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Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 1 Vidzeme Planning Region.

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1 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 1 Vidzeme Planning Region

2 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 2 Vidzeme Planning Region

3 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 3 Alūksnes rajons

4 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 4 Madonas rajons

5 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 5 Gulbenes rajons

6 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 6 Cēsu rajons

7 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 7 Valmieras rajons

8 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 8 Valkas rajons

9 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 9 Alojas pilsēta

10 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 10 Vidzeme Planning Region:  Municipalities of Al ū ksne, C ē sis, Gulbene, Madona, Valka and Valmiera districts  15 346 (24% of the area of Latvia)  Population- 257 570 (11% of Latvia)  Almost 59% of people live in rural areas  No large cities; largest is Valmiera ~ 30 000  The the largest area under specially protected nature territoties

11 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 11 May 1999 – an agreement signed to establish the Vidzeme planning region  May 2000 – an Ltd non-profit organisation ”The Vidzeme Development Agency”- established as the planning region’s executive institution  A decision taken to change the legal status of the Ltd non-profit organisation to a public agency  2 nd April, 2003 – Vidzeme planning region’s Development Council elected

12 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 12 The Development Programme of Vidzeme Region approved by the VDA members’ meeting in November 2002

13 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 13 Structure of the Regional Development Programme of Vidzeme 3 parts: I –Baseline situation, SWOT, analysis of the region II – Strategy, measures, monitoring III – Project Book

14 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 14 Vision Vidzeme is a dynamic, competitive region of the European Union with a unique and diverse natural, cultural and historical heritage, a region where inhabitants can find labour and educational opportunities appropriate for their qualifications and personal growth, and where social and public services are well secured and available for everyone.

15 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 15 RDP Structure: Development Areas  Economic development and competitiveness  Development of human resources and facilitating employment  Development of infrastructure  Improvement of the environmental quality and conservation of cultural environment

16 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 16 Connection with SPD RDPSPD Economic Development and Competitiveness Raising regional competitiveness Intensification of entrepreneurial activities Increasing capacity of productive sectors 2 nd priority. Promotion of Enterprise and Innovation 2.1.Measures for applied R&D, innovation and technology transfer 2.3.Support for increasing competitiveness of enterprises 2.4.Accessibility to Finance for Businesses 4 th priority. Promotion of development of agriculture in Rural areas. 4.3. Processing and marketing of agricultural products

17 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 17 Connection with SPD RDPSPD Development of Human Resources and Facilitating Employment Attraction of human resources to the region Improved education opportunities 3 rd priority Development of Human Resources and Promotion of Employment

18 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 18 Connection with SPD RDPSPD Development of Infrastructure Raising regional competitiveness Intensification of entrepreneurial activities Increasing capacity of productive sectors 1st priority. Territorial Cohesion/Promotion of Sustainable Development 1.2.Development of Quality of Environment and Infrastructure 1.3.Development of accessibility and transport system 2nd priority. Promotion of Enterprise and Innovation 2.2. Support of business related infrastructure ICT- 1.4., 2.3., 4.1., 4.3.

19 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 19 Connection with SPD RDPSPD Improvement of the environmental quality and conservation of cultural environment 1st priority. Territorial Cohesion/Promotion of Sustainable Development 1.2.Development of Quality of Environment and Infrastructure 4 th priority. Promotion of development of agriculture in Rural areas 4.6.Development of sustainable forestry 4.7. Preservation of rural landscape

20 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 20 Priorities 1st priority - Raising regional competitiveness Support a shift towards manufacturing and services with a constantly increasing value-added Support to new competitive products and innovations

21 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 21 2nd priority – Intensification of entrepreneurial activities Develop Vidzeme into a region attractive for entrepreneurship Create a favourable environment for attracting investment

22 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 22 3rd priority - Increasing productive capacity towards development of sectors with higher value added Facilitate diversification of the productive sector for a shift towards a higher value added and raise awareness about advantages of knowledge-based economical activity.  Forestry and woodworking  Food processing industry  Processing of agricultural products  Tourism and related services  Non-traditional sectors of agriculture

23 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 23 Priorities 4th priority - Attraction of human resources to the region Facilitate development of high living standards by adequate social and administrative services Support use of information technologies in everyday life, especially in rural areas

24 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 24 5th priority - Improved education opportunities to meet the labour market needs Provide education opportunities for all residents of Vidzeme according to the demands of the labour market Facilitate job creation corresponding to educational opportunities

25 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 25 Priorities 6th Priority - Development of business-related infrastructure Provide a full accessibility to modern telecommunications all over the region Facilitate improvements of transportation infrastructure and its effective utilization Support freight traffic and public transportation, including transit, by development of multi-modal transportation corridors Facilitate development of service infrastructure and its accessibility

26 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 26 Priorities 7th Priority - Conservation of cultural and historical heritage, natural biodiversity and the region’s landscape Conserve the cultural landscape with the traditional settlement structure. Conserve biodiversity, maintain and develop the natural landscape characteristics of Vidzeme Facilitate a sustainable use of natural resources, promoting application of environment-friendly and up-to-date technologies.

27 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 27 Challenges A rather complicated structure of the RDP Target and indicator system still to be developed –for projects (a dialogue with project authors) –for the whole programme A constant need to refresh the RDP Immediate short-term priorities & commitment Partnership building

28 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 28

29 Vidzeme Development Agency 2003 29 Vidzeme Development Agency L āč pl ē ša 1 Valmiera LV-4201 Telephone/fax: 42 81 711 E-mail: The full version of The Development Programme of Vidzeme Region is available on the Vidzeme Development Agency web site: Vidzeme Development Agency L āč pl ē ša 1 Valmiera LV-4201 Telephone/fax: 42 81 711 E-mail: The full version of The Development Programme of Vidzeme Region is available on the Vidzeme Development Agency web site:

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