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A DPI/DNR Perspective of NAFE DPI run a field based program call Key Sites. Its Objective is to collected detailed field measurements to validate models.

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Presentation on theme: "A DPI/DNR Perspective of NAFE DPI run a field based program call Key Sites. Its Objective is to collected detailed field measurements to validate models."— Presentation transcript:

1 A DPI/DNR Perspective of NAFE DPI run a field based program call Key Sites. Its Objective is to collected detailed field measurements to validate models. (8 sites across NSW) NAFE falls generally into this category, and both projects have potential to value add to each other. Both departments have a history of undertaking fundamental research programs. DPI/DNR pride themselves on being good hosts to other organisations researching in our catchments.

2 Kyeamba geology and lineaments Associated with saline outbreaks. Cresswell et al 2003. Livingstone Creek Key sites catchment

3 Livingstone Creek Groundwater Conceptualisation Variability of Terrain Hillslopes through to alluvial flats

4 Livingstone Creek (main field site area).

5 Possible areas of research interest Soil moisture availability throughout the whole catchment and how the Key sites point measurements can be extrapolated. (ie potential to address scaling issues). Can the method detect discharge or saline areas. Difference between vegetation impacts on soil moisture distribution.

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