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ART: PERSPECTIVE DREW, DANNY, DORJEY. Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446)

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Presentation on theme: "ART: PERSPECTIVE DREW, DANNY, DORJEY. Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446)"— Presentation transcript:




4 Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446)

5 Brunelleschi’s First Perspective Drawing

6 Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472)

7 Alberti’s Pavement Perspective


9 Early History Nebamun Hunting, c.1350 BC

10 Early History Weighing of the Heart, c.1250 BC

11 Early History Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, c.1000 AD

12 Duccio The Calling of the Apostles, c.1308

13 Giotto Jesus Before Caiaphus,1305

14 Masaccio and Masolino, 1425 Masaccio's Holy Trinity

15 Masaccio and Masolino, 1425 Masolino's The Healing of the Cripple and the Raising of Tabitha

16 Masaccio and Masolino, 1425

17 Masaccio and Masolino: The Spark of the Renaissance Tribute Money, 1427

18 Masaccio and Masolino: The Spark of the Renaissance Feast of Herod, 1435

19 Perspective in the Renaissance Perugino's Delivery of the Keys, 1481

20 Perspective in the Renaissance Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper, c.1495

21 Perspective in the Renaissance Raphael's School of Athens, 1510

22 Raphael's School of Athens

23 Moving Forward

24 Perspective in the Modern World Two ways how perspective is used today 1.Design 2.Illusion

25 Perspective “The art of drawing solid objects on a two dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height. Width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.” – Art Definition. “A graphical scheme which enables the artist to put on canvas the scene in front of him in a true and objective manner.” – Maor’s Definition

26 Design Few of the many fields within Designing: Computer Designing Architecture Designing Art Designing (Street Art )

27 Illusion Created by using people’s perspective by: Adding Depth/Depth manipulation of the different perspectives Adding “movement” (higher resolution) in computer designing

28 Different Perspectives One Point Perspective Two Point Perspective Three point perspective

29 One Point Perspective Two parallel lines converge at point infinity

30 Two Point Perspective Contains 2 Vanishing points at infinity Most Paintings and Drawings contain Two Point Perspective

31 Three Point Perspective Most relevant and most used perspective Used in Video Games, Movies and even Cartoons

32 Perspective in Computer Designing Uses pixels to digitalize images. Pole Position, uses One Point Perspective.Need For Speed, uses Three Point Perspective.

33 Perspective in Architecture Design

34 Perspective in Art Design (Street Art)

35 Street Art (cntd.)

36 Connection of Art to Infinity

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