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HOTLINE: 866.294.5565 The Value of internal Audit at Georgia Tech 1 Department of Internal Auditing.

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Presentation on theme: "HOTLINE: 866.294.5565 The Value of internal Audit at Georgia Tech 1 Department of Internal Auditing."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOTLINE: 866.294.5565 The Value of internal Audit at Georgia Tech 1 Department of Internal Auditing

2 HOTLINE: 866.294.5565 The value of Being an Internal Auditor Broad view of the entire institution Diverse work Exposure to all parts of organization Exposure to new technologies and practices and emerging issues Because we have an opportunity to help the organization and to make a difference 10/8/2015 2 Department of Internal Auditing

3 HOTLINE: 866.294.5565 A Layman's Statement about Internal Audit “As an internal auditor, I do for the officers and management of the university what they would do themselves, if they had the time. I act as senior management’s ‘eyes’ and ‘ears’ making sure that the Institute’s assets are protected and that we are being good stewards of the resources that have been entrusted to the Institute.” 10/8/2015 3 Department of Internal Auditing

4 HOTLINE: 866.294.5565 Internal Auditing at Georgia Tech Our mission defined…. 1.Conduct reviews and evaluations of management practices and procedures at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Reviews include but are not limited to: –The evaluation of internal control systems to determine their adequacy for the protection of institutional assets, the production of accurate reliable information, and to the assurance that institutional policies and procedures, state and federal laws, and contracts will policies are followed. –Make determinations as to whether the Institute resources( personnel, property, funds, etc.) are being utilized in an active, ethical and efficient manner, including the underlying causes of any inefficiencies are wasteful practices. –Make determinations as to whether desired results were benefits are being achieved from approved programs. –Formulate recommendations to management for improvement in, or correction of, practices and procedures. 10/8/2015Department of Internal Auditing 4

5 HOTLINE: 866.294.5565 Internal Auditing at Georgia Tech Continued… 2.Conduct special studies of procedural or problem areas as requested by appropriate levels of management. 3.Review information systems to ensure that they are adequately defined, properly justified, documented, and include the necessary internal controls. 4.Issue reports on the results of completed reviews, discuss the reports with appropriate levels of management, distribute them to the president and other levels of management as deemed appropriate. 10/8/2015Department of Internal Auditing 5

6 HOTLINE: 866.294.5565 Internal Auditing at Georgia Tech Continued… 5.Conduct follow-up on previously reported recommendations. 6.Serve as liaison with federal, state, and other audit agencies. 7.Operate independently of all Georgia Institute of Technology operational activities to ensure complete objectivity when conducting reviews of the valuations. 10/8/2015Department of Internal Auditing 6

7 HOTLINE: 866.294.5565 10/8/2015Department of Internal Auditing 7 Prevention Active promotion of internal control agenda Recommending preventive measures to the campus unit and advice in making changes Maintain objectivity while eliminating unnecessary organizational barriers Solution Target process improvements as a key goal Focus on Assessing Risk and Management’s Mitigation of Risk Work toward implementation of cost-beneficial internal controls & compliance Teamwork approach while maintaining objectivity and independent perspective Detection Focus on examination of past transactions Report past problems and recommend solutions Maintain rigid independence Advisory Defining process improvement opportunities, if seen By-product of internal control assessment but not focusing on internal controls Moving away from compliance auditing Active Passive Internal Control Business Performance Internal Audit Primary Mission Four Potential Orientations

8 HOTLINE: 866.294.5565 Audit Focus Peeling the onion 10/8/2015Department of Internal Auditing 8 Information GatheringMonitoring – General Awareness Informational Reviews –Surveying General Controls Audits of Compliance and ControlRisk Based AuditsProcess Improvement/Re-engineering Strategy/Solution Development

9 HOTLINE: 866.294.5565 IA Value as it Relates to Fraud 1.Information analysis expertise on large scale systems for examination of fraud signatures 2.Providing a collaborative and cooperative bridge for oversight, reporting, streamlined triage, and damage control of fraud incidents 3.Central focus for facilitation of fraud identification techniques specific to our infrastructure: a complex, dynamic, white collar environment 10/8/2015Department of Internal Auditing 9

10 HOTLINE: 866.294.5565 Resulting Value of our Audit Approach = “BUY-IN” Senior Management had a direct hand in identifying key areas of risk and setting the scope of reviews... = “BUY-IN” valuableusefulon-target focusing on what matters Audit Plan & Program seen as “valuable,” “useful,” “on-target,” focusing on what matters” Action PlanManagement Tool Action Plan becomes a “Management Tool” not just an audit report Guiding the organization in developing a plan to manage its risks Lead to centralized policy improvements 10/8/2015 10 Department of Internal Auditing

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