local levels. BudgetSchool counseling programs are supported by WVDEs Budget. Funding is available for professional development of school counselors. Resources needed to fully implement school counseling programs are more accessible to school counselors. Funding is available for WVDE Coordinator Position. Funding is available for the WVDE School Counseling Coordinator to attend conferences and other professional development opportunities. Funding is available to bring national experts to for professional development and guidance regarding the statewide initiative to improve school counseling programs and practice. Funding is available to design, produce and implement a state-wide advisor/advisee curriculum. Organizational StructureState and counties continue positions that provide supervision, leadership and direction for school counselors. WVDE School Counseling Coordinator works in collaboration with other WVDE departments and staff to fully support school counselors and school counseling programs. School counseling program needs are supported by WVDEs organizational structure. Administrator Counselor Agreements Administrator/Counselor Agreements exist to maximize school counseling program effectiveness. DataSchool counseling programs are data-driven. CommunicationsListServes, mailings and websites provide vital information in a timely fashion. Areas Critical to Organizational Effectiveness

13 Areas Critical to Support for School Counseling The strategic plan provides more details on each area. A COPY OF THE ENTIRE SCHOOL COUNSELING STRATEGIC PLAN IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. NEXT: Overview of some of the outcomes of last years plan.

14 Technology Integration WVDE Technology Plan – Brenda Williams School Counselor Technology Survey (coming soon) WVDE Technology Summer Conference – School Counselor Strand LINKS web-based lessons and framework Web-based career planning tools Career Cruising Kuder Bridges Technology tools (searching for grants) Tools for SchoolsGates Foundation Gear UpCommunity Grants Benedum FoundationBusiness Partners

15 WVDE School Counseling Coordinator works in collaboration with other WVDE departments and staff to fully support school counselors and school counseling programs.

16 Last Fall approximately 550 counselors attended Professional Development This years Numbers are about the same.

17 Professional Development

18 21 st Century HSTW Sites April 23 & 24, 2007 National Model/Policy 2315 Resources Informal Needs Assessment Primary Goal- Student Advisement Program April 1 & 2, 2008 Introduced LINKS Student Advisement Program Pilot Program Content Standards/ Planned Website Career Cruising Pilot – Introduction June 2008 – (4) 3 hour Training of Core Staff Career Cruising Review of LINKS Website

19 July 16, 2008 Approximately 80 attended our Inaugural Summer Conference Workshop was co-sponsored by: WVDE WV School Counselor Association and Fairmont Professional Development


21 Largest number ever attends ASCA Conference in Atlanta 17 attends..makes noise for WV Comments: I wish I would have done this when I started my career. I wonder what my program would look like now. I learned a lot that will help me be a better counselor. This was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. I hope I can come every year.

22 Setting New Standards - ASCA

23 Professional Development Counties: Preston Cabell Preston Randolph Mason Lincoln Braxton Berkley Jefferson

24 Step-By-Step How To Guide (complete with tools and templates)

25 Tools

26 TOOLS – Three Year Plan

27 Principal/Counselor Agreements

28 Tools – Sample Calendar

29 Professional Development/Technical Support USDE Elementary and Secondary Education Grant …provides funding to LEAs to establish or expand elementary and secondary school counseling programs WVDE Provided - grant writing workshop - on-line support Lincoln County received almost 1.8 million over 3 years to: add both elementary and secondary school counselors provide professional development add resources improve practices to enhance school counseling programs.

30 State School Based Mental Health Steering Committee WVDE / DHHR developing state model to increase mental health services for all WV students WVDE Parent/Family Community Involvement Taskforce HEPC College Access Committee Promise Ad Hoc Advisory Committee Financial Literacy Curriculum State Planning Taskforce State Committees / Taskforces

31 Research Christie Schimmel State of School Counseling in WV School Based Mental Health National State of School Counseling Center for School Counseling Outcome Research State ILP Study…Naviance

32 Field Questions

33 Increased communication… Website List serves (Elementary, Middle/High and County Coordinator) Policy updates Graduation requirement changes Professional development opportunities Tools Best practices New programs WVDE updates, etc

34 School Counseling Website Providing resources and tools for Counselors Parents Students Administrators Teachers/advisors

