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Age of Imperialism 1872-1912. Why does this matter? During this era, economic and military competition from world powers convinced the United States that.

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Presentation on theme: "Age of Imperialism 1872-1912. Why does this matter? During this era, economic and military competition from world powers convinced the United States that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Age of Imperialism 1872-1912

2 Why does this matter? During this era, economic and military competition from world powers convinced the United States that it must become a world power. The United States became an empire when it acquired the Philippines and territory in the Caribbean. American influence in Central and South America grew as the US took a more active role in Latin American affairs. During this era, economic and military competition from world powers convinced the United States that it must become a world power. The United States became an empire when it acquired the Philippines and territory in the Caribbean. American influence in Central and South America grew as the US took a more active role in Latin American affairs.

3 Section 1: The Imperialist Vision In the years following the Civil War, most Americans were not interested in expanding territory past the ocean, but in the late 1800’s, opinions began to shift. Most people wanted the US to become a world power. Economic and military competition, as well as a feeling of cultural superiority led to this shift. In the years following the Civil War, most Americans were not interested in expanding territory past the ocean, but in the late 1800’s, opinions began to shift. Most people wanted the US to become a world power. Economic and military competition, as well as a feeling of cultural superiority led to this shift.

4 Vocabulary Imperialism: is the economic and political domination of a strong nation over a weaker nation. Imperialism: is the economic and political domination of a strong nation over a weaker nation. Protectorate: the imperial power allowed local rulers to stay in control and under protection as long as they took the advice of the imperial power. Protectorate: the imperial power allowed local rulers to stay in control and under protection as long as they took the advice of the imperial power.

5 In Europe: By the late 1800’s, most European countries had industrialized and were placing high tariffs against each other. By the late 1800’s, most European countries had industrialized and were placing high tariffs against each other. There was also a sudden shortage of natural resources since most of Europe had been industrialized. There was also a sudden shortage of natural resources since most of Europe had been industrialized. Countries began looking overseas to invest including Africa and Asia. Countries began looking overseas to invest including Africa and Asia.

6 Colonial Africa

7 In the United States… As the US industrialized, many Americans took a new interest in imperialism. Until the late 1800’s, American expansion had been west to the Pacific, but with the west filling up, many decided that the nation had to develop overseas markets to remain strong. As the US industrialized, many Americans took a new interest in imperialism. Until the late 1800’s, American expansion had been west to the Pacific, but with the west filling up, many decided that the nation had to develop overseas markets to remain strong.

8 Social Darwinism Many Social Darwinists believed that nations competed with each other politically, economically, and militarily and that only the strongest will survive. Many Social Darwinists believed that nations competed with each other politically, economically, and militarily and that only the strongest will survive. Historians like John Fiske took this one step farther and argued that English speaking nations had superior character, ideas, and systems of government and were destined to rule the planet. This idea was called Anglo-Saxonism and was popular because it went along with the idea of Manifest Destiny. Historians like John Fiske took this one step farther and argued that English speaking nations had superior character, ideas, and systems of government and were destined to rule the planet. This idea was called Anglo-Saxonism and was popular because it went along with the idea of Manifest Destiny.

9 Expansion in the Pacific Even before the era of imperialism, Americans had already begun expand across the Pacific. Even before the era of imperialism, Americans had already begun expand across the Pacific. Many American business leaders thought of Japan and their rulers, China, would be good for trade, but China and Japan were very worried about the western influence on their culture and only allowed other Chinese or Dutch to trade with them. Many American business leaders thought of Japan and their rulers, China, would be good for trade, but China and Japan were very worried about the western influence on their culture and only allowed other Chinese or Dutch to trade with them.

10 Expansion in the Pacific con’t After receiving several petitions from Congress, President Pierce decided to force Japan to trade with the US. He ordered Commodore Matthew C. Perry to take a naval expedition to Japan to negotiate a trade treaty. After receiving several petitions from Congress, President Pierce decided to force Japan to trade with the US. He ordered Commodore Matthew C. Perry to take a naval expedition to Japan to negotiate a trade treaty. On July 8, 1853, 4 American warships entered what is now called Tokyo Bay. On July 8, 1853, 4 American warships entered what is now called Tokyo Bay. Perry’s arrival impressed the Japanese and forced the Japanese to realize that they could not compete and they agreed to sign the treaty. Perry’s arrival impressed the Japanese and forced the Japanese to realize that they could not compete and they agreed to sign the treaty.

11 Matthew C.Perry

12 China and Japan

13 Hawaii As trade with China grew, people began looking at Hawaii…why? As trade with China grew, people began looking at Hawaii…why? Americans began settling in Hawaii and found the soil to be very fertile for growing sugarcane and established many sugar plantations Americans began settling in Hawaii and found the soil to be very fertile for growing sugarcane and established many sugar plantations In 1872, a severe recession hit, and in order to protect their economic status, the settlers asked for tariffs to be reduced. Congress agreed. In 1872, a severe recession hit, and in order to protect their economic status, the settlers asked for tariffs to be reduced. Congress agreed.

