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Programs and Research The library and the network: a perspective Lorcan Dempsey OCLC Arlington County Virginia All Staff Day 1 December 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Programs and Research The library and the network: a perspective Lorcan Dempsey OCLC Arlington County Virginia All Staff Day 1 December 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programs and Research The library and the network: a perspective Lorcan Dempsey OCLC Arlington County Virginia All Staff Day 1 December 2006

2 Programs and research 2 Credits  Thanks to Joanne Cantrell for the slides reporting the Perceptions report.  Thanks to Alane Wilson and George Needham for some input and a couple of perceptions slides. The self-service grocery picture is George’s.  The perceptions report is at  Minitex figures from Bill De John.

3 Programs and research 3 “Putting the world within reach” Arlington County Department of Libraries Even the most misfitting child Who's chanced upon the library's worth, Sits with the genius of the Earth And turns the key to the whole world. Ted Hughes ‘Hear it again’ New Library: The People's Network

4 Programs and research 4 Perceptions

5 Programs and research 5 A homework interlude  Eoghan

6 Programs and research 6

7 7 His view of the library ….  Books  Complex/fragmented  Low gravitational pull  Wants to get to ‘fit for purpose’ material quickly “Why isn’t the library stuff in Wikipedia?”

8 Programs and research 8 Books, books, books, rows and rows of books, stacks of books, tables filled with books, people holding books, people checking out books. Libraries are all about books. That is what I think and that is what I will always think. 41-year-old from Canada Books

9 Programs and research 9 “ I think the public libraries provide a very good service to the public but with using the computer it makes it easier for me to find information I would need on the internet without having to leave my home.” 54-year old from Canada

10 Programs and research 10 What is the first thing you think of when you think of the library? Q807 69%

11 Programs and research 11 Total Respondents – Visits to the Public Library

12 Programs and research 12 …is the information you get from library sources more or less trustworthy than information you get from search engines?

13 Programs and research 13 Total Respondents - Satisfaction with overall experience provided by librarian vs. search engine Q665 and 1050

14 Programs and research 14 “Lifestyle fit” of information sources among total respondents Q1345

15 Programs and research 15 The Library’s role in the community among U.K. respondents Note: Graph represents those who “Completely agree” or “Agree” with the statements about their library. 75+%

16 Programs and research 16 Remarks: Perceptions  Books and place brand  Library digital resources:  Awareness?  Fit with lifestyle?  Trustworthiness?  Satisfaction?  What is distinctive impact?

17 Programs and research 17 The network rewrites the library?

18 Programs and research 18 First a comment on users  Library enthusiasts  Worker bees  Drive in users  Library  Place  Services Deff study{B8D2E65C-665F-48E7-A60B-5C10762F88E4} Self image based on …?

19 Programs and research 19 Attention  Then  Resources scarce, attention abundant  Now  Attention scarce, resources abundant Competition for attention

20 Programs and research 20  Then  Visible mediation  Now  Self service, invisible mediation

21 Programs and research 21  Then  Figure out what you want. Precise search.  Now  Broad and refine.

22 Programs and research 22

23 Programs and research 23  Then  Expertise, place, services: vertically organized around collections?  Now  Expertise, place, services, collections slide away from each other and are reconfigured ….?  Work together powerfully but may also be presented individually

24 Programs and research 24 Library Place System/ Service CollectionsExpertise

25 Programs and research 25 Expertise  Visible  Assistance  Partners in learning  Partners in personal development  Youth?  Invisible  Fit for purpose information resources  Network services

26 Programs and research 26 Place  Self service  Guided  Available for consultancy  Third place  Learning place  Community fabric  At home  Youth?

27 Programs and research 27

28 Programs and research 28 example  Local history – then and now  Pamphlets, parish newsletters, local organizations, papers, …  Local history - now  Websites  Photographs  Flash drive  ….

29 Programs and research 29 Westerville Public Library

30 Programs and research 30

31 Programs and research 31 Services Self service Lifestyle e.g. Audio Workflow

32 Programs and research 32

33 Programs and research 33 Change 1.Adding value: synthesise, specialise, mobilise 2.Gravitational pull: the long tail revisited

34 Programs and research 34 Adding value

35 Programs and research 35 Robin Murray

36 Programs and research 36 Synthesise, local

37 Programs and research 37 Synthesise, local

38 Programs and research 38 Synthesise, local

39 Programs and research 39 Synthesise, network

40 Programs and research 40 Synthesise, network

41 Programs and research 41 Synthesise, network

42 Programs and research 42 Synthesise, network

43 Programs and research 43 Synthesise, regional

44 Programs and research 44 Synthesise, network

45 Programs and research 45 Synthesise, network

46 Programs and research 46 Synthesise, regional

47 Programs and research 47

48 Programs and research 48 Synthesise, data

49 Programs and research 49

50 Programs and research 50

51 Programs and research 51 Mobilize, local

52 Programs and research 52 Mobilize Specialize

53 Programs and research 53

54 Programs and research 54

55 Programs and research 55

56 Programs and research 56 Specialize, Local

57 Programs and research 57 Mobilize, Local Mobilize

58 Programs and research 58 Gravitational pull

59 Programs and research 59 URL is the currency of the web

60 Programs and research 60 The long tail Impact? Systemwide efficiences Aggregation of supply Unified discovery Low transaction costs Aggregation of demand

61 Programs and research 61 Minitex: impact of improved access to discovery and request  “In fiscal year 2004, the Gateway generated 115,696 requests; in fiscal year 2005, the Gateway generated 158,415 requests; and in fiscal year 2006, the Gateway generated 375,198 requests. That FY06 figure is an increase of 224% from FY04!” (patron and librarian generated requests)  40% for media materials (Thanks to Bill DeJohn for these figures)

62 Programs and research 62 The Tri-College Library Consortium experience From Library Buildings and the Building of a Collaborative Research Collection at the Tri-College Library Consortium (2003) Rates of Borrowing from Non-Home Campuses Patron’s Campus Pre-Tripod 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Bryn Mawr 23% 32% 30% 30% 32% 32%29% 31% Haverford 26% 28% 25% 25% 30% 30%29% 37% Swarthmore 7% 12% 11% 17% 15% 19%19% 20%

63 Programs and research 63

64 Programs and research 64

65 Programs and research 65

66 Programs and research 66

67 Programs and research 67

68 Programs and research 68  Attention  Where are your users?  Adding value: synthesise, specialize, mobilize  Getting into the user flow on the network  Place, expertise, collections, services

69 Programs and research 69

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