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Elementary Sharing Session Michele Fling – Wood County Schools Jessica Laslo – Ohio County Schools.

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1 Elementary Sharing Session Michele Fling – Wood County Schools Jessica Laslo – Ohio County Schools

2 Presenters Bridgeport Conference Center Michele Fling, MA, NCC, NCSC, LPC, ALPS School Counselor in Wood County Schools Lubeck & Madison Elementary Schools Jessica Laslo, M.Ed., NCC, LPC School Counselor in Ohio County Schools Madison Elementary School

3 West Virginia Professional School Counselor Standards Standard 1:Standard 1: Program Planning, Design and Management Standard 2:Standard 2: Program Delivery Standard 3:Standard 3: Data Driven Accountability and Program Evaluation Standard 4:Standard 4: Leadership and Advocacy Standard 5:Standard 5: Professional Growth and Responsibilities

4 Annual Work Plan Components Standard Element Goal * Student Impact Goal * Program Goal Other Goals * Are required for new evaluation system

5 GOAL SETTING for Work Plan WORK PLAN FORM –Standard Element Goal (Based on self reflection using element rubrics) –Student Impact Goal (Using results of Student Impact Goal form) –Program Growth Goal (Based on Program Audit) –Any other goal related to School Counseling Program

6 Development of Work Plans

7 Standard Element Goal

8 Student Impact Goal A goal related to academic, career, and personal/social standards to change data that impact student achievement/success. Attendance/Tardies Discipline referrals Retentions Documented academic/career plans Parental engagement Graduation rates ….and so forth

9 Next we will share your goal related to the Program Audit you completed last fall. The audit should be Completed at the beginning of each school year to set goal and again at the end to determine program growth. NEXT SLIDE…

10 Program Growth Go al 1.Using a completed program audit (that you have completed), select a program component area for growth for the current year. 2.Work together to analyze your goal to ensure it is S.M.A.R.T. SPECIFIC MEASURABLE ATTAINABLE RESULTS ORIENTED TIMED

11 Lubeck School Profile Located outside of Parkersburg, WV PK-5 th ; about 450 students Non -Title I School 23 separate classes --% of students have free/reduced Days School Counselor present: Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays. On call by Principal as needed.

12 Madison School Profile Located in Parkersburg, WV PK-5 th ; about 325 students 14 separate classes Title I School ---% of students have free/reduced Days School Counselor present: Mondays & Tuesdays. On call by Principal as needed.

13 Standard Element Goal Goal: To improve the Comprehensive Developmental Guidance Program in both schools using the adopted curriculums. Programs used: Lubeck-Lions Quest, Madison-7 Habits of Happy Kids. From August 2012-May 2013, the School Counselor will coordinate with the school staff of Lubeck and Madison Schools a Comprehensive Developmental Guidance Plan which incorporates the use of the Lions Quest Program at Lubeck School and the 7 Habits of Happy Kids Program at Madison School.

14 Standard Element Goal Lessons will be created in the areas of Academic, Career, and Personal/Social for each grade level. A 7 Habit Concept will be covered each month at both schools. Lessons will be divided between school staff and school counselor. Progress will be monitored by the School Counseling Advisory Committee at both schools.

15 Student Impact Goal Goal: By January 2013, the School Counselor will create grade level Lunch Bunch Groups in grades 3, 4, & 5 focusing upon improving students self- esteem, school attendance & lower discipline referrals. Participation will be based upon a students amount of absences/tardies (+5), number of office referrals, parent & teacher recommendations. A Pre and Post test will be given which measures the amount of healthy self-esteem each student has. (The Way I Feel About Myself) This is the first year for this type of lunch bunch. It is a bi-weekly group.

16 Program Growth Goal Based on the outcomes of the School Counseling Program Audit at the end of 2012 for each school, a School Counseling Advisory Committee for both schools (Lubeck & Madison) will be created during the 2012-2013 school year. Each committee will meet three times during the year to review the progress of the School Counseling Program goals.

17 Madison School Profile Located in inner city, Wheeling Island, Wheeling, WV PK-5 th ; about 290 students High percentage of single parent homes or grandparents raising children High rate of drug/alcohol abuse and incarceration of parents 100% of students have free/reduced High frequency of CPS reports 2012-2013 Title I Distinguished School

18 Goal 1 Focus on Improving Attendance By September 1, 2012, the school counselor will meet individually with all 5 th grade students to set attendance goals that show improvement from the previous years attendance. Each 9-weeks, the school counselor will provide attendance reports to each 5 th grade student, so that students can monitor goal progress.

19 Goal 2 Focus on improving parent involvement No later than May 2013, the school counselor will coordinate with Title I staff to host Family Dinner Nights, by grade level, for grades K-5. The family dinner nights will follow this format: meal, educational component (focus on 7 Habits of Happy Kids and math), and family game time.

20 Tier 1 (All students) Academic and Behavioral Resources Co-teaching PLC bi-weekly Teacher study/support groups Anchor (after school) Attendance care calls Too Good for Drugs Second Step Keep a Clear Mind NetSmartz Family dinner nights Gold Star (PBS) D.A.R.E Lunch Buddy Program

21 Tier 2 (At-risk students) Academic and Behavioral Resources SAT SPL (RtI) Tier pull-out interventions Extended day tutoring Homework time Juvenile Mediation Program Extended Year KOOL Kids Program (middle school transition) Save One Students (mentoring) Weekend Snack Bag Program Group counseling- Bullfrogs & Butterflies Afterschool Program

22 Tier 3 (High-risk students) School-Based Mental Health Resources CHOICES Program (since 2002) Group, Individual & Family Therapy in coordination with Northwood Health Systems A Center for HOPE & Change (est. 2012) Intensive individual and family counseling/ trauma therapy

23 Web LINKS School Counseling Website Protocols LINKS Program LINKS NetWorth NetsSmart – aligned with school counseling standards Group Guidance Lessons Guidance Curriculum

24 Thank You! Michele Fling Elementary School Counselor Lubeck & Madison Elementary Schools Wood County Schools (304) 863-3321 Jessica Laslo Title I Home School Intervention Counselor Madison Elementary School Ohio County Schools (304) 243-0367

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