14 Hawaii The treaty also allowed the US to set up a base on the island (_________) The treaty also allowed the US to set up a base on the island (_________) Tensions began to increase between settlers and the monarchy in Hawaii. Tensions began to increase between settlers and the monarchy in Hawaii. McKinley Tariff- subsidies for sugar planters and no tariffs, but still Hawaii’s economy suffers. McKinley Tariff- subsidies for sugar planters and no tariffs, but still Hawaii’s economy suffers. Then, in 1891 Queen Liliuokalani came to the throne Then, in 1891 Queen Liliuokalani came to the throne

15 Queen Liliuokalani

16 The Queen tried to pass a law giving control of the government back to her. The Queen tried to pass a law giving control of the government back to her. Supported by Marines, a group of planters forced the Queen to give up power and set up a provisional government until they could be annexed to the US Supported by Marines, a group of planters forced the Queen to give up power and set up a provisional government until they could be annexed to the US Pres. Cleveland opposed imperialism and disagreed with the planters. Pres. Cleveland opposed imperialism and disagreed with the planters. They decided to wait until Cleveland was out of office, and eventually were annexed in 1897. They decided to wait until Cleveland was out of office, and eventually were annexed in 1897.

17 Trade and Diplomacy in Latin America Although the US bought most of its raw materials from Latin America, Latin America bought most of its goods from Europe. Although the US bought most of its raw materials from Latin America, Latin America bought most of its goods from Europe. Americans wanted 2 things Americans wanted 2 things Increase business dealings with Latin AmericaIncrease business dealings with Latin America Show Europe that the US was the dominant power in the region.Show Europe that the US was the dominant power in the region.

18 Pan-Americanism James G. Blaine was the Secretary of State who came up with the idea of Pan-Americanism. James G. Blaine was the Secretary of State who came up with the idea of Pan-Americanism. It was the idea that the US and Latin America should work together. It was the idea that the US and Latin America should work together. Eventually created the Pan American Union and the Organization of American States. Eventually created the Pan American Union and the Organization of American States.

19 Steps to being assertive in foreign affairs Step 1 Step 1 Decide you want to be assertiveDecide you want to be assertive Step 2 Step 2 Have a Captain (Alfred Mahan) write a book proving the strength of a modern navyHave a Captain (Alfred Mahan) write a book proving the strength of a modern navy Step 3 Step 3 Have a senator (Henry Cabot Lodge) and future president (Teddy Roosevelt) agreeHave a senator (Henry Cabot Lodge) and future president (Teddy Roosevelt) agree Step 4 Step 4 Have Congress agree and give funding for the beginning of a modern navyHave Congress agree and give funding for the beginning of a modern navy

20 Spanish American War In February 1898, The USS Maine exploded off the coast of Havana. The Spanish were blamed. In February 1898, The USS Maine exploded off the coast of Havana. The Spanish were blamed. Before this there was an uprising in Cuba, where the Americans supported the Cuban rebels against the Spanish because of the stories of Spanish atrocities (bad things they did) from major newspapers. This kind of sensationalist reporting became known as yellow journalism. Before this there was an uprising in Cuba, where the Americans supported the Cuban rebels against the Spanish because of the stories of Spanish atrocities (bad things they did) from major newspapers. This kind of sensationalist reporting became known as yellow journalism.

21 Cont’d Because of all the attention, the US decided to send the USS Maine into Havana in case Americans there needed to be evacuated. Soon after it exploded. Because of all the attention, the US decided to send the USS Maine into Havana in case Americans there needed to be evacuated. Soon after it exploded. A Commission decided Spain was to blame and America went to war. A Commission decided Spain was to blame and America went to war.

22 USS Maine

23 The War on Two Fronts The US took the Philippines at Manila Bay, led by George Dewey. On the way to the Philippines, the Americans also took Guam another Spanish territory in the Pacific. The US took the Philippines at Manila Bay, led by George Dewey. On the way to the Philippines, the Americans also took Guam another Spanish territory in the Pacific. In Cuba, American troops arrived including a group of people known as the Rough Riders, a mix of cowboys, miners, and law officers. Commander of the Rough Riders was Leonard Wood. 2nd in command was Theodore Roosevelt.. This group ended up assisting in the capture of San Juan. In Cuba, American troops arrived including a group of people known as the Rough Riders, a mix of cowboys, miners, and law officers. Commander of the Rough Riders was Leonard Wood. 2nd in command was Theodore Roosevelt.. This group ended up assisting in the capture of San Juan.

24 Treaty of Paris December 10, 1898: the Treaty of Paris ends the war. Cuba became an independent country. US acquired Puerto Rico and Guam and paid $20million for the Philippines. December 10, 1898: the Treaty of Paris ends the war. Cuba became an independent country. US acquired Puerto Rico and Guam and paid $20million for the Philippines. The US is now officially a world power. The US is now officially a world power.

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