35 Web-based Student Advisement Program

36 LINKS Student Advisement Program web-based framework and curriculum for student advisement programs (Advisor/Advisee) in West Virginia designed to advance student learning and development in a proactive, deliberate manner to encourage individual success involving a personal relationship with at least one adult serving as an advocate for the student. Piloted in 21 st Century HSTW sites 40 lesson plans per grade level (WV specific, downloadable) Standards based (Policy 2520.19 allows schools to offer for credit) Free pilot with Career Cruising (on-line career exploration and planning tool)



39 9 th Grade / Freshman Year Activity Read the 9 th Grade OnTrack mini-magazine Took a career interest inventory Explored careers and colleges at Took a learning-style assessment Participated in job shadowing Discussed my future plans with my counselor and family Took the Learn More Indiana 9 th Grade Career & College Information Survey Made sure I am on track to graduate Other: 1 0 th Grade / Sophomore Year Activity Read the 10 th Grade OnTrack mini-magazine Took a career interest inventory Explored careers and colleges at Participated in job shadowing Passed the ISTEP+ Graduation Qualifying Exam (GQE) Took the PSAT and/or PLAN (fall) Visited an area career center Started researching scholarship opportunities Discussed my future plans with my counselor and family Made sure I am on track to graduate Other: LINKS Checklist Activity Took the Learn More Indiana 11 th Grade Career & College Information Survey Registered online for Indiana e-Transcript Explored careers, colleges, apprenticeships and other training programs at Read Next Indiana: A Guide to Life after High School Registered for rigorous courses to make the most of my senior year Took the PSAT/NMSQT and/or PLAN (fall) Took the SAT and/or ACT (spring) Took an ASVAB assessment Attended a college fair Visited at least one college campus, training center or apprenticeship site Applied for athletic eligibility to the NCAA Clearinghouse (if applicable) Participated in Junior Prep Interviews with 21st Century Scholars (if applicable) Called the Learn More Helpline at 1-800-922-2076 to get answers to college, career and financial aid questions Discussed my future plans with my counselor and family Made sure I am on track to graduate Other: 1 2 th Grade / Senior Year Activity Retook the SAT and/or ACT to increase scores (if applicable) Visited college campuses and/or training programs Submitted college or training program applications Attended the financial aid program at my high school Submitted a FAFSA application for need-based financial aid at by the Applied for scholarships Developed a budget for life after high school Attended College Goal Sunday in February Completed my Affirmation Form for 21st Century Scholars (if applicable) Registered for the 21st Century Scholars Pledge Ceremony (if applicable) Called the Learn More Helpline at 1-800-922-2076 to get answers to college, career and financial aid questions Made sure I am on track to graduate Other: Activities I need to complete each year to ensure that I am well-prepared for post-secondary success. 9 th Grade/Freshman Year1 1th Grade / Junior Year CAREER AND COURSE PLANNER This Career and Course Planner is designed to complement the LINKS Student Advisement Program. You will use this tool to help you document your career plans, assessment results, experiential learning and course work to help you make meaningful plans for your future. Student Identification Student Materials



42 LINKS Student Advisement Program Evaluation Collaborating with National Center for Family Literacy (Training and Evaluation) Edvantia / ARCC WVDE Office of Assessments/Research HEPC …to conduct annual and longitudinal study on the impact of this program on student achievement and post-secondary success

43 LINKS Student Advisement Program Lessons and Staff Training Collaborating with National Center for Family Literacy (Training and Evaluation) Edvantia / ARCC Roads to Success Fulfillment Fund Other state programs Career Cruising

44 Use of Technology in Career Exploration Career Cruising – 21 st Century Sites Kuder – 10 additional sites Other programs… WV Clearinghouse WV Education Planner

45 Future Goals Revise Policy 2315 Develop State School Counseling Model WV in Middle Tier (according to extensive study by the Center of School Counseling Outcome Research – U Mass Develop State Scope and sequence and web-based lessons. Revise LINKS Student Advisement Program Based on evaluation/feedback from Model Sites Finalize School Counseling Website Advisory Council???

46 Questions ?? Barbara Brady Ashcraft, MA, LPC School Counseling Coordinator WV Department of Education Bldg. 6, Room 221 1900 Kanawha Blvd. East Charleston, WV 25305-0330 Phone: 304-558-2348 Fax: 304-558-3946

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