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Communications and Collaboration Exploring communication methods People with whom you are corresponding and the topic of the correspondence determine.

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2 Communications and Collaboration

3 Exploring communication methods People with whom you are corresponding and the topic of the correspondence determine the method of electronic communication.

4 E-Mail Should be used when: the correspondence might need a paper trail the correspondence covers multiple points the correspondence needs to be accessed frequently

5 Instant messaging / Texting Best used when correspondence needs to be accessed in real time. Can send and receive messages from: Computer Cell phone Other mobile device

6 Teleconferencing Permit the live exchange and sharing of information between two or more people Can be audio or video Allow groups of people to communicate with each other online

7 Advantages of electronic communication Not restricted to a specific place and time Can use text and graphics Instantaneous Communication can be one to one one to many many to many

8 Advantages continued Cost is minimal or free Access is available from various devices Forwarding and routing of messages can be done in an instant

9 Group Communication options File sharing Blogs Wikis Discussion boards All of these options enable groups of people to contribute and receive information quickly with the ability to comment and see everyone’s comments.

10 Electronic communication problems Electronic communication is not without problems Discussion of the most common issues follow:

11 Lost internet connection To take advantage of the communication options you must be connected to the internet. There will be times when you lose your internet connection and Windows includes a troubleshooter for lost connection If the troubleshooter does not fix problem you may need to contact your internet service provider

12 E-mail software problems Service provider’s connection could be down Often waiting a few minutes to send or receive messages solves the problem

13 Common Problems with downloading and viewing email The size of the attachment might be the problem The virus software may detect issues with attachment Issue could be with the type of message—advertising or unrecognizable documents

14 EMAIL Communicating electronically

15 Email Requirements Computer ISP: Internet Service Provider Email Address

16 The Parts of an Email Address Username: jostudent ISP: @quest Domain: net No spaces between the 3 parts

17 Types of Domains.COM commercial.NET network.EDU educational.ORG Non-profit organization.MIL military.GOV government.INT international

18 What Can You Do With Email? Read it Reply to It Forward It Delete It Move or Save It Print It

19 Advantages of Email Information can be distributed faster to many people Quicker response time Saves Time and Money Time zones—No Problem Eliminates telephone tag Can read at one’s own convenience Messages composed and delivered any time regardless of holidays or weekends.

20 Disadvantages of Email Email is not private Permanent record of email message is stored-even deleted messages Email can be placed under subpoena Once sent, it cannot be retracted (there are exceptions) You lose control. Any email can be forwarded easily by the recipient to anyone the recipient chooses

21 Guidelines of Email One subject per message: ALWAYS USE SUBJECT LINE What would your reaction be to the message? Message needs to be correct, concise, and clear Maintain goodwill of recipient Use paragraphs Remember common courtesies like “Please” and “Thank you”

22 Signature Use signature on your messages Usernames can be anonymous Your personal business card @%@%@%@%@%@%@%@% Joe Student High School Student jstudent@mail.davis.k12.ut Punch it and its done! @%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%

23 Netiquette Proper protocol when using email What’s acceptable and what is not By using email you agree to abide by the protocol CAPS = shouting SPAM: unwelcome email and advertisements

24 Emoticons Transmits an emotion in email :) or :-) = happiness :( or :- ( = unhappiness :D or :-D = Laughter :O or :-O = Surprise, yelling or realization of an error ("uh oh!")

25 Acronyms Abbreviations used for common phrases. LOL = Laugh out loud TTYL = Talk to you later B4N = Bye for now ROTFL = rolling on the floor laughing Recipient needs to know the acronym’s meaning

26 Email Etiquette Email etiquette offers some guidelines to facilitate better communication between sender and reader.

27 What you don’t see is important In an email you can’t see some verbal and non-verbal communication that help us decode messages. Tone of Voice Hand Gestures Proximity to us

28 Time Frame to Respond to an Email? Emails should be responded to as quickly as possible. Make sure you give yourself enough time to research an issue, or to formulate a proper response Generally emails should be answered in the same time frame as a phone call.

29 Emails have Punctuation? Emails do have punctuation. Use standard punctuation that you would use in any other type of communication such as memos or letters Capitalize proper nouns Don’t abbreviate or use acronyms many people who use email don’t understand the acronyms Use appropriate end punctuation Spell Check

30 Subject Line The subject line lets readers know what the message is about. Emails should always have an appropriate subject line. Many people discard emails that do not have subject lines because they are generally regarded as SPAM.

31 Emails are not Private Emails are public documents and can be viewed by anyone. Once you send an email you have no control over who views it because it can be forwarded on to any number of people. Only put things in your email that you can openly defend should your message be circulated or shown to other people.

32 Flaming Flaming is a virtual term for venting emotion online or sending inflammatory emails. Flaming is inappropriate because once sent you cannot take your words back. Misinterpretations happen easily because you can’t see non-verbal expressions to help you understand the message content.

33 Flaming in an Email Before sending an inflammatory email ask yourself the following questions: Would I say this to this person face to face? Am I putting the receiver in an awkward position? How would I feel if I got this message?

34 When is Email not Appropriate? When it involves disciplinary action Conflicts about grades or personal information Concerns about fellow classmates/workmates Complaints


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