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Parenting Gifted Children Susan Zimlich University of Alabama Fall 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Parenting Gifted Children Susan Zimlich University of Alabama Fall 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parenting Gifted Children Susan Zimlich University of Alabama Fall 2008

2 Renzulli Three Ring Conception of Giftedness

3 Definition of Giftedness Identification Who? What? When? Where How? Aptitude/Ability Characteristics Work samples Services Why?

4 Bright versus Gifted Learners High Achievers/School Smart Knows the answer Receptive to new ideas Interested in learning Copies accurately Attentive in class Enjoys school Loves the teacher Absorbs information Has good ideas Is a technician of ideas Answers questions Is a good mentor Loves to memorize Completes the assignment Enjoys a straightforward, sequential presentation Gifted Learners/ Out of the Box Asks the questions Is intense about learning Highly curious Creates a new way Mentally and physically involved Enjoys learning Loves ideas Manipulates ideas Has wild, silly ideas Invents ideas Elaborates Is a good guesser Loves to think and ponder Initiates projects Thrives on complexity

5 Issues with Gifted Children Perfectionism Underachievement/ Motivation Affective/Social Emotional Issues Precociousness Unequal Development Profoundly Gifted Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Twice Exceptional Academic Issues Acceleration Compacting Ability grouping Accommodations Differentiation

6 Resources & Organizations on the Web National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Hoagies' Gifted Education Page National Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development Duke TIP

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