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M ONITORING AND EVALUATION OF THE TITLE I SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAM Title I Directors Conference March 9, 2010 Waterfront Place.

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Presentation on theme: "M ONITORING AND EVALUATION OF THE TITLE I SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAM Title I Directors Conference March 9, 2010 Waterfront Place."— Presentation transcript:

1 M ONITORING AND EVALUATION OF THE TITLE I SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAM Title I Directors Conference March 9, 2010 Waterfront Place

2 M ONITORING AND E VALUATION OF THE T ITLE I S CHOOLWIDE P ROGRAM Main Purpose Title I regulations require a school operating a schoolwide program to annually evaluate the implementation of, and results achieved by, the schoolwide program.

3 M ONITORING AND E VALUATION OF THE T ITLE I S CHOOLWIDE P ROGRAM Main Purpose The annual evaluation must determine whether the schoolwide program was effective in increasing the achievement of students in meeting the States academic standards.

4 M ONITORING AND E VALUATION OF THE T ITLE I S CHOOLWIDE P ROGRAM Additional Purposes Assist school leaders in making informed decisions Answer stakeholder questions Increase understanding of specific strategies Promote interest in and support of a program or activity

5 I DENTIFYING Q UESTIONS TO A SK Two Types of Questions Is the program/strategy being implemented as intended? Did the achievement of students increase to the desired level?

6 E XAMPLE Goal: Mayberry Elementary School will increase the percentage of students attaining mastery in reading /language arts. Objective: The percentage of students obtaining mastery in reading/language arts will increase 2% annually as evidenced by the WESTEST 2.

7 S TRATEGIES 1) Organize the school staff into PLCs with daily common planning periods. 2) Provide professional development for teachers in deconstructing CSOs and developing common assessments. 3) Deconstruct the CSOs and develop common assessments. 4) Administer Acuity benchmark assessments quarterly.

8 D ETERMINE P ERSON ( S ) R ESPONSIBLE School must decide collaboratively with the district how the evaluation will be conducted. Choices of method of evaluation Internally Externally

9 E VALUATION /R EVIEW P ROCESS Step 1 Identify the schools main purpose and intended audiences

10 E VALUATION /R EVIEW P ROCESS Step 2 Identify the review questions based on goals, objectives, and strategies Key review points Input Activities Short term impacts Long term impacts

11 E VALUATION /R EVIEW P ROCESS Step 3 Identify data collection instruments Quantitative Qualitative

12 E VALUATION /R EVIEW P ROCESS Step 4 Collect data

13 E VALUATION /R EVIEW P ROCESS Step 5 Analyze and interpret results

14 E VALUATION /R EVIEW P ROCESS Step 6 Develop a written report (continued)

15 E VALUATION /R EVIEW P ROCESS Step 6 (continued) Content of report Background information about the school Evaluation questions Procedures for gathering data Findings from data analysis Conclusion and recommendations for improvement (continued)

16 E VALUATION /R EVIEW P ROCESS Step 6 (continued) Present the report to staff, parents and community members

17 U TILIZATION OF THE P ROGRAM E VALUATION /R EVIEW Use the findings and recommendations to identify the parts of the schoolwide plan that have been implemented ineffectively or not at all. Solicit the input of all stakeholders in identifying more effective strategies to achieve identified goals.

18 U TILIZATION OF THE P ROGRAM E VALUATION /R EVIEW Identify any additional training that is needed to improve implementation. Determine if additional resources are needed to implement the revised improvement plan and, if so, how they will be obtained.

19 U TILIZATION OF THE P ROGRAM E VALUATION /R EVIEW Re-establish responsibilities and timelines for implementing the revised plan. Communicate to all stakeholders what has been incorporated into the revised plan. Review the implementation review design that was used and make changes as appropriate to reflect plan modifications in preparation for the following years evaluation.


21 A DDITIONAL S UPPORT Melissa Godfrey Jane Massi

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