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France Wars of History from The Renaissance till Present Day Corrine Hertz 2 nd period Ms. Munley.

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1 France Wars of History from The Renaissance till Present Day Corrine Hertz 2 nd period Ms. Munley

2 Hundred Years War (England vs. France) (1337- 1453) England wanted to rule France- at the time was divided and weak. This set the siege for war. Black Plague struck Europe-1348 third of population died. 1398- Charles IV dies with no heir, causes concern who will rule The result was both countries started to build standing armies and to develop a modern state to maintain boundaries. In 1429- Joan of Arc began to unite the French with the future King Charles VII and drove the English out of France but by 1431 she was captured by the British and burned at the stake Battles: Crecy (1346) Calais (1347) Poitiers (1356) Agincourt (1415) Battle of Castillon (1453) English are finally defeated "Hundred Years' War."

3 Thirty Years War (1618-1648) At the start of the Renaissance was also the emergence of the ancient regime, which was lead by Francis I Four different phases of the war: Bohemian 1618-1621, Palatinate 1621-1624, Danish 1625-1630, and the Swedish 1630-1634 Until the Peace of Prague, France played a minimal part On 24 October, 1648 the Peace of Westphalia was signed, ending the Thirty Years War. The French gained Alsace.

4 Reformation Peace at Augsburg At first France sat on the sidelines, but under Cardinal Richelieu it saw an opportunity to advance its own interests at the expense of the Habsburgs. Despite France's staunch Catholicism it intervened on the side of the Protestants. The Thirty Years' War was long and extremely bloody, but France and its allies came out winning. After the defeat of Spain in these two wars, France emerged as the dominant European power.

5 War of Spanish Succession (1701-1714) 1713 Treaty of Utrecht under Phillip V of Spain, announced himself the right to the French Throne 1714 The Treaty of Rastatt ended friction between France and Austria Helped the outburst for the French Revolution

6 War of Austrian Succession (1740-1748) War of Jenkins France, Prussia, Spain, and Saxony were against Austria and Britain Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle The signing of the treaty, dictated by France and Britain the French were forced into a retreat ended by defeat at the battle of Dettingen in 1743 but in 1745 the French were victorious at the battle of Fontenoy against the British

7 Seven Years War 1756-1763 First was the conflicts between Austria and Prussia The fighting started with Fredrick II of Prussia invasion and defeat of Saxony in 1756 France signed the Treaty of Paris ending the Seven Years' War, resulting in a major halt on French colonial wealth. Defeat meet the French in naval battles against British fleets The winners were England in the American colonies and Prussia became a power house in Europe

8 American Revolution (1775-1783) An alliance was made between the Americans and the France in 1778 to fight the British. Cornwallis surrenders on October 19, 1781 in Virginia. Treaty of Paris is signed on September 3, 1783.

9 French Revolution (1789-1792) Storming the Bastille-July 14, 1789 Revolutionary Paris sections took over the convention The Reign of terror 1793-94 was supported by the Girondins and Jacobins, this was marked by massive executions of from the guillotine

10 2010 summer trip to Versailles in Paris, Home to the first estate

11 French Revolutionary Wars (1792- 1797)

12 Napoleonic Wars Europe vs. France (1805-1815) The war of the Third Coalition (1805-1807) The Peninsular War (1807-1814) The Wars of liberation (1813-1814) Battle of Waterloo (June 18, 1815) Went into Russia and Napoleon left his troops to the winter storms and lack of supplies

13 World War I (1914-1918) brought great losses of troops and resources. Post war, France established an elaborate system of border defenses, the Maginot Line and alliances like the Little Entente against German strength. France had fears from the treaty of Versailles All of WWI was fought on French soil, Trenches were built lines were drawn

14 Europe post-WWI and post WWII Western countries of UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy mostly stay unchanged

15 World War II (1939-1945) France surrendered to Nazi Germany early, June 24, 1940. Nazi Germany occupied three fifth of France's territory Not until 1944 did the Free French and allied forces liberate France Paris on August 25, 1944 President De Gaulle set up a high provisional government until the end of the war

16 Works Cited "France." Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 19 Mar. 2011.. "France." New World Encyclopedia. 2008 ed. New World Encyclopedia. Web. 19 Mar. 2011. "French History." bon jour la france. 2011. Web. 19 Mar. 2011.. "Hundred Years' War." The Other Side. Invicta Media, 3 Nov. 2003. Web. 19 Mar. 2011.. Notes from in Class Writing

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