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Aquarium Lab Setting up and maintaining a healthy aquarium.

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1 Aquarium Lab Setting up and maintaining a healthy aquarium

2 Safety  Electricution!!!!!!!!! Need Drip Loops on plugs  Glass aquariums can break  Slipping on water on the floor  Cleanliness

3 Cleaning  Siphon out the water and remove contents  Do not use chemicals (soap, Windex) to clean in or outside-residues can remain in scratches (NO Windex near tanks!)  Rinse anything you clean and soak in water to avoid tank contamination  Maintaining Cleanliness Don’t overfeed your fish! Don’t overfeed your fish! Make a 25% water change once a month Make a 25% water change once a month Vacuum gravel periodically Vacuum gravel periodically

4 Tank Set-up  Situate tank where it will stay before adding anything!  Add in gravel, water, decor, then fish  Use natural or aquarium decor- simulate habitat  Gravel should be coral, sand, or any aquarium-grade rock.  ALWAYS add water conditioner to remove chlorine & chloramine from tap water

5 Light  Natural lighting is best for fish  Florescent/UV/LED lights are also acceptable  Black lights can be harmful

6 Hood/Cover  Aquariums must be covered so that fish don’t leap out and so that water doesn’t evaporate as quickly.  A hood can also house the lighting  Be careful not to get the light in the water or water in the light….electrocution!!!

7 Air  Aquatic organisms breathe dissolved oxygen  Air must be pumped in with a compressor or can be put in with a powered filter  Air stones increase surface area of bubbles & O2 content

8 Temperature  Most fish can live at a range of 72-80 F (22-27 C)  An aquarium heater can be placed in tanks that need higher temperatures (tropicals)

9 3 types of Filtration  Biological filtration Created by bacteria in gravel and on fish Beneficial bacteria breaks down waste products in the nitrogen cycle Fish food (protein N)  Ammonia/ fish waste (NH 3 )  Nitrite (NO 2 )  Nitrate (NO 3 )  H 2 0 change Use an under gravel filter to facilitate bacterial growth

10 Filtration  Mechanical filtration Removes accumulated solids (mulm) from aquarium Usually accomplished with mesh in an electric pump Can also be manually removed with a gravel vacuum

11 Filtration  Chemical filtration Purifies water using activated carbon-dissolved impurities are absorbed by holes in carbon Activated carbon must be replaced Minimize use of chemical/medicines to rid tank of problems

12 Water tests  pH Measures acidity or alkalinity of water Range FW 6.6-7.6 SW 7.8-8.4 A buffer can be added in to maintain a pH or make a 25% water change If pH is too high/basic – lower pH Peat moss pH decreasing chemical from pet store If pH is too low/acidic – increase pH Baking soda: has bicarbonate ions which is a base

13 Water tests  Ammonia  Nitrite  Nitrate- Released from gills of fish and decaying wastes Range should be 0 ppm Change 25% of water or replace carbon to lower level

14 Conditioning period  A conditioning (waiting) period of 1 week should be allowed for new tank without a natural bacteria population established  Seed with old gravel

15 Saltwater   Saltwater can be obtained from the ocean or from a salt mix Concentration: 32 ppt Specific gravity = 1.021 - 1.024 ½ cup marine salt / gallon   Freshwater- add 1 tsp / 5 gallons for health

16 Water level   Add water to within 1’’ of top   Water must be added every so often due to evaporation  !  Don’t forget water conditioner !

17 Aquatic Organisms

18 How to buy   Find a reputable fish dealer and establish a buyer relationship   Never buy from a tank with dead or sick-looking fish   Be sure to ask questions- these guys are experts!

19 How many?  General rule- 1 inch of fish/gallon Ex. A 30 gal tank can have: Ex. A 30 gal tank can have: 1- 30 inch fish 1- 30 inch fish 2-15 inch fish 2-15 inch fish 3-10 inch fish 3-10 inch fish 30-1 inch fish 30-1 inch fish

20 What to get?   Freshwater: Plecostamus (sucker fish) Tetra Platties Guppies Mollies Beta Gouramis Danios Tiger Barbs Bala & Red Tail Sharks Catfish Angel fish NO CICHLIDS!!!!   Saltwater: Damsels Tangs Wrasse Puffers (brackish-low salt) Snow Flake Eels Crab Shrimp   Try to utilize all the areas in your tank by adding fish that live in different parts of the water column Ex. a bottom feeder (scavenger), a mid-water swimmer, a top feeder Helpful Websites profiles.htm Fish_c_15.html

21 How to add?   Dumping fish in your tank from a bag can shock them   Float the bag for 15-20 minutes to gradually adjust the temperature   Then, pour out half of the water in the bag and add in water from your tank After 15-20 more minutes the fish should be acclimated to your tank   Also, feed the resident organisms in the tank as you are releasing new fish from a bag, to keep them preoccupied This allows the new fish to enter gently, without being harassed by current resident “bullies”

22 How much to feed? How much to feed?   Feed fish only what they will consume in 5 minutes, twice a day (once for us)-cover food!   Remove excess food, so as not to pollute the tank   One day of fasting is recommended (feed 6 out of 7 days)

23   Signs Clamped fins, fins held close to the body Frayed fins Bloating Enlargement of the eyes Erratic swimming and shimmying Drifting close to the bottom or gasping for air at surface Scraping themselves on plants or filters Loss of appetite White spots on fins or body Parasites on body Cottonlike patches on fins or body Fish that are normally active remaining still   If an organism appears sick, it should be removed from the tank so as not to contaminate the rest of the organisms   A separate “hospital” tank can be set up to help or medicate a fish Sickness

24 Plants?   Just like land plants, aquatic plant need natural light to survive, as well as minerals from a substrate   Aquatic plants are often hard to maintain without adequate lighting and can deteriorate in your tank   My advice……. Go plastic!

25 Substrates  Fill tank ¼ inch  Coral gravel Crushed coral; porous Crushed coral; porous Easy to clean Easy to clean Inexpensive Inexpensive Bacteria growth Bacteria growth  Flourite Enhanced with nutrients to sustain plants Enhanced with nutrients to sustain plants  Sand

26  *Safety!!!!*   Pull out all décor clean/rinse, and put on table   Wash and rinse out the empty aquarium. Do not allow any gravel to go down the drain!   Wipe off the lid. Plug it in and make sure the light works.   Wash the filter. Remove as much algae as possible.   Wash any gravel you want to use thoroughly before you put it in your aquarium. Do not allow any gravel to go down the drain!   Put the gravel in the aquarium.   Fill the aquarium with water.   Attach the filter to the side of the aquarium. Prime it (put water in it). Plug it in to see if it works.   Wash and rinse any and all toys you plan on putting in your aquarium.   Place them in the aquarium. Remember, fish like “structure” so that they can hide and play!   Get an air compressor, hose and air stone from me. Use only hose to allow you to put the air stone on the bottom where you want it. Plug in the air compressor.   Put the lid on your aquarium and allow to set up.   If you have a marine aquarium, add 2 boxes of salt and check the level daily. Use a hydrometer to measure the salt levels. The recommended specific gravity is 1.020 to 1.024. Set Up Day 1

27 Day 2  Drain 50%  Refill  Add water conditioner

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