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The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures Fourth Edition CHAPTER 15 Wars of Religion and the Clash of Worldviews 1560–1648 Copyright © 2012 by Bedford/St.

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Presentation on theme: "The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures Fourth Edition CHAPTER 15 Wars of Religion and the Clash of Worldviews 1560–1648 Copyright © 2012 by Bedford/St."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures Fourth Edition CHAPTER 15 Wars of Religion and the Clash of Worldviews 1560–1648 Copyright © 2012 by Bedford/St. Martin’s Lynn Hunt Thomas R. Martin Barbara H. Rosenwein Bonnie G. Smith

2 I. Religious Conflicts Threaten State Power, 1560–1618 A. French Wars of Religion, 1562–1598 1. Religious Division in the Nobility 2. St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, 1572 3. Henry IV and the Edict of Nantes


4 I. Religious Conflicts Threaten State Power, 1560–1618 B. Dutch Revolt against Spain 1. Phillip II, the Catholic King 2. The Revolt of the Calvinists 3. The Dutch Republic



7 I. Religious Conflicts Threaten State Power, 1560–1618 C. Elizabeth I’s Defense of English Protestantism 1. Puritanism and the Church of England 2. Triumph over Spain 3. English Power and Succession



10 I. Religious Conflicts Threaten State Power, 1560–1618 D. The Clash of Faiths and Empires in Eastern Europe 1. Ivan IV and the Expansion of Russia 2. Poland-Lithuania and Noble Influence


12 II. The Thirty Years’ War, 1618–1648 A. Origins and Course of the War 1. The Breakdown of the Peace of Augsburg 2. The War Escalates 3. Gustavas Adolphus and French Intervention

13 II. The Thirty Years’ War, 1618–1648 B. The Effects of Constant Fighting 1. Civilians 2. Soldiers

14 II. The Thirty Years’ War, 1618–1648 C. The Peace of Westphalia, 1648 1. The Winners and Losers 2. Growth of State Authority 3. The New Monarchies



17 III. Economic Crisis and Realignment A. From Growth to Recession 1. Inflation and Deficits 2. The Decline in Trade and Agricultural Prices 3. Causes of the Recession

18 III. Economic Crisis and Realignment B. Consequences for Daily Life 1. Famine and Disease 2. The Changing Status of the Peasantry 3. Effects on Marriage and Childbearing

19 III. Economic Crisis and Realignment C. The Economic Balance of Power 1. Regional Differences 2. Competition in the New World


21 IV. The Rise of Science and a Scientific Worldview A. The Scientific Revolution 1. The Revolution in Astronomy 2. Breakthroughs in Medicine

22 IV. The Rise of Science and a Scientific Worldview A. The Scientific Revolution (cont.) 3. Scientific Method: Bacon and Descartes 4. Newton and the Consolidation of the Scientific Revolution

23 IV. The Rise of Science and a Scientific Worldview B. The Natural Laws of Politics 1. Bodin and the Search for Political Order 2. Grotius and Natural Law

24 IV. The Rise of Science and a Scientific Worldview C. The Arts in an Age of Crisis 1. Theater in the Age of Shakespeare 2. Mannerism and the Baroque in Art 3. Opera

25 IV. The Rise of Science and a Scientific Worldview D. Magic and Witchcraft 1. Witchcraft and Popular Belief 2. Witchcraft and Official Persecution



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